Greetings All,
Welcome back to Penn Central Car Movements #79!!!
P.C.C.M. #79 a one weekend three layout virtual op focusing mainly on coal train operations on PC Ralph's Kings Port Division, Sir Neal's Atlantic Pacific RR and my N.Y.C.T.L. concludes today.
Freshly fueled GP7s are back on duty and pull out today's MR-1, a mine run to both T&R Gravel and Hudson Coal.
First stop is T&R Gravel to collect four PC PS-2 covered hoppers loaded with locomotive sand for the APRR Richmond Hill Engine Terminal in Rock Ridge NJ.
Four ballast hoppers for the APRR MOW Department also get pulled out of T&R Gravel.
MR-1 spots the PS-2s and ballast cars inside Hudson Coal before collecting the empty hoppers waiting on the yard lead.
MR-1 starts pulling all of the loaded hoppers out of Hudson Coal.
MR-1 makes the runaround move at Bedford Tower and shoves the empties towards Hudson Coal.
The empties get shoved in for loading.
The empties are spotted and the coal cycle continues once again.
The GP7s couple up to the loaded hoppers waiting on the mainline.
No waiting today. MR-1 heads back to Terminal Yard.
MR-1 is back in the yard rolling across the weight in motion scale. Engine hostler Wet Willie has a six unit power set idling on track #1.
The yard job pulls off the caboose and the Kar Knocker is ready to blue flag and inspect the train. Benny, Chooch, Easy and TC from the Kings Port Railfan Society are getting plenty of photos and video of the NYC H16-44s in action from their familiar VW Bug.
The yard job shoves the cabooses to their track in the engine terminal for replenishment of supplies while Wet Willie befriends the K.P.R.S. guys and tells them he'll be turning a U-Boat on the wye once the yard job is clear.Engine Hostler Wet Willie heads over to the 6533 as his new friends look on.
The 6533 is on the wye heading to the running track behind the tanks. I think this is the first virtual ops wye action.
The 6533 is backed off the running track onto the other leg of the wye and is now turned for departure. Wet Willie tells the KPRS guys he's ready for a break after all the hard work and let's them know the yard job is ready to start building the outbound trains.
The KPRS VW is in a prime location to watch the yard job at work.
Loaded coal hoppers going to R.M.O. Electric in Rock Ridge NJ are coupled up to PC caboose 26043.
Coal hoppers going to the PC Kings Port Division and Kings Port & Western Railroad are coupled up to a PC N5 caboose.
Extra 6024 gets ready to depart with a train of loaded coal hoppers for Wingdale State Hospital. Engineers Robert R and Big Mike get the call and Robert R will be qualifying on the Harlem Branch.
Extra 6024 rolls out of Terminal Yard six engines strong.
Extra 6024 heads for the Harlem Branch
Extra 6533 is next out with Sir Neal and fireman for a day conductor John getting the call off the extra board.
Extra 6533 comes out of Terminal Yard
Extra 6533 heads for Rock Ridge Yard via Selkirk
Next stop Rock Ridge!!!
Engineer PC Ralph and his trusty fireman get the call for Extra 2822 that will run to Selkirk with black diamonds for Kings Port and West Mill industries and interchanges.
Extra 2822 with assistance from the 1728 rolls out of Terminal Yard.
Extra 2822 heads to Selkirk with coal for West Mill and Kings Port.
Next stop Selkirk!!!
That concludes the N.Y.C.T.L.'s portion of P.C.C.M. #79.
Thanks for reading and watching!!!
See ya soon!!!