Empire Belt GP30s

Empire Belt GP30s
The EBRR GP30s round a curve on the Empire City Belt Line.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Word on the Street Part I

Greeting from Empire City.... A recent mock up of building placement has resulted in the following "Word on the Street Part I"

 Joggers make their way down the street as an E.C.P.D. Patrolman engages in the time honored, Park, Walk and Talk of urban policing
 A Taxi Cab waits in front an Empire City landmark, The Algonquin Hotel, home of the "vicious circle" lead by Dorothy Parker
 The newly built Walther's Northern Power substation is getting a check up from Empire City Electric Company workers.
 A vacant building sits adjacent to the power substation
 A soon to be department store or train station. The facade and building size could handle either entity 
 A corner paper boy hawks the latest edition
 The Empire City Bus Station
More joggers make their way through the local population

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