Empire Belt GP30s

Empire Belt GP30s
The EBRR GP30s round a curve on the Empire City Belt Line.

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Penn Central Car Movements #109 / Part 6 Conclusion of Virtual Operations

 Greetings All,

Welcome Back to Penn Central Car Movements #109
Our two layout virtual op with my layout interchanging freight traffic with Ralph's Kings Port Division concludes today with the last of the PCCM freight traffic from Train TY-2 getting delivered to its local consignees and interchange.

The action starts with Penn Central Train EC-1 is ready to depart Terminal Yard.
Train EC-1 is on the move to North Side Yard with PCCM freight traffic from the KPD and KP&W.
The EBRR trainmen inspect the EC-1 as it rolls into North Side Yard.
EC-1 engineer Alco Joe and conductor Murray check in with Sir Neal and PC Ralph.
With no freight traffic heading back to Terminal Yard Alco Joe heads back caboose lite as Train EC-2.
After sorting thru the waybills the EBRR guys get ready to get their yard in order. PC Ralph will once again man the four unit EBRR consist. 
PCCM and non PCCM freight traffic has been blocked for their next movements. PC 77047, PC 104478, P&E 3638 were held in North Side Yard during the outbound portion of PCCM 109 for movement to their next PCCM loads.
Sir Neal and conductor John catch a ride in caboose 1604 to their H16-44s tied down at the Quaker Plant with conductor Rocky protecting the shove move.
The Belt Job makes its shove move to access the Belt Line.
The first switch move is at Neal's Lumber & Hardware to swap out a pair of empty non PCCM boxcars for an empty non PCCM bulkhead flatcar.
With the above moves completed the Belt Job heads toward the Hohman Ave Industrial Park.
Now working the industrial park non PCCM AP boxcar 5035 is spotted at Superior Furniture for a non PCCM load.
Now for some PCCM moves!!! The NYC Pacemaker boxcar loaded with new 55 gallon drums from ACCO in Mayfield, NY is shoved into the Drywell Inks siding along with empty P&E boxcar 3638 which will get its next PCCM load.
Empty PC boxcar 104478 is spotted at City Pallet for its next PCCM load.
Empty PC boxcar 77047 is placed at Moore & Company for its next PCCM load.
With the work at the Hohman Ave Industrial Park completed the Belt Job heads back to North Side Yard.
Now back in the yard PC Ralph sets out the block of PCCM freight traffic going to the Haydon Heights industries that will be picked up by EBRR Train HH-1 aka "The Quaker Job".
Over in Haydon Heights Sir Neal and conductor John are ready to get to work.
Empty covered hoppers are pulled from Quaker.
Non PCCM gondolas of pipe are pulled from Gervais Pipe. Check out the track cleaning pad under the EBRR caboose. It serves two purposes, it cleans the track and keeps it from rolling away.
An empty non PCCM Cotton Belt boxcar is pulled from the Quaker Plant. The yellow door and lettering in the yellow box indicate the car is for 'paper loading only'.
The HH-1 or Quaker Job heads for North Side Yard.
After dropping the non PCCM  cars in the Yard Sir Neal has coupled onto the PCCM cars going to Quaker and Gervais Pipe. Sir Neal thanks PC Ralph for his thoughtful work of setting the cars out for easy pickup. Teamwork is the mantra of the EBRR!!!
The Rock Island covered hopper making its PCCM debut is coupled onto the caboose.
The Quaker Job makes its moves to get back to Haydon Heights.
The PCCM freight traffic starts getting delivered. Rock Island and Cargill covered hoppers loaded with wheat flour at Empire Grain in West Mill, NY are shoved to the Quaker Silos.
A Hoschton Railway Company RBL loaded at Canton Box in West Mill, NY with boxes is spotted at the Quaker Plant. It's always good to see the HRC orange RBLs in PCCM action. They were painted by our late friend Engineer Ed who gifted them to us for PCCM use. 
Three Coil Coaches and PC gondola 288673 loaded with steel coils at Kings Port Steel are spotted at Gervais Pipe & Fitting.
Sir Neal and conductor John have tied down the engines and caboose on the Haydon Heights lead and stroll to the North Side Yard office to deliver the days paperwork.
A short time later the EBRR trainmen work together to prepare for the arrival of Long Island RR Train MA-3 that will pick up PCCM and non PCCM freight cars for Long Island industries.
LIRR Train MA-3 from Fresh Pond Yard in Queens, NY rolls under the Bedford Overbuild as it heads to Empire City with non PCCM freight traffic to be interchanged with the Empire Belt RR.
The LIRR MA-3 heads to North Side Yard.
After dropping the incoming freight cars the LIRR Alcos have coupled onto the freight cars going back to Fresh Pond as Train MA-4. LIRR Engineer Jimmy Alco chats with the EBRR guys while the Alcos pump up the air to release the brakes.
Train MA-4 heads back to Fresh Pond.
Next Stop Fresh Pond!!!
This wraps up the PCCM 109 car movements on the NYCTL. Put it in the books!!!

Be sure to catch all the action on Ralph's Kings Port Division!!!

Thanks for reading and watching!!!
See you soon!!!


Saturday, February 15, 2025

Penn Central Car Movements #109 / Part 5 Freight Gets Delivered

 Greetings All,

Welcome Back to Penn Central Car Movements #109
Our two layout virtual op with my layout interchanging freight traffic with Ralph's Kings Port Division continues today with PCCM freight traffic from Train TY-2 getting delivered to its local consignees.

We start off with the Penn Central Bedford Turn, Trains BT27/BT28  powered by a GP38-SD9 consist ready to depart from Terminal Yard 

Train BT-27 departs Terminal Yard.
The BT-27 is stretched out on the Bedford Secondary as it does its work.
Empty PC boxcar 229036 is spotted at Berk Industries for its next PCCM load.
A short time later empty IC boxcar 30130 is spotted at Neubaum's Importers for its next PCCM load.
The BT-27 power holds on the secondary for clearance to enter the mainline and make its runaround move.
A Selkirk bound freight holds the BT27 power across from Bedford Station.
The SD9 GP38 combo are cleared onto the mainline to runaround their freight train.
The power is coupled on and the crew prepares to head back to Terminal Yard as Train BT-28.
The BT-28 is held for a commuter train before proceeding to Terminal Yard. Frigid temperatures in the Northeast have played havoc with the area roadways and extra commuter trains are being run to get people where they need to go.
The Bedford Turn returns!!! The BT-28 arrives in Terminal Yard.
The BT-28 power arrives at the fuel rack.
Big Mike and Kar Knocker complain about the cold and continue to work diligently to keep the freight trains rolling.
A short time later Train MR-1 is getting ready to depart with three Alco C628s for power. Alco Joe who will be the engineer has stepped down to confer with Kar Knocker as the engines pump up the air to release the brakes.
Train MR-1 departs Terminal Yard.
After dropping the coal hoppers and caboose Alco Joe heads onto track #1 known as "the slide" to access the T&R Gravel siding.
Empty NYC boxcar 47062 is shoved into T&R Gravel for its next PCCM load of bagged iron ore.
The Alcos couple back up to the empty hoppers.
The C628s pull the hoppers and caboose onto the Bedford Secondary to clear the switch into Hudson Coal.
Loaded hoppers of black diamonds start getting pulled.
The last of the loaded hoppers are pulled out.
The Alcos make the long pull down the Bedford Secondary track.
Alco Joe holds at Bedford Station to await clearance to enter the mainline.
Empty hoppers are shoved in for their next PCCM loads.
The empty PCCM NYC, PRR and KP&W hoppers were brought to Terminal Yard via EBRR Train EB-2 and LIRR Train MA-3 which delivered them to North Side Yard after they were made empty at NYS DOT District #10. 
The last of the empties are shoved into place. You know the Hudson Coal tracks are groaning in protest under the weight of the C628s.
Alcos have coupled onto the loaded hoppers and await clearance to return to Terminal Yard as Train MR-2.
Train MR-2 heads back to Terminal Yard.
The MR-2 arrives in Terminal Yard.
We'll cut it her for today as Big Mike and Kar Knocker continue their work in the bitter cold conditions.
We'll pick it up tomorrow back in Terminal Yard with Train EC-1 departing for North Side Yard with more PCCM traffic from Train TY-2.
This wraps up part five on the NYCTL. Be sure to catch all the action on Ralph's Kings Port Division!!!

Thanks for reading and watching!!!
See you tomorrow!!