New York Central Bee Liner

New York Central Bee Liner
RDC-3 #497 calls at Bedford Station

Monday, October 7, 2024

September 2024 Layout Operations Part 3 Finale

 Greetings All,

September 2024 Layout Operations Part 3

Welcome back to the closing segment of this exploratory series of model train layout operations. As a reminder the focus of this series of op session is based on the baseball strategy above. Get the rolling stock and trains on the layout, move them as needed to their intended industry or interchange and them get them moving back off layout and into their boxes (staging) so other rolling stock and locomotives can be added to the operations on a recurring basis.

Beginning on September 12, 2024 I embarked on and documented a series of model railroad operations to focus on train sequences and cycling rolling stock and motive power on and off the layout. The goal is to improve the overall operational continuity of the layout by determining what works well, what needs improvement, what needs to be discarded, what could be added and what should be added.
Days 5 thru 12
September 16 thru 27, 2024
Day 5
Mainline Cleanup
Day 5 started out with some clean up work to clear the mainlines of Train NH-2 and SK-9 that were dispatched to Cedar Hill and Selkirk in day 4. The two consists included forty five (45) freight cars and eight (8) locomotives that were cycled off the layout to their respective boxes to await their next calls to operations duty.
Freight Yard Status
This was followed by some admin work checking the freight yard status of the four on layout freight yards.
Terminal Yard: 48 freight cars, 6 passenger cars
B&O 16th Street Yard: 4 freight cars
Bedford Park Yard: 2 freight cars
EBRR North Side Yard: 25 freight cars
Total: 73 freight cars and 6 passenger cars

Transfer Runs to Clear Yard Space
Our first trains of the day were Train EC-1and EB-2 to clear yard space in both Terminal Yard and the Empire Belt's North Side Yard and deliver the interchange traffic needed to keep the operations moving along.
Train EC-1
Terminal Yard to North Side Yard
The EC-1 powered by four GP20s brings sixteen (16) freight cars of interchange traffic to North Side Yard.
Train EB-2
North Side Yard - Terminal Yard
In a dispatcher scheduled meet three EBRR GP18s with twenty one (21) freight cars of interchange traffic for Terminal Yard meets and passes Train EC-1 at Bedford. 
Days six and seven were spent focusing on local service.

Day 8
September 21, 2024
Ford Auto Service Train / FAST 50
Selkirk - Terminal Yard
Hot shot train FAST 50 from Selkirk heads into Terminal Yard with auto parts and TOFC traffic. The Four EMDs power the train up the 2.5% grade into the Terminal Yard tunnel.
The FAST-50 is one of the hottest trains to run on the layout consisting of auto parts and high priority TOFC traffic. The FAST-50 often has run thru pool power from the SSW, UP or ATSF.

Fast Forward to Day 12
September 27, 2024
Last Op of the Month
Day 12 ops consisted of the Bedford Turn handing freight traffic to and from Bedford industries, two thru trains to Selkirk and recrewing a transfer run from North Side Yard that had died on the law at Bedford on day 11. 
Train Extra 1862
Terminal Yard - Selkirk 
Extra 1862 powered by five F7As took eighteen cars (18) from Terminal Yard to Selkirk. Motive power and freight cars were cycled off layout and back into their respective boxes. 
Empire Belt Train EB-2
North Side Yard - Terminal Yard
The EB-2 powered by three GP18s outlawed on the Bedford Secondary on day 11 due to yard congestion at Terminal Yard and was recrewed this day to complete its journey with twenty two (22) freight cars of interchange traffic.
Train BT-27 / BT28 
The Bedford Turn
Terminal Yard - Bedford - Terminal Yard
The BT-27 powered by RS2s 5229-0503-9932 delivered seven (7) freight cars to Bedford based industries, The BT-28 returned to Terminal Yard with ten (10) freight cars.
Train SK-9
Terminal Yard - Selkirk
The SK-9 powered by four GP20s brought twenty six (26) freight cars to Selkirk. Motive power and freight cars were cycled off the layout and back into their respective boxes.  
End of September Layout Operations
The 12 days of ops came to an end on September 27, 2024. On this day forty four (44) freight cars were cycled off the layout along with nine (9) locomotives in two trains. 
Total Locomotives Used This Op Series: 44
Total Freight Cars Cycled Off Layout in Trains: 157

The remainder of locomotives on the layout were removed via the 0-5-0 switcher and as of this writing new locomotives are being readied for the October Operations Series.

Lessons Learned
The documenting of each days movements is a big improvement in the planning and execution of the layout operations. I plan to continue doing this going forward as it made managing the freight cars and locomotives much easier.
Using Available Resources
When I began working on fine tuning the layout operations I turned to a valuable resource who regularly holds operating session on his home layout, the renowned Atlantic Pacific Railroad and is a visiting engineer on other operations based layouts. Ongoing communications and consultations with 1:1 Sir Neal provided both insight and inspiration to better organize the train movements on the layout with simplified and specific instructions for each train. That is currently in the works. Thank you very much Sir Neal!!! 
 Streamlining The Operations
In October the plan is to streamline the layout operations using some simplified paperwork known as the Rockford Card which I experimented with in March of 2023. This will be a basic check the box listing of each train to be run in a specific sequence.
Compilation of the September Ops Trains

Thanks for reading and watching!!!
See you soon!!!

Sunday, October 6, 2024

September 2024 Layout Operations Part 2

 Greetings All,

September 2024 Layout Operations Part 2
Day 3
September 14, 2024
Welcome back to the September 2024 Layout Operations series. As a reminder the focus of this series of op sessions is based on the baseball strategy above. Get the rolling stock and trains on the layout, move them as needed to their intended industry or interchange and them get them moving back off layout and into their boxes (staging) so other rolling stock and locomotives can be added to the operations on a recurring basis.

Beginning on September 12, 2024 I embarked on and documented a series of model railroad operations to focus on train sequences and cycling rolling stock and motive power on and off the layout. The goal is to improve the overall operational continuity of the layout by determining what works well, what needs improvement, what needs to be discarded, what could be added and what should be added.
Day 3 
The day started out with a review of the four freight yards currently being used in this op. 
Terminal Yard: 50 freight cars
B&O 16th Street Yard: 12 freight cars
EBRR North Side Yard: 23 freight cars
Bedford Park Yard: 2 freight cars
Train BP-12
The action starts at Bedford Park Yard with RS1 9909 getting ready to work the yard and local industries. When the switching work is done the 9909 will lead Train BP12 with 7 freight cars from Bedford Park to Terminal Yard .
Train BP-41
After delivering the BP12 to Terminal Yard the 9909 makes a quick turn and heads back to Bedford Park Yard as Train BP-41 with 6 cars. Four of these cars are delivered to local industries and 2 are placed in the yard for later delivery when sidings are clear.
Terminal Yard Yard Job
The yard job still powered by SD40s 6282 and 6102 took care of classifying the 7 freight cars brought into the yard by Train BP-12.
Train BT-27 / MR-1
The Bedford Turn
Train BT 27 was our next local train of the day that departed from Terminal Yard. It was combined with Train MR-1 to deliver 6 PS2 covered hoppers to T&R Gravel and 6 cars to Bedford industries. 
Train BT-28 / MR-2
The Bedford Turn
Upon completion of the above work the Turn is ready to go back to Terminal Yard with 11 freight cars as Train BT-28 pictured below.
Terminal Yard Yard Job
The SD40s took care of the inbound cars from Train BT-28/MR-2 and have the yard in order for the next operating session.
Empire Belt RR Belt Job
Our last train of day 3 is the Empire Belt RR's Belt Job that works their North Side Yard, services Empire City industries and a Team Track in North Side Yard.
The Belt job was quite busy this day blocking and classifying 23 freight cars in North Side Yard 16 of which came in on LIRR Train MA-3 on Day 2 and picking up 3 cars from the Hohman Ave Industrial Park Storage Track (below). 
When the smoke cleared 14 freight cars had been placed at local industries, 3 cars were placed at the Hohman Ave Storage track to await cleared sidings, 12 cars were delivered back to North Side Yard where they were blocked for movement or interchange. 

The final yard tally was 2 cars for local placement, 2 cars for the LIRR and 21 cars for Terminal Yard.
Freight Yard Status
North Side Yard: 25 freight cars
Terminal Yard: 50 freight cars and 6 passenger cars at E. Bedford Station on track 1.
16th Street Yard: 12 freight cars
Total time: 3:15
End of Day 3

September 15, 2024
Day 4
Day 4 started at Terminal Yard with the dispatch of Train SK-9 with 27 freight cars for Selkirk and powered by four GP38s. These freight cars and locomotives will be cycled off the layout and stored back in their boxes later in the op. 
Train SK-9 
The SK-9 heads to Selkirk.
New Haven Train HN-2 / NH-2
During this op session I experimented with making the HN-2 / NH-2 a turn job with it delivering freight cars to Terminal Yard from Cedar Hill Yard that includes a block of cars from the New Haven's Maybrook Gateway. The NH-2 would then shortly thereafter depart Terminal Yard for Cedar Hill Yard with a block of cars for delivery to the NH's Maybrook Yard if present in Terminal Yard. The idea of adding Maybrook Yard traffic to the ops was interesting to me and I'll cover this in a future blog post.
New Haven Train HN-2
Train HN-2 from Cedar Hill Yard in New Haven, CT passes RA Tower as it heads to Terminal Yard.
The HN-2 is powered by four H16-44s to get the 19 car train up the ruling grade of 2.5% from RA Tower on the lower level, up the slide which is track 1 (shown below) and into Terminal Yard. 
Terminal Yard Yard Job
The SD40s continued to work the yard and classified the 19 cars brought in on Train NH-2.
Pier 16 Switcher
B&O SW7 9552 pulled one loaded car from the Empire Power Authority, two loaded cars from Bruce Electric Equipment and delivered them to the 16th Street Yard.
B&O 16th Street Yard Transfer
B&O 6954-7071 & C&O 8238 continue to work 16th Street Yard and remained idling away in the yard.
Train NH-2
Below the NH-2 departs Terminal Yard with 11 freight cars, 10 TOFC and 1 boxcar. No Maybrook traffic today.
Shop Switcher
A nice little move that I rarely if ever run is the shop switcher delivering cars between the shop and Terminal Yard. Here it with a HD flatcar with a large crankshaft and two flatcars containing EMD prime movers going to the big shop at Selkirk, NY.
Pier 16 Switcher
B&O 9552 from Pier 16 picks up the HD flatcar with crankshaft at Terminal Yard for delivery to Pier 16 to be exported by ship. The car has had some wheel work done and this is a "hot move" as the ship loading is drawing to a close.
End of Day 4
Day 5 thru 12 coming tomorrow
which will conclude this series

Thanks for reading and watching
See you tomorrow

Saturday, October 5, 2024

September 2024 Layout Operations Part 1

 Greetings All,

September 2024 Layout Operations
Get Them On, Get Them Over, Get Them In

The focus of this series of op sessions is based on the baseball strategy above. Get the rolling stock and trains on the layout, move them as needed to their intended industry or interchange and then get them moving back off layout and into their boxes (staging) so other rolling stock and locomotives can be added to the operations on a recurring basis.

Beginning on September 12, 2024 I embarked on and documented a series of model railroad operations to focus on train sequences, rolling stock and motive power cycling on and off the layout. I am looking to improve the overall operational continuity of the layout and determine what works well, what needs improvement, what needs to be dismissed and what could and should be added.
Day 1
September 12, 2024
LIRR Train MA-3
The September Operations started with Long Island RR Train MA-3 delivering twenty one freight cars from Fresh Pond Yard to the Empire Belt RRs North Side Yard. The LIRR had the lead off spot simply because North Side Yard had a block of cars there awaiting pick up.
After dropping the 21 cars in the yard LIRR Train MA-4 departs North Side Yard with 10 cars of interchange traffic for Fresh Pond Yard. 
Fresh Pond Staging
Fresh Pond Yard trains run from North Side Yard to Terminal Yard where they are placed in the LIRR staging box until a future MA-3 runs since I lack a staging track for the LIRR. My operations scheme has all the LIRR freight traffic moving from Fresh Pond Yard to North Side Yard so what goes out must come in.
Train NY-4
The next train heading to Terminal Yard is Train NY-4, the meats product train that originates in Chicago. Today's NY-4 is powered by four GP20s and features seven cars of livestock and nine iced reefers of dressed meat.

NY-4 Arrives and Terminates in Terminal Yard
After arriving in Terminal Yard the NY-4 power will head to the engine terminal and the freight consist will require special handling due to the livestock and iced reefers. 
B&O 16th Street Yard Transfer
The B&O 16th Street Yard power was called out and ran caboose lite to Terminal Yard. After arriving in Terminal Yard and hopefully in accordance with RR rules the NY-4 cars were picked up by the B&O and moved to 16th Street Yard
16th Street Yard
This is the only place on the layout where the livestock will get water and rest and the ice hatch reefers will be iced. The B&O will be paid for this service.
A look at the 16th Street Yard and Pier 16 freight cars and paperwork. This is getting to be a busy area on the layout.
Train VN-4
The last train of the day is Train VN-4 from Selkirk which is powered by a quartet of GP38s and brings 14 cars of mixed manifest traffic from Selkirk to Terminal Yard.

VN-4 Arrives and Terminates At Terminal Yard
After arriving at Terminal Yard the VN-4 power heads to the engine terminal.
Terminal Yard Yard Job
The Yard Job power for this op is a pair of PC SD40s. The Yard Job classifies and blocks the VN-4 freight traffic. The work also includes delivering one Southern Railway Flexi Van from the VN-4 to the TOFC /COFC track and pulling four Penn Central TOFC cars back to Terminal Yard for later movements.
Freight Yard Status End of Day 1
Terminal Yard
42 freight cars waiting for local and symbol train movement.
16 Street Yard
16 freight cars. 9 reefers and 7 livestock to be moved to Terminal Yard once the livestock is deemed rested and the reefers re-iced.
Empire Belt North Side Yard
28 freight cars. 2 boxcars from MA-3 awaiting movement to local industries. 14 cars from MA-3 and 12 additional cars that started the op in the yard awaiting movement to Terminal Yard.
Day 1 Totals
86 freight cars in yards, 61 from this op session trains. 2.5 hours to run the op.
Day 2 
September 13, 2024
B&O 16th Street Yard Transfer
Day 2 started off with the B&O 16th Street Yard Transfer delivering  the NY-4 rested and watered livestock and re-iced reefer cars from Day 1 to Terminal Yard. 
The NY-4 cars are set out on track 2. Note the livestock cars are on the headend to reduce slack action in the cars and prevent injury to the livestock.
Train EC-1
Next train out of Terminal Yard is Train EC-1 that will be powered by five PC F7s and will be delivering 21 freight cars to the Empire Belt RRs North Side Yard. The freight consist features 17 cars for the LIRR including the live stock and reefers and four cars for the Empire Belt served industries.
PC Train EC-1 heads to North Side Yard
Empire Belt Train EB-2
As Train EC-1 above is departing Terminal Yard Train EB-2 is departing North Side Yard powered by three GP18s with 26 cars for Terminal Yard. The dispatcher has arranged the EB-2 and EC-1 to pass each other at Bedford. 
Train EB-2 heads to Terminal Yard
EBRR Train EB-3 and PC Train EC-2
After dropping their freight cars at Terminal Yard and North Side Yard respectively EBRR Train EB-3 and PC Train EC-2 traveling caboose lite pass each other in Bedford on their back to their home road yards.
LIRR Trains MA-3 / MA-4
Last trains of the day were LIRR MA-3 from Fresh Pond Yard delivering 16 cars to the Empire Belt RR at North Side Yard and MA-4 b
elow from North Side Yard heading back to Fresh Pond Yard with 16 cars for Long Island based consignees.
End of Day 2
Totals for the day
9 trains, 16 locomotives and 85* freight car movements.
Time to run op 3.5 hours.
Two Day Totals
15 Trains, 16 locomotives and 171* freight car movements
* Freight car tallies are based on the number of freight car movements used to move trains during the op session and not necessarily the number of freight cars on the layout. In most cases freight cars were moved from an off layout origin to an on layout railroad's freight yard. Many of these cars would need additional movements for interchanges and final deliveries.
Movement #1: Train NY-4 from Selkirk used four (4) locomotives to get the freight train of sixteen (16) cars from Selkirk (off layout) to Terminal Yard.
Total Locomotives: Four (4)
Total Freight Car Movements: Sixteen (16)

Movement #2: The sixteen (16) reefers/ stock cars in that train were moved to 16th Street Yard by three (3) B&O locomotives. 
Total locomotives: Seven (7) 
Freight Car Movements: Thirty two (32)

Movement #3: On day 2 the B&O 16th Street Yard Transfer delivered the sixteen (16) reefers/ stock cars to Terminal Yard for their next move to in Train EC-1.
Total Locomotives: Seven (7)
Total Freight Car Movements: Forty Eight (48)

If the above calculations are wrong please let me know. I'm basing the counts on the "touches" each time a car is moved which would be billed and incur revenue in most cases.

We'll pick this up again tomorrow with additional train movements and then close it out in episode three.

Thanks for reading!!!
See you tomorrow!!!