The value of auto traffic was reflected in NYC's freight schedules. In the mid 1960s one of the highest priority trains on the system was the exclusive auto carrying "multi level" freight, ML-12, which departed Detroit (Junction Yard) eastbound every day for Selkirk Yard (Albany NY) via Toledo and Cleveland. Carrying up to 150 auto racks, each carrying as many as 15 autos, ML-12 was typically assigned eight (8) high horsepower locomotives and was permitted 70 mph on the main line. At Selkirk the auto-racks were redistributed to other trains while some cars were unloaded and trucked to their final nearby destinations. ML-9 was the Selkirk to Detroit return trip.
May 1, 1964 NYC Freight Schedule
Leaves Detroit (Junction Yard) 12:01 AM EST and arrives at Selkirk 6:00 PM EST
Takes Cars classified: 1. Selkirk and beyond Multi Levels and Flexi Vans
Selkirk Connection to Trains: SV-2, Advanced SV-4, SV-4, SV-12, WS-12
Leaves Selkirk NY at 7:00 AM EST and arrives in Detroit (Junction Yard) at 9:00 PM EST.Takes cars classified: 1. Detroit Flexi Vans (except open tops)
2. Multi Levels for Cadillac at Detroit NYC
3. Willow Run Multi Levels
4. Wayne Multi Levels
5. Multi Levels for Chrysler
6. Multi Levels for Detroit, Flint, Lansing and Pontiac via Detroit G.T.W.
7. Suspension bridge C&O Multi Levels
Detroit (Junction Yard) Connection from Trains BB-1, SV-11, SV-1 and SV-3
Suspension Bridge: Set off group 7
Detroit Junction Yard: Group 6 Multi Levels to be delivered to G.T.W. prior to 11:59 PM
A check of the Canada Southern website shows some interesting locomotive consists and train numbers out of Rochester NY. For example;
July 23,1966 ML-12 71 Loads 4 GP40s
November 13, 1967 ML-9 6 Loads, 60 Empties 2 GP40s and a U25B
November 27,1967 ML-12 94 Loads 4 U Boats
Let's take a look at some of the Multi Levels and Flexi Vans that made up ML-9 and ML-12
Here is an ACF 85' Tri Level Auto Rack built by ACF in 1961. The NYC leased these cars from MDT and NIFX. No lot # reported. A total of eight cars of this type on roster. ACF also built 135 85' bi level cars that same year that the NYC also leased from MDT (MDAX)
Accurail NYC Tri Level Auto Rack
A Prototype NYC Tri Level Auto Rack
From Pullman in 1961 150 87'4" Bi Level Auto Racks. 50 cars leased from MDT (MDAX), 100 cars leased from North American (NIFX). Lot#s 8601-A, 8620-A and 8639-A
An Athearn Genesis Bi Level Auto Rack with BTTX (TTX) reporting marks.
To sum this up the NYC had approximately 2,098 Auto Racks delivered to them between 1960 and 1966. The ranged from 85' to 89' and were built by ACF, Pullman and Bethlehem. The Cars were leased fron MDT (MDAX), North American (NIFX) and Trailer Train (TTX). That's a lot of railcars!
And let's not forget the ever popular NYC Flexi-Van cars that were part of the make up of
ML-9 and ML-12
NYC Lot# 925-F 100 cars built by Greenville in 1962

The Mark III Flexi Van rail car was capable of carrying two 40' trailers.
Those trailers could certainly be auto carriers as seen below.
On the N.Y.C.T.L. auto racks have not really been rail cars I sought to add. Worried about the 89' length and light weight versus the 24" radius curves I have been reluctant to invest in them thus far. I have however purchased several 50' Life Like bi level auto racks over the years, a few Bachmann 89' Tri Levels and an AHM(?) 50' bi level mostly for the vehicles that came with them. Looking at the above pictures this is something I may seek to rectify as the N.Y.C. and layer P.C. both ran numerous auto racks. I especially like the idea of making some of the Flexi Van cars I have into low riding auto racks. Another project now up on the drawing board.
Back in 2011 I looked at the sorry state of my auto rack fleet and decided to do something about it. I repainted the four LL 50' cars a rattle can jade green. That jade green was no where close to a NYC or PC jade green so I used my Turtle Creek Central decals that came with a Model Railroader magazine several years ago. So the T.C.C. became a subsidiary of the N.Y.C.T.L.
2 LL 50' bi level auto racks.
A repainted LL 50 auto rack. Now TCC #132. Intermoutain metal wheels and body mounted Kadee couplers have been added
T.C.C. #513 shows a black lettering scheme. All in all I painted and upgraded four of these cars.
Part 3 coming soon.....