Greetings Blog Followers,
Citizens of Empire City have been nervously approaching the New York Central tracks as the word is out that Sharks have been sighted. The police chief is thinking of closing the stations. The citizens are fearful of that a knock on the door may hide the dreaded Land Shark on the other side. So far there have been no casualties and only an occasional dorsal fin sighting. The city council is considering hiring a private contractor to find the shark(s). The contractor say he will find the shark for two thousand dollars. But for ten thousand dollars he will catch him and kill him.
Coincidentally The New York Central System foreman of engines reported the theft of an RF16 locomotive last night. When the train was leaving the yard the perpetrator was heard yelling "The taxidermy man is gonna have a heart attack when he sees what I brung him"
Empire City rail fans however know better and are flocking track side to catch a glimpse of these elusive predators....
A New York Central RF16 A-B-A lash up leads a passenger out of Empire City Station. The RF16s were nick named Sharks due to their unique nose profile. Built by Baldwin Locomotive works to compete with EMD F units and Alco FA units the NYC sharks were built in 1951-52 and served until 1967 when a number were sold to the Monongahela Railroad.
A shark infested station. An A-B-A consist leads the New England States into Empire City Station as the station agent on the left checks his watch.
The New England States leaving Empire City Station behind a 3 shark lash up
The New York Central Sharks swim under the pedestrian bridge with a passenger train "right on the advertised"
Sharks at rest.

A nice shot of an A-B-A lash up of Baldwin RF16 Sharks as they await clearance to depart with the New England States passenger train
Not be outdone rival Pennsylvania Railroad roars into Empire City with an A-B Shark lash up.
An A-B Shark lash up pulls into Empire City Station with train #135, the West Side Mail Train
The B&O joins the fun by sending the Royal Blue out behind spiffy looking A&B sharks.