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Friday, September 11, 2020

Penn Central Car Movements #76 / N.Y.C.T.L. Part 2 / LIRR and Coal Job

Greetings All,

Welcome back to Penn Central Car Movements #76

Our three layout virtual op continues today with my New York Central Train Layout interchanging freight cars with 1:1 PC Ralph's Kings Port Division and 1:1 Sir Neal's Atlantic Pacific Railroad.

We open up at Bedford NY with the Long Island RR daily transfer making it's run from Bliss Yard to North Side Yard.

An intrepid rail fan catches the LIRR train at Bedford Station.

The L.I.R.R. train arrives at North Side Yard under the watchful eye of Sir Neal to interchange freight cars with the Empire Belt RR.

Sir Neal has done the honors of connecting the air hoses after the L.I.R.R. engines couple up to their outbound freight cars. Note the yard is almost at max capacity with P.C.C.M freight cars.

Long Island RR engineer Jimmy Alco stops to say hello to the E.B.R.R. trainmen and to catch up on the latest layout gossip.

After a couple of yard moves the L.I.R.R. train is coupled back to it's caboose. The Morton Salt covered hopper is going to Ronzoni in Long Island City and the P&LE boxcar is heading to Sunshine Biscuits with cartons from Canton Box.

The L.I.R.R heads out of town crossing over the Empire City viaduct. The KP&W and PC PS-2 hoppers are going to Lombo Concrete with aggregate from Hedberg Aggregates in Marion NY. 

Jimmy Alco bring the L.I.R.R. train past Bedford Tower on his way back to Bliss Yard getting a roll by inspection from the tower operator and engineer Robert R.

Next we turn our attention to the Penn Central's Terminal Yard where today's Coal Job is ready to depart behind a trio of GP7s.

The C.J. rolls down the grade behind Hudson Coal with three loaded Ore Jennies and a block of empty hoppers.

The Coal Job's first stop is T&R Gravel to pick up four PC PS-2 covered hoppers loaded with locomotive sand for the A.P.R.R. Engine Terminal.

The loaded PS-2 hoppers are shoved into Hudson Coal to be picked up with the coal loads after the next move.

Three PC Ore Jennies are spotted at T&R Gravel. The ore will be dropped here and bagged up for sale and shipping via boxcars to such customers as Port Owen Brick. This is new business that the N.Y.C.T.L. is happy to have.

The Coal Job shoves the empties and caboose into Hudson Coal to start pulling the loads.

Loaded coal hoppers from track #2 get pulled.

Loaded hoppers being pulled from track #1 include these NYC and PRR hoppers consigned to the Port Owen Power Plant.

The Coal Job makes it's run around move.

The empties start getting spotted for their next P.C.C.M. loads.

The last of the empties are in place.

The GP7s couple back up to the loaded hoppers and the Coal Job is back together building up air pressure and preparing to depart.

A lite engine move coming out of Terminal Yard delays their departure. Once this traffic clears they'll proceed to the yard.

The GP7s lug the loaded hoppers up the grade towards the yard.

The Coal Job is back in Terminal Yard and going across the weigh in motion scales.

A short time later the Kar Knocker clears the train and the yard job gets to work.

The coal hoppers are shoved into track #6.

We'll cut it here with the four PC PS2 hoppers going to the A.P.R.R.  coupled to a caboose and shoved into track #3 for later dispatch.

We'll pick it up tomorrow starting with the Empire Belt RR and follow up on that lite engine move.

Be sure to follow the action on PC Ralph's Kings Port Division and Sir Neal's Atlantic Pacific Railroad.

Thanks for reading!!!

See ya tomorrow!!!


  1. To: North Side Yard, Terminal Yard, Rock Ridge Yard
    From: West Mill

    Acknowledge the LIRR Transfer at North Side and the dispatch and return of the Coal Job from Terminal Yard.

    West Mill out.

    I'm always happy to see the LIRR Transfer with its World Fair livery! The LIRR on the N.Y.C.T.L. is both an important ops connection and a railfan treat. It arrived at a good time to help ease the pressure at North Side! Meanwhile I'm loving the trio of Geeps on the Coal Job and thought the sound in the coal runaound video was fantastic!

    1. 10-4 West Mill...

      Thank you Ralph! The LIRR engines are layout favorites and the preferred engines of the LIRR crew! Thanks for yhe compliments on the Coal Job Geeps and video. It was all luck as I had a train video playing for background sound.

  2. To: Terminal Yard
    To: West Mill

    From: Rock Ridge

    Acknowledgement – LIRR Daily Transfer
    Acknowledgement – Hudson Coal job

    Rock Ridge Yard Out!

    The LIRR lives! I just love the colors on those RS units. Reminds me of the World Fair and those passenger cars I rode as a kid…

    The PC covered hoppers will arrive just in time as the APRR will be ready for more sand as we’re coming into the fall, leaves will be on the rails and any type of traction effort will be a huge help.

    1. 10-4 Rock Ridge...

      R=Thanks Sir Neal!!!! Glad you enjoy seeing the LIRR units and they bring back pleasant memories for you!
