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Saturday, September 12, 2020

Penn Central Car Movements #76 / N.Y.C.T.L. Part 3 / Empire Belt Train EB-2

 Greetings All,

Welcome back to Penn Central Car Movements #76

Our three layout virtual op continues today with my New York Central Train Layout interchanging freight cars with 1:1 PC Ralph's Kings Port Division and 1:1 Sir Neal's Atlantic Pacific Railroad.

We open up at the Empire Belt RR's North Side Yard in Empire City NY with senior engineer Sir Neal and PC Ralph coupling up a pair of E.B.R.R. SDP40s to a set of E.B.R.R. U23Cs that need to go to Selkirk for their monthly inspection.

The four engines are coupled up and begin building outbound train EB-2, a daily transfer run to the Penn Central's Terminal Yard.

The engines shove against a long cut of cars on track #2 as PC Ralph looks on.

Conductor John hooks up the air hoses as the cars from track #2 are coupled to the outbound cars from track #1

Sir Neal eases the four engines and train EB-2 out of the yard and around the west side curve.

All the way back near the yard office conductor John has his waybills and prepares to get on his caboose. A terminal air test will be performed and then Train EB-2 will depart for Terminal Yard.

E.B.R.R. Train EB-2 passing Bedford Station

Sir Neal brings Train EB-2 into Terminal Yard.

The E.B.R.R. U23Cs are dropped in the engine terminal for their pending trip to Selkirk.

Sir Neal reclaims his conductor and caboose and heads for home.

A short time later the Terminal Yard Kar Knocker releases the train and the yard job gets to work on the EB-2 freight consist.

A long string of cars for the Kings Port & Western RR's Williams Yard are shoved into track #1. The cars will be on the head end of Train SK-7 that will take Penn Central Kings Port Division and KP&W cars to Selkirk.

Empty PC covered hoppers are pulled from EB-2. These cars will go to the nearby Pier 16 Grain Silos for their next P.C.C.M. loads.

Two gondolas of pipe for the Rock Ridge NJ Tropicana Plant are coupled onto four PC PS2 hoppers for the A.P.R.R. Engine Terminal sitting on track #3. These cars will be part of Train SK-5 to Selkirk.

Three empty B&M RBLs going to Merrimack NH and empty LV 7120 going to Buffalo are added to Train SK-7. The empties will be interchanged with the Kings Port & Western for their connections to the B&M and LV. 

A Cargill covered hopper with wheat flour for Blue Ribbon Flour  coupled to a PC flatcar with a loaner excavator for Sal's Salvage join PC 104478 with drums of ink for the Catskill Mtn Press and a pair of AP RBLs with pallets for Van Winkle Canning for the ride to Selkirk

Two NYC double door boxcars loaded with toys for Battaglia Brothers and a NYC Early Bird boxcar with gears for Laroche Cycle are blocked into Train SK-7

A NYC covered hopper going to Freihofer's Bakery is coupled in to Train SK-5.

The Pier 16 yard engines spot empty the trio of PC covered hoppers from E.B.R.R. Train EB-2 at the Pier 16 Grain Silos for their next P.C.C.M. loads.

Meanwhile another loaded Coal Job has returned to Terminal Yard and the yard job gets to work on that.

Six loaded coal hoppers for R.M.O. Electric are shoved into track #3 for Train SK-5

We'll cut it here for today as the yard job builds an outbound unit coal train that will go to Selkirk. The first eight cars of this train will be forwarded to the K.P.D.

We'll close it out tomorrow by calling out the power and dispatching our outbound trains..

Be sure to follow the action on PC Ralph's Kings Port Division and Sir Neal's Atlantic Pacific Railroad.

Thanks for reading!!!

See ya tomorrow!!!


  1. To: North Side Yard, Terminal Yard, Rock Ridge Yard
    From: West Mill

    Acknowledge dispatch of North Side-to-Terminal Yard transfer EB-2, yard work assembling trains SK-5, SK-7 and Unit Coal Train, and Pier 16 moves.

    West Mill out.

    Lots of work gong on to get those outbound trains ready! Adding the moves for Pier 16 added even more railfan interest. Neat move to have the two EBRR U23Cs head over to Terminal Yard for an inspection trip to Selkirk. Never thought of an op like that!

    1. 10-4 West Mill...

      Thanks Ralph!! The U23C move to Selkirk was one of the aha moments that came to me when I wanted to switch EBRR motive power

  2. To: Terminal Yard
    To: West Mill

    From: Rock Ridge Yard

    Acknowledgement – Train EB-2 to Penn Central Terminal Yard
    Acknowledgement – Yard build of trains SK-5 & SK-7
    Acknowledgement – Unit Coal Train
    Acknowledgement – Engine moves to Selkirk

    Rock Ridge Yard Out!

    That Pier 16 move looks neat. That entire area came alive with your build. The engine moves are nice, something new to add to the VO. The APRR will be ready for the incoming train SK-5

    1. 10-4 Rock Ridge...

      Thanks Sir Neal!!! Pier 16 has worked out well since it's inception in the virtual ops. It's a fun lace to switch out cars and I'm glad it adds another dimension to the NYCTL action.
