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Friday, October 25, 2019

P.C.C.M 65 / NYCTL Part 4 / The Inbound Cycle Begins

Greetings All,

Welcome back to the P.C.C.M. 65 Series!!!

Today starts the inbound portions as the NYCTL receives freight cars from Ralph's Kings Port Division and starts getting them to their proper destinations and interchanges.

Extra 2228 has left West Mill on the KPD, come thru Selkirk and is now in Empire City on the final leg of its journey to Terminal Yard.

Extra 2228 South coming thru Bedford 
and arriving at Terminal Yard

The Terminal Yard yard job manned by 1/87th scale Alco Joe has coupled onto the tail end of Extra 2228 and begins the process of sorting the inbound freight cars.
A tank car of diesel fuel on its maiden run from the Kings Port Gulf Facility is spotted for unloading at this newly added tank car spot.
1/87th scale Alco Joe starts blocking the rest of Extra 2228's freight cars into three trains to get them to their proper destinations.
The Yard Job brings nine empties thru the yard to join the six from Kings Port Steel in Extra 2228 for the next outbound Coal Job.   
With the coal cars shoved into Track #4 and the yard job out of the way the Terminal Yard Wreck Train arrives at Terminal Yard.
Three wrecked cars from the derailment between Weehawken and the APRR Rock Ridge Yard have been sold for scrap to Gershow Recycling in Medford NY. They are being shoved into Train EC-3 for delivery to the LIRR via the Empire Belt's North Side Yard.
Meanwhile over at Bedford Park Yard the crew has fired up their Alco S4 and are getting ready to start their day. The first stop will be to pick up that empty red GN boxcar at American Hardware for return to the GN via Brian's Ralston Creek RR in a future PCCM.
The GN and a PC boxcar are shoved into the tiny yard. The PC car will have to go back to American Hardware later for unloading.
Next move is to pull these two empty Evans Breadbox Trough Coil Coaches from the Ford Plant. 
The BPY Switcher has run around the empty steel cars 
to pull three empty 60' boxcars from the Ford Plant siding.
The BPY Switcher has left the Bedford Park yard limits as Train BP-12 and is heading for Terminal Yard with six cars and caboose.
BP-12 then stalls on the grade to Terminal Yard. Probably a case of one car to many. 1/87th scale Alco Joe and the yard job have come out for the rescue.
 BP-12 arrives at Terminal Yard with a little help from his friends.
The BPY crew have coupled up to their outbound BP-41 train and get some advice from the Terminal Yard trainmen. "Feed her the fuel!" encourages 1/87th scale Big Mike.
Feed her the fuel they do and they come thru the smoky Terminal Yard tunnel choking and gagging.
 BP-41 has returned back to Bedford Park without further incident.
This Celanese Chemicals tank car from Celanese Chemicals in Denver CO came thru Brian's Ralston Creek RR in PCCM 64 but was held at Selkirk due to a lost waybill. It is now spotted at the Ford tank car track.
Two loaded coil coaches with fresh steel coils from Kings Port Steel are spotted at the Ford Steel Track.
The BPY crew makes a runaround move to get behind the boxcars and caboose.
This trio of boxcars loaded with auto parts from ACME Auto Parts in Mayfield NY are spotted on the Ford boxcar siding.
The crew spots the PC boxcar back at American Hardware.
We'll end it here today with everything in order in Bedford Park as the crew ties down in the yard until their next call out.
We'll pick it up tomorrow with the running of Extra 2252 and the Coal Job as we continue delivering freight cars from Ralph's K.P.D. to their respective destinations.

Be sure to follow the action on 

Thanks for reading and watching!!!
See ya tomorrow!!!


  1. To: Terminal Yard
    From: West Mill

    Acknowledge arrival of Extra #2228, overtaking Terminal Yard Wreck Train.

    Acknowledge dispatch of BP-12 and subsequent arrival at Terminal Yard after stall and addition of extra power.

    Acknowledge dispatch of BP-41.

    West Mill out.

    There is a lot of railroad action happening in this installment! I enjoyed the overtake meet with Extra #2228 passing the Wreck train and the engine move in your video! Neat image of the damaged derailed cars on flat cars from the wreck south of Weehawken! Nice work rescuing the over burdened S4! I like the smoke effects! Great to see the Gulf tank car on its debut at the new diesel fuel unloading spot at Terminal Yard.

    1. 10-4 West Mill...

      Thank you for the compliments Ralph!!1 It seems both of the outbound engines in this series made it all the way to the next layouts!

      The S-4 was the little engine that couldn't. I was going to cut that part from the entry but it happened and made for another storyline twist.

      Terminal yard has got plenty of fuel now!!!

  2. To: Terminal Yard
    To: West Mill

    From: APRR HQ Morris County, NJ

    Update - We thank the crews for removing some of the freight cars damaged in the derailment between Weehawken and Rock Ridge. It's still an active scene and due to the nature of the derailment, photos are not allowed to be released to anyone other than the FRA and the feds. We still have 1/87th Norman at the scene and he will get photos back to us shortly.

    APRR HQ Out!

    Nice work on getting the inbound freight to the yards. Sorry to see the S$ struggle, but those engines still get the job done. Nice touch adding the helper engines to complete the work.

    1. 10-4 APRR HQ...

      Acknowledge derailment is scene is still active and investigation continuing.

      Thanks for the compliments 1:1 Sir Neal!!!! The S4 almost made it!! The grade is electrically isolated from the approach so even in DC I can run helper engines for rescues
