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Sunday, October 20, 2019

P.C.C.M. 65 / NYCTL Part 3

Greetings All,

Welcome back to the P.C.C.M. 65 Series!!!

We'll wrap up our outbound portions today with the Yard Job making pickups, setouts and building outbound Penn Central Train LS-1 (Empire City NY to Elkhart IN). Let's get started!

1/87th scale Alco Joe and conductor Murray have been called for today's Yard Job being powered by two Alcos and a Baldwin.
The Yard Job starts by working the freight cars brought to Terminal Yard earlier by Empire Belt Train EB-2.
The hind end of EB-2 has been placed on track #3 and the head end is being pulled for placement on track #4.
Next move for the Yard Job is to grab the boxcars brought in earlier on BT-27 and to pick up the three cars on the TOFC track.
1/87th scale Alco Joe is using the whole yard and shuffling the cars like a Vegas card dealer. That's a good thing, there is a lot to do!  
The Yard Job heads over to the Terminal Warehouse & Cold Storage building to pick up empty SPFE and BRMX reefers for return to their respective shippers in Denver CO. 
Also being pulled out will be empty MILW 40' boxcar that will head back empty to the MILW via Elkhart.
After shuffling the cars at Terminal Warehouse the Yard Job shoves into the caboose track to couple a caboose up to the MILW boxcar that will be the on the tail end of LS-1. It won't be that transfer caboose!
Back in the yard it's time to put Train LS-1 together as block 4 starts to take shape. The empty BMRX reefer is going back to the Denver Union Stockyards and the SPFE reefer is going back to the Denver Fruit Market for reloading on Brian's RCR layout.
The empty WP 40' bulk sugar boxcar is going back to Great Western Sugar in Denver for reloading on Brian's RCR layout. 
LS-1 Block 3 is coupled up to Block 4. Going to the KP&Ws Williams Yard are PC gon #288673 loaded with pipe for the Hudson Valley Ag CoOp and the three TOFC cars for the Williams Yard ramp. 
LS-1 block 2 gets shoved into track #4 and coupled to block 3. PC boxcar #77047 is loaded with pallets for Reynolds Beverage in Kings Port NY.  The G.M.&O. box car and PC depressed flat need to go to Bruce Electric Equipment on the other side of the yard. 
The Yard Job grabs the nine covered hoppers from EB-2 that will be going to the Pier 16 Grain Silos and the storage track.
The Yard Job shoves past Bruce Electric and E.P.A Power Plant #3.
The nine hoppers shoved into the Grain Silos holding track include three PC hoppers being held until the line from Weehawken to the A.P.R.R. Rock Ridge Yard reopens in PCCM 66.
The Yard Job drops the G.M.& O. boxcar and PC flatcar here for the Pier 16 switcher to shove into Bruce Electric Equipment.
1/87th scale Alco Joe is back building outbound Train LS-1 and pulls these four loaded boxcars from the back of track #6. 
Still working on LS-1 Block 2, B&M RBLs #109 and #110 loaded in PCCM 64 with beer for Reynolds Beverage are coupled to PC #77047 also going to Reynolds Beverage with a load of pallets.
EL boxcar #73510 loaded with burlap bags and TP&W boxcar #627 loaded with steel wool mesh going to Boom's Ready Mix in Kings Port NY complete LS-1 block 2.
LS-1 block 1 is coupled on and just makes it past the clearance point on track #4. PC boxcars #360063 and #229046 loaded with printed labels in PCCM 64 are heading to Van Winkle Canning. PC boxcar #360158 is loaded with cabinets for Zenith TV. Both consignees are located in Bloomberg NY.
Back over at the Pier 16 side the switchers have coupled up to the G.M.& O. boxcar and PC flatcar. 
The G.M.&O. boxcar and PC flatcar are delivered to Bruce Electric Equipment for their PCCM loads. Loaded LFNW 160 and the UP boxcar will be heading out to Edison Electric in Bay City CA on  John's B's LF&NW layout. 
The pair of GP40s powering LS-1 today have coupled on. The terminal air test is completed and they have clearance to depart. 
LS-1 threads its way thru Bedford NY passing an empty coal extra waiting to get into Terminal Yard. 

LS-1 passing Bedford Station

Next stop Selkirk!!!
That concludes the NYCTLs PCCM 65 outbound installments. We'll pick it up next weekend with the inbound trains arriving at Terminal Yard and getting to their respective destinations.

Be sure to follow the action on 1:1 PC Ralph's Kings Port Division!

Thanks for reading!!!
See ya soon!!!


  1. I have thoroughly enjoyed this latest series of operations John! I appreciate all of your hard work to make all of this possible.

    1. Thank you very much Robert! I really appreciate the compliments and I thank you for taking the time to follow along.

  2. To: Terminal Yard
    To: West Mill
    To: Elkhart

    From: A.P.R.R. HQ

    Update - Latest report from 1/87th APRR photographer Norman states that the repair crews will be needing extra help. The Feds have frozen the area of the wreck and awaiting the investigation to begin! Our staff photo guy has been helping out with the investigation as he sees things others don't see. That's why it's great to have a Railroad person in on the scene instead of some guy who thinks he knows what to look for. Of course the PC crew has been held pending the investigation. The A.P.R.R. will bill the PC for the time 1/87th Norman has spent on PC property assisting with this investigation. Trying to collect on this? Who knows...

    More to follow as it happens!

    1. 10-4 APRR HQ...

      Thanks for the updates Sir Neal!!!

  3. To: Terminal Yard, Rock Ridge
    From: West Mill

    Acknowledge the dispatch of LS-1 for Elkhart with stop at Selkrik to forward of cars to the KPD.

    Acknowledge continued closure of mainline from Weehawken to Rock Ridge and further investigation of incident.

    West Mill Out.

    Great post that really highlights all of the work you've completed in the Terminal Yard area over the last year from the sweeping grade crossings and background buildings seen in your second photo as the Yard Job gets to work, to the scenes of the massive Terminal Warehouse & Cold Storage and Bruce Electric Equipment with nice details like litter along the tracks and the fenced-in loading area in the corner. Also prevalent are E.P.A. Plant #3 and the huge Grain Silos all making this area an important and busy rail location and a great place to watch train action! The KPD anticipates the arrival of cars from LS-1!

    1. 10-4 West Mill...

      Thank you for the compliments Ralph! The Terminal Yard area extension is slowly moving forward. I'm happy that now I can show it in photos and it can be involved in some of the virtual ops action.

  4. 1:87 Alco Joe enjoyed running his Alco and Baldwin lash up on the Yard Job. The work crew in Weehawken better get a jump on the derailment. LS-1 will be hot on their heels!

    1. Thanks Brian!!! We've sent all the help we can to Weehawken and between the NYCTL and KPD I hope it's enough! Word is the line will be open in time for PCCM 66.
