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Saturday, October 26, 2019

P.C.C.M. 65 / NYCTL Part 5 / Extra 2252 and the Coal Job

Greetings All,

Welcome back to the P.C.C.M. 65 Series!!!

Today we'll continue the inbound portions as the NYCTL starts delivering freight cars from Ralph's Kings Port Division to their proper destinations and interchanges.

We open up today with 1/87th scale Big Mike and Robert R called for Extra 2252, a combined EC-3 / BT-27 that will depart Terminal Yard, work one industry in Bedford, proceed to the Empire Belt RR's North Side Yard to deliver cars for the EBRR and LIRR and then return to Terminal Yard.
1/87th scale Big Mike brings Extra 2252 into Bedford NY.
Extra 2252 will be pulling these five boxcars loaded with beer from Heileman's Brewery. BAR 5226 will be going to the KPD and the EBRR / APRR cars will be going to the APRR in PCCM 66.
1/87th scale conductor Robert R is on the ground and gives Big Mike the signal to pull the cars out of the siding.  
With the five loaded boxcars out of the way NYC Hi Cube boxcar #173661 loaded with new tall neck bottles from Corning Glass in Corning NY is spotted at Heileman's Brewery.
1/87th scale John B gives Extra 2252 clearance to head over the Vanderbilt Bridge to Empire City. 
Extra 2252 arrives at North Side Yard.
The 1/87th scale EBRR North Side Yard trainmen greet the Terminal Yard trainmen as Big Mike and Robert R welcome Sir Neal back to the layout. 1/87th scale Sir Neal reports the APRR and Rock Ridge Yard will be open for business in PCCM 66. 
With NYC GP35 2399 now leading Extra 2399 pulls out the five cars from Heileman's Brewery.
Extra 2399 couples up to its caboose and departs North Side Yard.
Extra 2399 comes around the westside curve as it heads back to Terminal Yard.
With Extra 2399 back at Terminal Yard 1/87th scale Alco Joe and the Yard Job block the PCCM 66 outbound cars together. 
Next we turn our attention to the Coal Job that will exchange empties for loads at nearby Hudson Coal. 1/87th scale Kar Knocker has greeted the crew after giving the train the OK to depart.
The Coal Job, with six empties from Kings Port Steel, has stopped here after the caboose cleared the switch into Hudson Coal. The GP7s will shove back to pull out the loaded coal hoppers once the switch is open.
The Coal Job starts pulling out the loaded hoppers.
Pulling out track 2.
The last of the loaded coal hoppers are pulled.
The Coal Job pulls onto Main 3. When the loaded hoppers clear the switch to Main 2 the engines and empties will cut from the caboose
The GP7s shove the empties back towards Hudson Coal on Main 2.
The empties, including the six from Kings Port Steel, are now spotted at Hudson Coal for loading. 
The Coal Job is now back together and returning to Terminal Yard.
We'll cut it here for today with the Coal Job back at Terminal Yard  bringing the loaded coal hoppers over the weigh in motion scale.
We'll close out the NYCTL's P.C.C.M. 65 inbound portions tomorrow with the Empire Belt RR and Long Island RR taking center stage.
Be sure to follow the action on 
Ralph's Kings Port Division!!!

Thanks for reading!!!
See ya tomorrow!!


  1. To: Terminal Yard
    From: West Mill

    Acknowledge dispatch of Extra #2252/2399 and the Coal Job.

    West Mill out.

    Nice work at Heilemans by Extra 2252. Obviously folks are craving the taste of their fine beer considering the five cars being pulled! Looking at the damaged cars going to Gershow it occurs to me that they may eventually arrive as moderately broken down scrap for Sal Monella's Metal Shredder. The Coal Job's work nicely shows off all of your newly weathered hopper interiors. They look good!

    1. 10=4 West Mill...

      Thanks for the compliments Ralph!! There are some thirsty folks out there! I have no doubt that Sal will end up with the scrap down the road from Gershow. He'll buy it for pennies a pound and sell it for a nickel a pound making a nice profit. Thanks for the compliments on the coal hoppers. I actually like running them more as empties than loads now!
