Blog Roll

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

P.C.C.M. 50G Part 3

Greetings All,

Welcome back to P.C.M. 50G!

The action starts today with the return of the Terminal Yard Wreck Train, TYWC-2, from Weehawken to Terminal Yard after the wreck train and crew helped to reopen the A.P.R.R. mainline that was closed due to a derailment.

TYWC-2 comes thru Empire City and is heading over the High Line towards the Vanderbilt Bridge and Bedford NY
TYWC-2 passes Bedford Tower as tower operator 1/87th scale John B is out to give the train a roll by inspection. John's gotten a lot of exercise going up and down those stairs in P.C.C.M. 50!

A derailed Southern RR covered hopper is on it's way to the shop for either repair or scrap.
TYWC-2 arrives at it's home base, Terminal Yard.
This junk Atlas covered hopper that I'd been given and that sat in the purgatory box for 10 years finally gets on the layout! 
TYWC-2 heads thru the yard towards it's assigned track also known as the wreck train box.
Now it's time to make some money! My new favorite lash up couples up to Bedford Park Train BP-41.
BP-41 heads towards Bedford Park with several oversized boxcars of auto parts from ACME Auto Parts in Mayfield NY and a pair of breadbox trough coil steel coaches from Kings Port Steel 
Meanwhile the Bedford Park switcher gets the tracks ready for the incoming cars by shoving this PRR boxcar under All City Storage.
The four Alcos head thru the West Side reverse curve to get the train properly positioned for a back up move into Bedford Park. 
BP-41 is back at Bedford Tower and has shoved it's hind end into the Bedford Park lead for the Bedford Park Yard switcher to couple onto the caboose and coil steel cars.
The Bedford Park yard switcher, #9999, pulls out two empty breadbox trough coil coaches with the caboose from the Ford steel track. The loaded coil coaches are on the left. 
With the empty coil coaches and caboose out of the away the 9999 respots the PRR boxcar at All City Storage keeping these online customers happy with as little inconvenience as possible.
The 9999 spots the first loaded steel coil coach on the steel track. The tight environs and long cars make doing this one at a time a necessity to keep All City Storage management happy.
Both coil coaches with Kings Port Steel coils are now spotted.
Meanwhile BP-41 is at work pulling empties from the Ford Plant.
Outbound traffic is two empty 60' boxcars & two loaded auto racks. 1/87th scale John B is back downstairs giving yet another roll by inspection. Mrs. B often jokes about getting John a stairmaster for Christmas. At least we hope she's joking!
With the outbound cars on the main BP-41 makes its shove move into Ford with the auto parts cars that came off the K.P.D. 
After a little switching the two 60's cars and 40' hi cube are spotted on the parts receiving track. The 86' boxcar is on the middle track and will be accessed from the 60' cars via steel plates.
With its work done at Bedford Park the train heads back towards Terminal Yard as Train BP-12.
And with that we'll close it out here for today with the newly named 1/87th scale Alco Joe getting ready to board this FA-2 on the head of Train EC-1 which we'll cover tomorrow.
Thanks for reading!


  1. To: Terminal Yard
    From: Rock Ridge Yard

    Acknowledgement of Wreck Train TYWC-2 returning to Terminal Yard

    Rock Ridge Yard Out!

    Once again, the trains are rolling in and out of Rock Ridge thanks to the Wreck Train Crew of the N.Y.C.T.L.!

    Looks like the action is in full swing with both PC and NYC engines moving freight cars in preparation of dispatching more trains out of Terminal Yard. I do like PC 9999, a great addition to the railroad!

  2. I'm a big fan of your wreck train. In your earlier post on it, you showed a derrick still in primer. Mount Vernon Shops does a decal set for PRR derricks if you need decals when you paint it.

  3. To: Terminal Yard
    From: West Mill

    Acknowledge dispatch of BP-41/BP-12 with cars forwarded from West Mill.

    West Mill out.

    I like your wreck train too! Nice touch adding the damaged Southern car on the flat as a load! Great PC mix of power on BP-41! Very efficient (and railfan friendly) employment of the famous #9999 as a switcher at Bedford Park!! That looks like an enjoyable operation.

    1. 10-4 West Mill....

      Thanks for the compliments Ralph!!!

  4. To: Terminal Yard

    From: Elkhart

    Acknowledge arrival of Penn Central wreck train and dispatch of BP-41/BP-12.

    Elkhart out.

    Nice to see the follow up action on the NYCTL with the return of the wreck train and the deliveries from Selkirk. Your C425/RS2 lash up is looking great. I can see why management is fond of it. Nice to see 9999 working Bedford Park. Looks like it will be a nice fit there, taking care of the local industries.
