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Wednesday, October 10, 2018

P.C.C.M. 50G Part 4

Greetings All,

Welcome back to P.C.C.M. 50G!

We open up part 4 today with 1/87th scale Alco Joe called for Train EC-1 which is a transfer run to the Empire Belt's North Side Yard in Empire City. Check out 1/87th scale Big Mike at the switch! Big Mike was missing in action for awhile after having fallen or jumped off the layout.
Look closely and you'll see 1/87th scale Big Mike in his hiding place on the train room floor near the engine terminal. 1:1 PC Ralph said he jumped because of all the GP30's being used on the N.Y.C.T.L.! I was glad to find him after a two week search that had me believing he was caught in the vacuum cleaner during a layout cleaning. 
Now back to the virtual ops!! Train EC-1 is pulling out of Terminal Yard with freight cars from the K.P.D., R.C.R., L.F &N.W.
EC-1 comes around the curve at Bedford Tower and starts the climb on the High Line towards the Vanderbilt Bridge and Empire City
EC-1 passes Hohman Ave as it enters North Side Yard. That's tower operator 1/87th scale Larry D. giving the runby inspection. 
EC-1 has yarded it's train and old 1/87th scale friends exchange pleasantries, good natured insults and the latest model RR news.
Newly enforced union rules have EC-1 running caboose light from North Side Yard back to Terminal Yard as Extra 1020 East
The Extra 1020 makes its way back thru Bedford NY. I really enjoyed running this all P-2000 consist and give a shout out to 1:1 ATJOE and John B for their inclusion of CB&Q power pool units in their P.C.C.M. 50 trains that gave me the idea for this consist.
Extra 1020 East is back in Terminal Yard as it heads towards the engine terminal.
1/87th scale Alco Joe drops his caboose on the caboose track before heading over to an engine track. Looks like he and the Road Foreman are getting along better today.
Back at North Side Yard 1/87th scale Senior Engineer Sir Neal and Conductor John look over their Morning Industrial Job train. It's not often they can talk to each other without radios!

The M.I.J. is backing thru the west side reverse curve with 1/87th scale conductor John protecting the shove.
With the caboose and outbound freight cars out of the way 1/87th scale Sir Neal shoves the NYC boxcar under Superior Furniture towards the Reliable Machine Company.
NYC 80779 loaded with machined parts from Quality Fabrications in Bloomberg NY is spotted on the Reliable Machine siding.
Their work done on the west side the M.I.J. heads back to North Side Yard.
We'll close is out here for today with the M.I.J. back at North Side Yard and 1/87th scale PC Ralph getting ready to depart with Train EB-2 to Terminal Yard. See ya tomorrow!
Thanks for reading!!!


  1. To: Terminal Yard
    From: West Mill

    Acknowledge the dispatch of EC-1, caboose hop Extra 1020, and the Morning Industrial Job.

    West Mill out.

    The all all P-2000 consist consist is a treat both at the head end of EC-1 and running light back to the yard. An easy trick on the "MIJ" for Senior Engineer Sir Neal and Conductor John! Probably makes up for more challenging times with a full switchlist! Great stuff!

    1. 10-4 West Mill...

      Thanks Ralph! The P-2000 consist may be making more appearances in future P.C.C.M.s. It's a good looking and good running consist that was a pleasant surprise once I put it together.

  2. I'm glad you found Big Mike. Too funny about him jumping off the layout over the GP30's. I figured him and his Pop took another trip out West. Thanks for the shout out, your Q F3 looks good with those ALCO's. I'll try and mix in some more Q pool power in future posts. Very enjoyable segment on the NYCTL!
