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Monday, October 8, 2018

P.C.C.M. 50G Part 2

Greetings All,

Welcome Back to P.C.C.M. 50G!

With the cars from the K.P.D., R.C.R. and L.F. & N.W. now in the yard it's time to get them blocked into trains for local deliveries and interchanges. Freight cars are also headed our way from the A.P.R.R. now that it's mainline is reopened so stay tuned throughout the week as the 1/87th scale employees  will continue to work hard in this five layout virtual op.

We open the action at Terminal Yard with a yard switcher coupling a B&O E7A to an outbound Amtrak train on track 1.
Next a four unit brace of Empire Belt six axle diesels couple up to a unit coal train. The E.B.R.R. engines are back in parent road Penn Central's Power Pool B (mineral and ore service) fleet.
Unit coal train UAC-2 headed for Allied Chemical in Solvay NY. leaves Terminal Yard. The Amtrak train will leave the yard next.
With UAC-1 and the Amtrak train gone it's time for another nocturnal move that has this pair of EMD switchers assigned to a transfer run to Empire City Station and the Railway Express Agency facility to deliver these express reefers returning from the west coast via UP Extra 53 and NY-4.
Train Extra 9622 West heads over the Market Street bridge.
Extra 9622 heads thru Empire City Station towards the REA facility and Water street freight house.
The station switcher is pulling a few loaded cars from REA and will couple up to the cars from Extra 9622 West that sit on the mainline to the right.
The cars have been exchanged and both switch crews are now back at work. The station switcher shoves back towards the REA while Extra 9622 West is now Extra 9608 East as it heads back to Terminal Yard.
Extra 9608 East heads up the grade from the lower level Empire City Station on it's way back to Terminal Yard.
Extra 9608 East uncouples from the REA cars for the yard switcher to shove them onto the head end of Train EC-1
The REA cars are coupled onto  EC-1 for delivery to the L.I.R.R.
We'll cut it here for today with my new favorite lash up coupling up to the Bedford Park Ford train. Next installment we'll start getting these cars out of the yard and heading towards their consignees.

Thanks for reading!!!


  1. To: Terminal Yard
    From: West Mill

    Acknowledge the dispatch of Amtrak train, Unit Coal Tran UAC-2, and Extras 9622/9608.

    West Mill out.

    I don't think I've seen the B&O E7 before! That's a nice looking unit at the head of the Amtrak train. Heavy EBRR power looks very capable of taking on the unit coal train. The lash up conveys a clear sense of company identity. Nice work on your freelanced road! The two diminutive switchers offer a contrast to the six axle EBRR power! Nice to see them taking to the road on that Turn toward the REA facility and Water street freight house. The N.Y.C.T.L really has its work cut out for it this time around but things seem well in hand!

    1. 10-4 West Mill...

      Thanks for the compliments Ralph!! The B&O E7 is a ConCor model that belongs to my youngest son. I think works well to convey the early Amtrak rainbow years so I 'borrowed' it. The PC and E.B.R.R. have their hands full with all the trains and it's been fun running both big six axle units and diminutive switchers to get the work done!

  2. To: Terminal Yard
    From: 23rd Street Yard

    Acknowledge the distribution of trains NY-4 and UP Extra 53.

    23rd. Street Yard out!

    I'm with Ralph, I don't recall seeing that fine looking B&O E7 either. Looks good heading that Amtrak train out of town. The Terminal Yard crews will have their hands full with all of the deliveries and set outs. Really cool seeing the Express car deliveries, an aspect of the business I'm only vaguely familiar with. Looking forward to seeing more PCCM 50 action on the NYCTL!

    1. 10-4 23rd Street Yard...

      Thanks Brian! The B&O E7A is from Concor and was ' borrowed' from my son. I think it works well on the Amtrak train to convey the early rainbow years. Thanks for the compliments!!

  3. To: Terminal Yard
    From: Rock Ridge Yard

    Acknowledgement - Distribution of trains NY-4 and UP Extra 53 in and around Terminal Yard

    Rock Ridge Yard Out!

    Nice work Sir John! I think the E* may have been on the Capital Limited train back in the day? There's so much action going on you have to read it twice to get the full effect of the moves (at least I do).

    Keep it going!

    1. 10-4 Rock Ridge....

      Thanks for the compliments Sir neal! That could indeed be the Capitol Limited!
