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Saturday, December 19, 2020

Penn Central Car Movements #79 / Coal Train Op / NYCTL Part 2

 Greetings All,

Welcome back to Penn Central Car Movements #79!!!

P.C.C.M. #79, a one weekend three layout virtual op focusing mainly on coal train operations on PC Ralph's Kings Port Division,             Sir Neal's Atlantic Pacific RR and my N.Y.C.T.L. continues today.

We open up today with the Empire Power Authority GE 44 tonner pulling out a cut of empties from the coal unloading track.

The 44 tonner drags the empties over to the Pier 16 Yard.

The 16 Job has pulled a block of loaded coal hoppers out of the yard for the EPA switcher. 

Loads are swapped for empties.

The tiny GE shoves the loaded hoppers back to the power plant.

The loaded hoppers are shoved into the coal unloading track and the lights will stay on for another day.

Next we turn our attention to Train MR-1 in Terminal Yard behind the familiar PC GP-7s. MR-1 will take empties to both T&R Gravel and Hudson Coal. The Geeps are pulling out block #1 which consists of hoppers from the AP Rock Ridge Yard. 

The crummy crummy is left behind on track #6 and MR-1 has doubled over to take the hoppers on track#5 which will be block #2.

MR-1 rolls out of Terminal Yard.

The Geeps bring the empty PS2 and ballast hoppers down track #1 known as "the slide" to access T&R Gravel.

Loads get pulled from T&R Gravel.

The loads are spotted at Hudson Coal for later retrieval.

The empties from the AP Rock Ridge Yard are spotted for loading.

The Geeps reclaim their empty coal hoppers.

The MR-1 starts pulling the loads out of Hudson Coal.

A runaround move has the empties being shoved on the main back to Hudson Coal while loads wait on the Bedford Secondary track.  

The empties are spotted and the coal cycle begins again.

The MR-1 is back together on the Bedford Secondary building air pressure and waiting for clearance to head back home.

Before MR-1 can get back into the yard Train EC-1, a daily transfer to the Empire Belt RR's North Side Yard in Empire City needs to depart. ATJOE gets the call and PC GP38 #2010 makes it's virtual ops debut. 

Train EC-1 meets and passes Train MR-1

Train MR-1 gets clearance and heads back to the yard.

MR-1 arrives back in Terminal Yard and brings the loaded hoppers down the weigh in motion scale.

The three GP7s have been cut from the train and are ready for refueling.

A short time later Jimmy Alco brings the daily LIRR Transfer thru Bedford as he heads for North Side Yard to interchange freight cars. 

The interchange is made and the LIRR train heads out of town. 

We'll cut it here for today with Jimmy Alco heading back to the LIRR home rails with boxcars and six coal hoppers for Pilgrim State Hospital.

We'll pick it up tomorrow with freshly fueled GP7s back on duty and close it out with the dispatch of our outbound trains back to Rock Ridge Yard and the Kings Port Division.

Be sure to follow the action on PC Ralph's Kings Port Division and    Sir Neal's Atlantic Pacific RR.

Thanks for reading and watching!!!
See ya tomorrow!!!


  1. To: Terminal Yard, North Side Yard, Rock Ridge
    From: West Mill
    Acknowledge empties/loads exchange at EPA
    Acknowledge dispatch of MR-1 and meet with EC-1.
    Acknowledge LIRR Transfer arriving and departing North Side Yard.

    West Mill out.

    The Pier 16 and EPA jobs have added even more operational interest at Terminal Yard! The 44 tonner is a pleasure to watch. Nice job keeping coal hoppers moving all over the place! I really liked the meet between MR-1 and EC-1. New GP38 #2010 looking great with its compliant PRR number! Add some LIRR action and your get another fine post by the N.Y.C.T.L.!!!

    1. 10-4 West Mill...

      Thanks Ralph!!! Your right about the coal hoppers moving all over the place!! It's been kind of a slightly organized chaos!

  2. To: Terminal Yard
    To: West Mill

    From: Rock Ridge Yard

    Acknowledgement – EPA Switcher working Pier 16 Job with loaded coal hoppers
    Acknowledgement – Train MR-1 to T&R Gravel & Hudson Coal
    Acknowledgement – Train EC-1 daily transfer to EB North Side Yard
    Acknowledgement – LIRR Daily Transfer to North Side Yard

    Rock Ridge Yard Out!

    Pier 16 has a star in its GE 44 Tonner! A workhorse for the industry! Nice to see PC 2010 in its inaugural debut. The meet of MR-1 and EC-1 looked great, showed how the railroad runs – like clockwork! Always nice to see the LIRR transfer in action.

    1. 10-4 Rock Ridge...

      Thanks Sir Neal!!! The EPA 44 tonner has been doing a fine job working the EPA since it arrived!!!! Thanks for having RMO Electric send it my way!
