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Friday, December 18, 2020

Penn Central Car Movements #79/ Coal Train Ops / NYCTL Part 1

 Greetings All,

Welcome to Penn Central Car Movements #79!!!

P.C.C.M. #79 will be a one weekend three layout virtual op focusing mainly on coal train operations on PC Ralph's Kings Port Division,             Sir Neal's Atlantic Pacific RR and my N.Y.C.T.L.

On the NYCTL Hudson Coal is on a 24 hour schedule to meet their regular and seasonal contractual obligations. The demand for coal is very high this year and the NYCTL Trainmen will be working diligently to move the black diamonds. 

Our first train of the day is Extra 6533, an empty hopper train, coming out of the Atlantic Pacific RR's Rock Ridge Yard.
Extra 6533 spotted at West Mill running thru the Kings Port Division on the River Line earlier today. 
After a crew change at Selkirk Extra 6533 on the final leg of it's journey rumbles thru Bedford towards Terminal Yard

Extra 6533 arrives in Rock Ridge Yard and brings the empties across the weigh in motion scale.

The 6533 has cut off from the train and heads into the engine terminal. This weekend the 6533 is assigned to PC Power Pool B (Mineral and Ore Service).

U28C #6533, a 1966 GE product and number fourteen in a fifteen unit PRR order, arrives at the fuel rack. The PRR's six axle diesels made up the PC 6000 series at the time of the merger.

Our second train of the day is Extra 8046, an empty hopper train out of the Kings Port Division's West Mill Yard. This train will run to Selkirk and have the power and caboose changed before heading to Terminal Yard.

After the power swap with a new crew at Selkirk Extra 1728 with the train of empty coal hoppers from West Mill heads thru Bedford towards Terminal Yard.  

Extra 1728 rolls into Terminal Yard and across the weigh in motion scales. The 1728 and 2822 are also in Power Pool B this weekend  just like these two similar units caught in Buffalo in 1975.

After being cut from the train the 1728 and 2822 head to the fuel rack. The 2822 is one of two ex NYC U28Bs on the PC roster. The PC had five such units, two from the NYC and three from the P&LE that were U25B look alikes

The yard job gets to work pulling the cabooses from the inbound empty hopper trains as the Kar Knocker prepares to blue flag and inspect the train.

The cabooses are shoved into the caboose track for replenishment of supplies and inspection.

The usual yard power, PC U23Cs, have been reclaimed (temporarily) by Selkirk Yard and the NYC H16-44s are back from Chicago working the Terminal Yard yard job for this virtual op. The Kar Knocker has finished his inspections and the FM units pull the Rock Ridge train to the yard. 
Empty coal hoppers from Rock Ridge Yard get coupled up to a caboose for their trip to Hudson Coal. That's a crummy crummy!!! 

Also included in this "Mine Run" from Rock Ridge Yard are four empty ballast hoppers and four empty PC PS-2 hoppers that will head to T&R Gravel for ballast and locomotive sand.

The yard job gets to work on the empty hoppers from West Mill. The F-M era was very short on the Penn Central and the yard crews are happy to operate them before they become extinct.

Empty coal hoppers from West Mill get coupled up to a "ready" PC N5H caboose for their trip to Hudson Coal. The thirteen PC N5H cabooses were acquired from the Southern Railway in 1971.

The West Mill empties get shoved into track #4 to await departure while an outbound Coal Job behind three GP7s is ready to leave.

The first Coal Job of the op heads out of Terminal Yard for Hudson Coal. 

The Coal Job starts pulling the loaded hoppers out of Hudson Coal.

The Coal Job is back together and ready to take the loaded coal hoppers back to Terminal Yard.

The Coal Job returns to Terminal Yard and rolls over the weigh in motion scale.

A few hours later we catch the Coal Job GP7s coupled up to the empties from Rock Ridge Yard and the yard job F-Ms working the recently arrived loaded hoppers. 

Six loaded hoppers going to the Long Island RR are coupled onto the front of Train EC-1, the daily transfer run to the Empire Belt RR's North Side Yard where the PC, LIRR and EBRR interchange freight cars.

Another block of loaded coal hoppers get shoved to Pier 16 for delivery to the Empire Power Authority.

We'll close it here for today with the loaded coal hoppers placed in the Pier 16 Yard.

We'll pick it up tomorrow with the Empire Power Authority switcher exchanging empties for loads and continue our coal operations

Be sure to follow the action on PC Ralph's Kings Port Division and    Sir Neal's Atlantic Pacific RR.

Thanks for reading and watching!!!
See ya tomorrow!!!


  1. To:Terminal Yard, Rock Ridge
    From: West Mill

    Acknowledge run-through Unit Train Extra #6533 and Extra #1728 from Selkirk with cars from West Mill arriving at Terminal Yard. Acknowledge quick turnaround of the Coal Job for Hudson Coal/Terminal Yard.

    West Mill out.

    Excellent follow through carrying Extra 6533 across three layouts to reach Terminal Yard! I liked the power change at Selkirk on Extra #8046 from West Mill! Thanks for the interesting tidbits regarding locomotive procurement and power pooling by the PC. Good stuff!

    F-Ms and a trio of GP7s! Oh my!

    LOVED the well choreographed meet between the NH loaded coal hoppers and the empties from West Mill/Selkirk!!! Fantastic railfanning!

    I am impressed by the number of hoppers in this op! Coal is King in this series! Great job over at the N.Y.C.T.L. as all of those hopper traffic heads your way!

    1. 10-4 West Mill...

      Thanks for the compliments Ralph!!! You and Neal did a great job starting the op and I was happy to be able to show the 6533 and 8046 moving thru the KPD.

      There ARE a lot of coal hoppers being used! You know I couldn't help myself regarding the PC tidbits!

  2. To: Terminal Yard
    To: West Mill

    From: Rock Ridge Yard

    Acknowledgement – Arrival of PC Extra 6533 from Rock Ridge to Terminal Yard
    Acknowledgement – Arrival PC Extra 1728 from West Mill via Selkirk to Terminal Yard
    Acknowledgement – Coal Job Turn for the A.P.R.R. & K.P.D
    Acknowledgement – Mine Run to T&R Gravel for Sand and Ballast to the A.P.R.R.

    Rock Ridge Yard Out!

    Great work showing PC 6533 passing thru west Mill, excellent! Terminal Yard and the crew did a great job turning around the coal job in a day! Outstanding work by all!

    That GE 44 Tonner does look nice working Empire Power Authority. The cousin to PC 9999?

    This is turning out to be a great virtual op. Like Ralph said, so many coal hoppers. It’s gonna fill the coffers of all three railroads!

    1. 10-4 Rock Ridge...

      Thank you for the compliments Sir Neal!!! Extra 6533 made the three layout journey in fine fashion! The EPA 44 tonner, a second hand unit bought from RMO Electric, is a distant cousin of the 9999.
