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Sunday, February 2, 2020

P.C.C.M. 69 Part 3 / 4th Anniversary Special Op

Greetings All,

Welcome back to Penn Central Car Movement Series #69 which is also the 4th anniversary of our virtual ops and the 52nd anniversary of the creation of the Penn Central.

P.C.C.M. 69 continues today with the unloading of our unit grain train from Empire Grain in West Mill in support of the July 1972 shipment of 10 million tons of grain to the Soviet Union. We'll get that done and then dispatch the empty hoppers back to PC Ralph's Kings Port Division via Selkirk. 

1/87th scale Big Mike and Robert R are still hard at work on the Yard Job and shoving the first cut of seven covered hoppers loaded with grain from Empire Grain toward the Pier 16 Silos for eventual overseas export.
The Yard Job spots the loads and 1/87th scale Robert R, Big Mike, Alco Joe and conductor Murray talk things over to plan their car moves to maximize efficiency and safety.
The Pier 16 crew gets back to work swapping empties for loads. 
The loaded hoppers from Empire Grain are spotted.
The Pier 16 Job drags the block of empties to Terminal Yard.
The empties are left on track #9 and a second block of loads from Empire Grain are grabbed from track #4.
The loaded covered hoppers are shoved back toward the Pier 16 Silos.
The empties get pulled.
The loads are now spotted. The empties to the left will get dragged over to Terminal Yard.
But not so fast!!! A transfer run from the LV's West 27th Street yard comes off 12th Ave (staging) and heads towards Terminal Yard watched by Alco Joe and conductor Murray. This new rail traffic being explored and I'll post about it in the near future.
Later that day the Pier 16 Job pulls another block of empties from the Pier 16 silos for return to Empire Grain in West Nill NY.
The second seven car block has been shoved into track #3 and the Pier 16 Job heads back to the silos.
A short time later the power for our outbound train rolls towards us on track 9. The LV transfer is heading back to their yard as 1/87th scale Big Mike laments the leaving of the LV SW8.
The LV Transfer run heads back towards 12th Ave.
A trio of Alco Centuries couple on to the outbound empties going to Empire Grain at West Mill via Selkirk.
Extra 2417 heads out of Terminal Yard.
Next stop Selkirk!!!
Check out this video to watch the yard action and 
Extra 2417 heading out of town;
You might want to grab a drink and snack before starting!

Be sure to catch the conclusion of P.C.C.M. 69 
on PC Ralph's Kings Port Division!!!

As the P.C.CM.s enter their 5th year I'd like to thank the participants present and past.

A special thanks to 1:1 PC Ralph for all of his time and efforts to help make the P.C.C.M.s so enjoyable. It has been a pleasure to get to know him and to be able to share the hobby with him. Thanks Ralph! I look forward to many more P.C.C.M.s and emails.

PC Ralph's steady hand, sense of humor and commitment to the upstart virtual ops made it the success it is today. Here's a photo from P.C.C.M. #1 series dated 02/03/2016 when we used car cards that PC Ralph supplied to report the action. The red Triangle Pacific boxcar holds the distinction of being the first virtual ops car. From car cards to multi page forms! That's progress!!!
A big thank you to 1:1 Sir Neal who has been a huge supporter of all of my modeling efforts and a great benefactor to the N.Y.C.T.L. Sir Neal's help and guidance have transformed the layout from a set of loops to one that is enjoyable to operate. It was a great day when he agreed to have his A.P.R.R. join the P.C.C.M. virtual ops giving us a third layout to interchange with. Thanks Sir Neal!!!

Thanks to 1:1 John B who was able to join in on several of the virtual ops. John has provided me with much modeling and prototype knowledge and has been so generous providing me with several project boxes over the years. Thanks John!!!

Thanks to ATJOE1972, aka 1/87th scale Alco Joe for all of his PC / CBQ knowledge, positive reinforcement and for joining in with us when his time permits.
Thanks for reading and watching!!!!
See ya soon!!!


  1. To: Terminal Yard
    From: West Mill

    Acknowledge the work at Pier 16 setting out loaded covered hoppers and pulling empties
    Acknowledge LV transfer from West 27th St. Yard
    Acknowledge dispatch of Extra #2417 to Selkirk with cars for West Mill

    West Mill out.

    The Yard Job and Pier 16 Job nicely handled the great grain exchange at Pier 16 and Terminal Yard. The LV Transfer Run from West 27th St, was a nice surprise with that great looking switcher! I'm looking forward to hearing more about plans to include the LV in your ops. Big Mike will be pleased! Thanks for the shout-outs. This past four year of virtual ops has been a lot of fun and has inspired and motivated a lot of improvements on my layout. I'm looking forward to this 5th year!

  2. 10-4 West Mill...

    Thanks for the compliments Ralph!!! The virtual ops catalyst strikes again with the exploration of potential new rail traffic to and from that staging track. It should be a fun endeavor.

  3. Great work getting those grain cars moved to Pier 16. So the question is: Will they use the grain for feed and food or for Stolichnaya? Inquiring minds want to know!

    1. Thanks Sir Neal!!! Why Stoli of course!

    2. Congrats on 4 GREAT years of PCCM's. Thanx for sharing! Those orange 'P's really stood out. Those FM's just look like POWER! As for the LV interchange, excellent idea. It's amazing how much a staging track and imagineering can enhance operations. Looking forward to many more PCCM's to come!

    3. Thanks Kar Knocker!!! I really appreciate your following along and your comments! It's fun sharing the hobby with you and the others.
