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Saturday, February 1, 2020

P.C.C.M. 69 Part 2 / 4th Anniversary Special Op

Greetings All,

Welcome to Penn Central Car Movement Series #69 which is also the 4th anniversary of our virtual ops and the 52nd anniversary of the creation of the Penn Central.

Hard to believe four years have gone by. It seems like yesterday when PC Ralph and I came up with the idea to virtually interchange similar freight cars via email and then later via blogs. The P.C.C.M.s have proven to be a tremendous amount of fun. We've been fortunate to have 1:1 Sir Neal, John Bruce and ATJOE1972 participate in them with us and we've had a great time sharing them with our readers.

P.C.C.M. 69 will be a two layout virtual op featuring unit grain trains with the July 1972 shipment of 10 million tons of grain to the Soviet Union as background. We're going old school with sequential posting and PC Ralph's Kings Port Division leading off.

We pick up the action at Empire City with Grain Extra 2236 heading onto the High Line as the train makes its way to Terminal Yard from Selkirk.
A closeup of the lead engine shows 1/87th scale PC Ralph at the throttle. PC Ralph is on the Metro Division Extra Board and gets called for many seasonal and special runs.
Bedford Tower operator 1/87th scale John B is again threading the Bedford Needle as he hands up a slow order to PC Ralph. 
Extra 2236 slowly glides thru Bedford NY as was catch an empty coal train on track 3 and a MOW train working track 1. 
Extra 2236 threads its way thru a congested Bedford NY.
1/87th scale PC Ralph has the throttle in notch 8 as Extra 2236 climbs the grade towards Terminal Yard.
Extra 2236 comes down the yard lead.
and rolls over the weigh in motion scale. 1/87th scale senior engineer Sir Neal and conductor John are awaiting clearance to depart while Big Mike and Robert R look over Extra 2236.

Watch Extra 2236 make its way from 
Bedford Tower to Terminal Yard

1/87th scale PC Ralph has cut his engines from the covered hoppers and is heading thru the engine terminal.
The five units are parked at the fuel rack and once again 1/87th scale engine hostler Wet Willie gets the familiar "Fill em up"!
Back in the yard 1/87th scale Kar Knocker has blue flagged the train after the yard job pulls off the caboose. The yardi lets Sir Neal know he's clear to leave once the Yard Job gets off the yard lead. 
Over at the Pier 16 Grain Silos 1/87th scale Sup't Shore confers with Alco Joe and conductor Murray who just reported for duty.
1/87th scale Alco Joe, maybe going as FM Joe today, pulls a cut of empties from the Pier 16 Silos. B.T.W. Those NYC H16-44s are in their 10th year of service on the NYCTL.
The FMs shove back to couple up to a block of loaded covered hoppers.
The loads are shoved into the unloading track.
The FMs then drag the empties over to Terminal Yard. 
The empties are shoved into track #3.
1/87th scale Alco Joe and conductor Murray are stopped on track 8 by Sup't Shore for a pep talk with Big Mike and Robert R. Sup't Shore wants wants the guys to know he appreciates their hard work during this extremely busy time and stresses that they work safely.
The pep talk over and with the inspection now completed the Yard Job gets to work on the loaded covered hoppers from Extra 2236.
A seven car block is shoved into track #4.
The 6718 couples up to the second seven car block from Extra 2236 as its time to start delivering these loaded hoppers from Empire Grain to the Pier 16 silos.
We'll close it out here today with 1/87th scale Robert R protecting the shove move towards the Pier 16 Grain Silos.
We'll pick it up tomorrow with the Yard Job shoving the loaded covered hoppers to the Pier 16 Grain Silos.
Be sure to check back here first tomorrow as the loaded covered hoppers from Extra 2236 get unloaded at the Pier 16 silos and the empties are dispatched back to PC Ralph's Kings Port Division.

Thanks for reading and watching!!!
See ya tomorrow!!!


  1. To Terminal Yard
    From West Mill
    Acknowledge arrival of Grain Extra 2236
    West Mill out.

    Eye catching trio of Red P Geeps at the front end! Lots of train action in Empire city today and a lots of grain cars as Pier 16 gets its due as a major operation!

    1. 10-4 West Mill...

      Thanks Ralph!!! I'm very happy to get the silos into the mix!

  2. Happy Anniversary to the N.Y.C.T.L., K.P. & W. and the P.C.C.M. car movements! The grain train with 5 engines is quite impressive, and of course, I always take a closer look at your engine terminal! It's just great to see with all the motive power you have!!

    1. Thank you 1:1 Sir Neal!!! Thanks for the kind words and compliments!!!
