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Sunday, July 21, 2019

P.C.C.M. 62 / NYCTL Part 5

Greetings All,

Welcome back to the P.C.C.M. 62 series!!!

It's time to start moving the freight cars that came to the NYCTL from Sir Neal's APRR and PC Ralph's KPD to their respective destinations. Today the Terminal Yard dispatcher will send out the Coal Job and a combined Bedford / Bedford Park local that will run as BP-41. 

1/87th scale Alco Joe has been called for the Coal Job which is running early today. A New Haven GP9 and RS2 are today's power.
The Coal Job wastes no time arriving at Hudson Coal and grabbing the loaded coal hoppers. The NYC and PRR coal hoppers are consigned to Corning Glass in Corning NY on PC Ralph's KPD
This group of loaded coal hoppers is consigned to Kings Port Steel also on PC Ralph's KPD.
The loads are set out on Main 3. 1/87th scale Alco Joe has climbed into the RS2 to get some Alco time and is now shoving the empties back to Hudson Coal on Main 2.
Empties from RMO Electric in Rock Ridge NJ on Sir Neal's APRR are shoved in for loading.
The last empty is in place and the conductor / brakeman hops aboard the Alco RS2.
 The Coal Job is back together and ready to go.
 1/87th scale Alco Joe brings the Coal Job back into Terminal Yard.
and over the weigh in motion scales on track #8.
Next train out of Terminal Yard is the combined Bedford / Bedford Park local train BP-41. The early call for the Coal Job screwed up the Extra Board and Alco Joe who would normally get BP-41 was stuck with the grimy Coal Job and a another engineer got the BP41.
 BP-41 rolls into Bedford behind a pair of NH FM H16-44s.
First job is to pull the Bedford cars from the train and then grab the loaded cars at the Heileman Brewery.
BM 109 & BM 110 loaded with new bottles from Corning Glass are shoved into the Heileman Brewery siding.
The BP-41 crew is doing a little more car shuffling. The B&M boxcar at Berk Enterprises to the left needs to be pulled, the three cars at Hostess need to be moved and replaced and the two PC 50' boxcars in BP-41 need to get spotted at Berk where the B&M car currently sits. Hmm...
The cars from Hostess have been pulled out and coupled up to the two PC boxcars. The crew then shoves them back to Berk Enterprises to retrieve B&M RBL #105 loaded with printed packaging for Blue Ribbon Flour in Kings Port NY.
After coupling B&M #105 into BP-41 the PC boxcars were shoved back to Berk. Empty PC boxcar #360063 is now spotted at Berk for it's next PCCM load. PC boxcar #229046 loaded with bulk cardboard from International Paper is now also spotted at Berk Enterprises. The other cars have been spotted back at Hostess and BP-41 is ready to head out of town. Whew!
BP-41 gets a highball from Bedford Tower operator 1/87th scale John B as they head towards Vanderbilt Bridge and Empire City.
In an increasingly familiar move BP-41 heads thru the west side reverse curve. 
BP-41 is back at Bedford Tower where they drop the caboose and cut the rear four cars from the train on the Bedford Park lead.  
The Bedford Park Yard switcher is called into service for the four cars left on the Bedford Park lead. I think these guys have nothing else to do but clean that Alco S-4 and putter around their yard.
The BPY switcher has the four cars from BP-41 in tow as it heads into the tight confines of Bedford Park. 
Two Evans Breadbox Trough coil coaches loaded with steel coils from Kings Port Steel are shoved into the Ford Steel Track.
AP 40' boxcars #4182 and #4035 loaded with replenishment hardware and fittings from the regional American Hardware Supply in Rock Ridge NJ are spotted at the Bedford Park warehouse. 
The BPY Alco gets parked in an otherwise empty Bedford Park Yard. 😟I definitely need more freight traffic here!
Meanwhile BP-41 is shoving these three 60' boxcars loaded with auto parts towards the Bedford Park Ford Plant.
 BP-41 pulls out the three empty 86' auto parts cars. 
The three 60'ers, loaded with auto parts from ACME Auto Parts in Mayfield NY, are shoved into place at the Ford Plant.
BP-41 is back together and heading back to Terminal Yard.
We'll cut it here for today with BP-41 arriving back at Terminal Yard. Tomorrow we'll close out the NYCTL's portion with the EBRR and LIRR taking center stage. 

Be sure to follow the action on 
Sir Neal's APRR and PC Ralph's KPD.

Thanks for reading!!
See ya tomorrow!!!


  1. To: Terminal Yard, Rock Ridge
    From: West Mill

    Acknowledge dispatch of the Coal Job and BP-41 with cars from and for the KPD.

    West Mill out.

    A colorful McGinnis show of power moving cars across the N.Y.C.T.L.! Seems as if exchanges of coal cars are figuring big in this series (See Neal's first post, my most recent, and today's on the N.Y.C.T.L!). Great switching work by BP-41's crew at Berk Enterprises and Hostess! Kudos to the Bedford Park Yard crew for maintaining their Alco S-4 so well! An empty Bedford Park Yard? Will the cycles of the Rail Traffic Mgmt. Form fill it up in a future series? The guys there get a little break compared to Terminal Yard's crews!

    1. 10-4 West Mill...

      Thanks Ralph!!! There's nothing that says railroading like a coal train! Bedford Park will get some increased traffic with the newly added virtual ops cars but it could uses a bit more!

  2. To: Terminal Yard
    To: West Mill

    Acknowledgement - Dispatch of the Coal Job and BP-41 with cars from the A.P.R.R.

    Rock Ridge Yard Out!

    It's a New Haven kind of day! The NH has been featured quite often in this series. Looks like the crews are keeping busy (except for the BPY switcher). Bedford Park Yard looks like a ghost town! Freight being delivered means profits. Cars not in the yard means profits. I'm sure in the next few days the yard will be full of inbound and outbound cars, all of which generate revenue for the N.Y.C.T.L.!

    1. 10-4 Rock Ridge...

      Thanks for the compliments Sir Neal!! Bedford Park has been the victim of a downturn in freight traffic. I started to correct that with the newly painted APRR 40' boxcars. Hope to continue the trend.
