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Saturday, July 20, 2019

P.C.C.M. 62 / NYCTL Part 4

Greetings All,

Welcome back to the P.C.C.M. 62 series!

The NYCTL opens up it's inbound portion of this three layout virtual op with Sir Neal's APRR and PC Ralph's KPD today. Last weekend we worked on dispatching our freight cars either off layout or made intralayout car movements to facilitate future virtual ops car loadings.

We open up with Penn Central Train HP-4 (Selkirk to Terminal Yard) led by a pair of EMD SD35s rolling across the Empire City High Line. Train HP-4 features freight cars from the APRR and a block of NYC empties for added tonnage heading to Terminal Yard.

HP-4 Passing Bedford Station.

HP-4 arrives at Terminal Yard.
 The SD35s have cut from HP-4 and head into the engine terminal.
The Yard Job gets right to work on the HP-4 freight cars.
Empty coal hoppers from R.M.O. Electric in Rock Ridge NJ are shoved into track #6 to make up the next Coal Job.
Two APRR orange 40' boxcars that are heading to Bedford Park are placed on track#5. The EBRR 40' boxcars are going to Empire City and are spotted on track #4.
Following HP-4 and rumbling thru Empire City towards Terminal Yard is Train LI-2 (Selkirk to Terminal Yard) featuring cars from the KPD.

LI-2 passing Bedford Station

 LI-2 lead by pairs of GEs and EMDs arrives at Terminal Yard. 
 LI-2's power heads into the engine terminal.
 The Yard Job gets to work on the LI-2 freight consist.
 The cars going to Bedford Park are being blocked on track #5.
Freight cars for Bedford industries are blocked and combined with the Bedford Park cars. 
The Yard Job is now blocking cars for the Empire Belt RR that serves the Empire City industries.
Included in the Empire City transfer train is this block of cars that will be interchanged with the L.I.R.R. at the Empire Belt's North Side Yard.   
Last but not least this trio of T.O.F.C. cars from Williams Yard are shoved up track #8
 and spotted at the Terminal Yard T.O.F.C. track
We'll cut it here today with the motive power for the three local outbound trains that will be dispatched from Terminal Yard coupled on and ready to go. Engine Hostler, 1/87th scale Wet Willie, was definitely in a New Haven state of mind!
However, the Terminal Yard Trainmaster is apoplectic! "Willie I told you I wanted these oddball NH units out of here ASAP"! They're leaving on the next trains out replies Wet Willie. "Yeah, but the trains are local turns you knucklehead!" They'll be coming right back!!! Oh...
We'll pick it up tomorrow with the dispatch of the Coal Job and the combined BT-27 / BP-41 working Bedford and Bedford Park. Be sure to catch the action on the APRR and KPD!!

Thanks for reading and watching!!!
See ya tomorrow!


  1. To: Terminal Yaard, Rock Ridge
    From: West Mill

    Acknowledge the arrival of trains HP-4 and LI-2. LI-2 with cars from the KPD.

    West Mill out.

    Nice smooth roll-by videos of both trains are a pleasure to watch! Impressive four unit consist on LI-2! Your work on the engine terminal really pays off in shots of the cut off power waiting for service! A shout out to the Terminal Yard crews for their efficient blocking of cars for out going locals. Wet Willie, on the other hand ....well who doesn't enjoy seeing those colorful NH units at the head end!?

    1. 10-4 West Mill...

      Thanks for the compliments Ralph!!!!

      When Wet Willie screws up rail fans benefit!!!

  2. To: Terminal Yard
    To: West Mill

    From: Rock Ridge

    Acknowledgement - Arrival of trains HP-4 and LI-2 with cars from the A.P.R.R. on HP-1.

    Rock Ridge Yard Out!

    Nice work on the inbound freight to the yard! It's a pleasure to see the NH livery still alive and well, despite what some of the workers in Terminal Yard may think. It looks like a New Haven kind of day!

    Your videos are always enjoyable. Train LI-2 looks very impressive rolling thru the station.

    1. 10-4 Rock Ridge...

      Thank you for the compliments 1:1 Sir Neal!!!

      Wet Willie thought he was doing the right thing and in the end he did! I wanted to give the NH units another go on the NYCTL before sending back to Cedar Hill which is their respective boxes.
