Blog Roll

Friday, June 28, 2019

A Few "Different" Paint Projects

Greetings All,

The NYCTL  Patti O Paint Shop recently undertook some "different" types of paint projects using Matchbox trucks which I think scale out pretty good in HO scale and with paint and weathering can make good looking additions to the layout.

I noted another modeler also used some Matchbox projects on his layout;

Here are the first three units of the project.
I've painted the arms and shovel with rattle can yellow.
Here they are after being oversprayed with rattle can flat black and flat brown.
The trucks were disassembled by drilling thru the rivets and the parts separated.The truck bodies were painted using my last bit of rattle can Jade Green from American Slings. 
Here's two completed trucks getting ready to head out to the Kings Port Division.
I liked the way the project came out so I returned to the store and bought some more trucks. 
The Animal Control Ford pickup reminded me of the RR utility vehicles I see from time to time so I grabbed them as well.
Phase two of the project is underway.
Two service vehicles have been added to the EBRR. 
Some weathered Matchbox mini dozers dry outside. I saw these on my return trip to the store and picked them up. They've been lightly sprayed with rattle can flat black and flat brown.
The skid steer and dump truck work together keeping the ROW is good shape.
When placed together I think the newly painted vehicles add some nice visual interest to the layout. 
The EBRR Matchbox truck with the 1/87th scale Walthers UPS truck and IHC box truck.
EBRR weed control? If any RR needs weed control it's the EBRR! 
A Matchbox NASA support vehicle caught my eye while shopping 
Matchbox 2019 NASA Support Vehicle Truck White Space Rare HTF New MBX

The Matchbox NASA truck is now a UPS truck on its way to it's next delivery.
I think the Matchbox line of trucks can be a good source for HO scale projects. They are inexpensive to buy and modify. Here is my Matchbox Fire Department on a training drill at Empire City Station.
The ambulance and three fire trucks are Matchbox products.

Thanks for reading!!!
See ya Soon!!!


  1. Nice job on these vehicles John!

  2. Creative and thoughtful work making those Matchbox cars great looking models! Drilling out the it! I sure appreciate the work that went into the good looking vehicles that arrived on the King Port Division! Hey look at that cool Zenith truck! Just as with the old TVs, "The quality goes in before the names goes on" your vehicle projects!

  3. Thanks Ralph! The containers are from a Zenith train set released thru IHC with a small steam engine, boxcar, tank car, container flat car with the Zenith containers and a caboose.

  4. Nice "Out in the Wild" finds for new layout vehicles. I agree, the scale on them make compatible with HO buildings and vehicles. I'll have to track some down and do some N.Y.C.T.L. inspired vehicles!
