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Sunday, March 17, 2019

P.C.C.M. 59E / The Coal Job and BP-41 Get Called

Greetings All,

Welcome back to the PCCM 59 series!!

We open up today's episode with the Coal Job getting called and 1/87th scale Big Mike working in the yard.
The Coal Job is at Hudson Coal pulling loaded 70 ton hoppers
The 100 ton PC cars on track 2 get pulled out.
Last but not least the final pull of loaded 70 ton cars is underway.
The Coal Job is now occupying Main 2.
16'6'' down the line at Bedford Station the engines wait for a green signal to take the empties past the turnout to Main 3 in order to shove back to Hudson Coal.
Fifteen empties including six from Kings Port Steel are now ready for loading.
The Coal Job engines couple up to the loaded hoppers and prepare to head back to Terminal Yard
After being weighed the loaded hoppers are shoved into track #7 and are now ready for dispatch.
A little bit of PCCM 59 drama is at play here. 1/87th scale engine hostler Wet Willie in hot water with Alco Joe tries to make amends by having a four unit Alco consist ready from Alco Joe to use on train BP-41.
1/87th scale Big Mike checks out Alco C430 #2059 that is part of the four engine consist assigned to Alco Joe and BP-41. New York Central fans will know the significance of the 2059.
BP-41 heads out of Terminal Yard for the Bedford Park Ford Plant with auto parts from ACME Auto Parts in Mayfield NY.
Coil steel from Kings Port Steel and Celanese Chemicals from Celanese in Globeville Co.
BP-41 passes 1/87th scale John B. at Bedford Tower on its way to the Empire City reverse curve to turn it's train. Some empties can be seen waiting on the Bedford Park lead.
BP-41 comes thru the west side curve. 
The four Alcos pull BP-41 back towards Bedford Park over the Empire City viaduct. If you haven't guessed why the 2059 was singled out for NYC fans I'll be posting a follow up on this engine after PCCM 59 concludes. 
Work is underway at Bedford Park as BP-41 has shoved the coil cars and tank car towards Bedford Park Yard and is pulling out the empty 86' boxcars at left.
1/87th scale Alco Joe shoves the trio of loaded 60' boxcars from ACME into place. 
The Bedford Park Yard switcher gets to work on the BP-41 cars. In order to do so P&LE #35892 needed to be temporarily shoved away from American Hardware Supply
Two steel coil cars from Kings Port Steel are spotted on the Ford Steel track.
The loaded Celanese tank car out of Globeville, CO is spotted at the tank car track. 
The work done the P&LE boxcar is spotted back at American Hardware Supply.
We'll end it here today with BP-41 heading back to Terminal Yard.

We'll wrap up the NYCTL PCCM 59 portion tomorrow.

Thanks for reading and watching!!!!
See Ya Tomorrow!!!


  1. To: Terminal Yard
    From: West Mill

    Acknowledge dispatch of the Coal Job and BP-41 both forwarding cars from West Mill.

    West Mill out.

    A diesel fan treat as the FM H16-44s handle coal and the big four Alcos set out with BP-41! That was an especially nice shot of #2417 as the guys admire it. I think I know the significance of 2059 but don't want to be a spoiler! Nice efficient work by the Bedford Park Yard switcher crew! The video of the return of BP-41 included a couple of very nice looking coil cars at the end along with the other great auto industry cars!

    1. !0-4 West Mill...

      Thanks for the compliments Ralph! Shoot me an email re the 2059.

  2. Nice work on the railroad! That engine lineup should make Alco fans very happy. I hope Wet Willie behaves from now on as I'm sure Alco Joe won't stand for any of that drama.

    Your coal scene is always sharp to look at. Nice work!

    1. Thank you 1:1 Sir Neal!!! It looks like Wet Willie took 1/87th scale Sir Neal's advice and smartened up!

  3. To: Terminal Yard
    To: West Mill
    To: Rock Ridge
    To: Zenith

    From: Elkhart

    Acknowledge the dispatch of the Coal Job to Hudson Coal and BP-41 with deliveries to Bedford Park.

    Elkhart Out.

    Lots of action on the N.Y.C.T.L. The FM power on the Coal Job makes a nice touch to Hudson Coal. I'm glad Sir Neal was able to settle the dispute between Wet Willie and Alco Joe. BP-41 looks sharp with the Alco line up. 2059 is a nice addition to the roster.

    1. 10-4 Elkhart...

      Thanks Brian!!! 1/87th scale Sir Neal is usually called upon to handle these types of disputes. He's kind of a mix between Henry Kissinger and Don Corleone. He probably made Wet Willie an offer he couldn't refuse.
