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Saturday, March 16, 2019

P.C.C.M. 59D / Inbound freight arrives at Terminal Yard

Greetings All,

Welcome back to the P.C.C.M. 59 Series!!!

This weekend in Part 2 of the series the participants will be focusing on the inbound traffic to their respective layouts that was generated in PCCM 59 Part 1. Let's get right to it!

The NYCTL opens up its portion of part 2 with PC Train VN-4, the daily transfer freight from Selkirk Yard to Terminal Yard, coming across the Empire City viaduct.
VN-4 running thru midtown  
Coming thru Bedford the seven engine consist has the train well in hand. Some of these engines were sent to Terminal Yard to protect tonight's outbound trains.
It's 1900 hours and VN-4 is right on time as it enters Terminal Yard
To give a sense of perspective the engines are on the yard ladder and the caboose is still in Bedford at University Millwork.
The engines run thru the yard on the 8B track. They'll cross over to the 8A track and then track 9. 
Now on track 9 the engines head back towards the engine facility.
The seven engines come into the engine facility.
The two GE engines and two GP30s have been cut and spotted on track #5. This trio of GP30s heads into track #1.
VN-4s train is on track #8. The A-B split is just past the PC covered hopper in the distance. It's now time for the yard job to do it's stuff.
The Yard Job gets to work pulling off the caboose.
The first cut is the deepest so the song goes. Three cars from Zenith Yard and the Ralph Island boxcar are shoved into track 4 for the Empire Belt RR. 
The Yard Job is working on this group of cars out of Elkhart Yard. The PC RBLs and Gondolas came out of Rock Ridge Yard.
The Yard Job is blocking this group of cars from the West Mill Yard for the Bedford Park Ford Plant. You can just see the top of the Celanese tank car beyond the second breadbox coil car.
The LIRR block is shoved into track #4.
The Yard Job has some deliveries to make and is shoving the three TOFC cars towards the TOFC track. 
The TOFC cars from the Kings Port Division are shoved into place.
Next stop is Terminal Warehouse & Cold Storage to deliver a BRMX reefer with fresh beef and UPFE reefer with fresh produce. Both are from Denver.
An EBRR boxcar from Brecht's Candy in Denver is also being spotted. The three cars came thru Elkhart on the RCR layout.
We'll cut it off here today with the Coal Job getting called.
Don't forget to follow along with 
(outbound trains only) 

Thanks for reading and watching!!!
See Ya Tomorrow!


  1. To: Terminal Yard
    To: West Mill
    To: Elkhart

    From: Rock Ridge

    Acknowledgement - Train VN-4 Selkirk to Terminal Yard with inbound freight.

    Rock Ridge Yard Out!

    Nice work on the arrival of freight to Terminal Yard. I'm sure the crews will be busy delivering freight and bringing in the profits.

    I did see some industrial switchers in yellow at the engine terminal (according to my not so good eyes) that I have not seen before. Are they EB switchers? Inquiring management personnel want to know!

    1. 10-4 Rock Ridge...

      Thanks for the compliments Sir Neal.

      The yellow switchers have been around the layout for awhile and are one each NYC and PC. Both are Model Power Porter Hustlers.

  2. To: Terminal Yard,Rock Ridge,Elkhart
    From: West Mill

    Acknowledge arrival of Train VN-4 Selkirk to Terminal Yard with cars from West Mill.

    West Mill out.

    VERY impressive seven engine power line up at the head end of this long train! The jazzy "Linus and Lucy" made good background music for the video as the drum beat sounded like steel wheels clicking on the tracks! Excellent organizational work at Terminal Yard handling all of that freight and so quickly setting out some deliveries! I remember seeing those yellow Hustlers a couple of times a while ago. Nice one John!

    1. 10-4 West Mill...

      Thanks for the compliments Ralph!! Linus and Lucy is one of my favorite songs. Glad you enjoyed it as well.
