Blog Roll

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Terminal Yard Wreck Train Heads To Weehawken

Greetings All,

The Terminal Yard wreck train has been dispatched to Weehawken Yard to assist the Atlantic Pacific RR with cleaning up a  derailment that occured on the A.P.R.R. mainline between Rock Ridge Yard and Weehawken that caused the A.P.R.R. to miss the start of the P.C.C.M. 50 series.

Train TYWC-1 heads thru Terminal Yard towards the yard throat behind a trio of GP30s and an F7A.
 TWYC-1 heads out of the yard with plenty of tool cars and ballast.
Big Hook #1 still in gray primer was pulled from the paint shop.  
Big Hook #2 in black PRR paint is at the rear of the train
TYWC-1 hits Bedford NY as it heads west.

TYWC-1 passing Bedford Station

TWYC-1 heads up and over the Vanderbilt Bridge and the High Line on it's way to Weehawken via Perlman Yard at Selkirk.
Hopefully the Terminal Yard Wreck Train can work the AP mainline wreck from Weehawken Yard towards Rock Ridge Yard and expedite the clean up process allowing the A.P.R.R. to participate in the P.C.C.M. 50 series. We can't have the famous A.P.R.R. out of action!
Thanks for reading!!!
PS. P.C.C.M. 50 resumes on Saturday October 6th.


  1. To: Terminal Yard
    Fr: Rock Ridge Yard

    Acknowledgement of Terminal yard Wreck Train TYWC-1 heading to Weehawken for derailment cleanup.

    Rock Ridge Yard Out!

    The management team of the A.P.R.R. would like to publicly acknowledge the entire N.Y.C.T.L. management team and crew for the assistance they're sending to the Weehawken area. On further inspection, based upon many teams surveying the area, ETA for clearing the track (with the help of TYWC-1), trains should be moving by Friday October 5th 2000 hours.

    1. To: Rock Ridge Yard
      From: Terminal Yard

      Great news from the A.P.R.R.and great news for the 1/87th scale railroading world!!! All N.Y.C.T.L. personnel involved in the cleanup will be given performance bonuses in their next paycheck.

      Terminal Yard out...

  2. To: Terminal Yard, Rock Ridge
    From: West Mill

    Acknowledge the dispatch of Wreck Train TYWC-1 and the expectation the line between Weehawken and Rock ridge will be clear by 2000 hours Friday.

    West Mill out.

  3. Hey, those work cars look really good! Can you do another post that shows them close up?

    1. Thanks John!! I plan to post the work cars returning to Terminal Yard during the week as part of my P.C.C.M. 50 installments. I'll give you the head's up on what day they'll be in the blog. If there is any particular car you'd like a close up of let me know.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Great looking wreck train! All those well done tool cars and two big hooks...IMPRESSIVE! Seeing it in motion was fantastic. All that wreck equipment kinda makes me wonder, how GOOD is the track work on the N.Y.C.T.L.? ... KIDDING! GREAT JOB!

    1. Thanks K.K.!! It was nice to get most of the wreck train out of the box. I bought most of it years ago for my son and the cars are from a variety of older manufacturers including a couple of wooden kits. I later added som BB box equipment. As for the trackwork on the N.Y.C.T.L.? I'd rate it very good to excellent. Now if I could just stop running thru closed switches!! Ugh....
