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Saturday, November 16, 2024

Penn Central Car Movements #108 Part 5

 Greetings All,

Welcome Back to Penn Central Car Movements #108
The PCCM 108 Inbound Cycle continues today with freight traffic from Sir Neal's Atlantic Pacific RR and PC Ralph's Kings Port Division getting delivered to local consignees.

Penn Central local train the Bedford Turn, Trains BT-27 / BT-28 powered by two ex NYC SW8s prepares to depart from Terminal Yard.
The BT-27 heads out of Terminal Yard.
The BT-27 shoves into the Hostess siding to access the Bedford industries.
Four TP&W 50' RBLs loaded with plywood plywood veneers from Mike's Wholesale Lumber Distributors in Rock Ridge, NJ are placed at University Millwork.
One Hostess and three APRR covered hoppers loaded with flour from the large Cargill Complex in Rock Ridge, NJ are delivered to the Hostess / Wonder Bread Plant.
TP&W boxcar #627 loaded with boxes from Canton Box in West Mill, NY gets spotted at the Schaefer Brewery.
With the local work done the SW8s get held at Bedford Tower for mainline traffic coming out of Terminal Yard.
A train of mostly empties from Terminal Yard heads to Selkirk.
A short time later Train TE-16 from Selkirk crosses onto the mainline at Empire City.
Train TE-16 passes the Bedford Turn.
Train TE-16 arrives in Terminal Yard.
The TE-16 power is placed at the engine terminal fuel pad.
Back in Bedford, the Bedford Turn, now Train BT-28 heads back to Terminal Yard.
The BT-28 rolls into Terminal Yard.
Big Mike and Kar Knocker get ready to work the TE-16 and BT-28 freight car consists.
A large block of cars from the TE-16 are shoved into track #3 to await their next move to the Empire Belt RRs North Side Yard.
The two ex NYC SW8s get called for the Water Street Job, Train WSJ-1, that will deliver three Hi cubes of appliances from the PC Richard Warehouse in Rock Ridge NJ to PC Richard in Empire City.
The WSJ-1 heads to Empire City and the PC Richard Warehouse.
The Hi Cubes of appliances get placed at the PC Richard siding.
The Water Street Job couples up to the boxcars from PC Richard and will head back to Terminal Yard as Train WSJ-2.
Train WSJ-2 heads back to Terminal Yard.
We'll cut it here today with the SW8s back in the engine terminal.
We'll pick up the action tomorrow back in the engine terminal with Alco Joe ready to pick up his assigned motive power.
This wraps up part five of my PCCM 108 installments. Be sure to catch all the PCCM action on Sir Neal's APRR and PC Ralph's KPD layouts.
Thanks for reading and watching!!!
See you tomorrow!!!


  1. To: Terminal Yard / North Side Yard
    To: West Mill / Kings Port

    From: Rock Ridge Yard/Rock Ridge East Yard

    Acknowledgement – Train BT-27 departs Terminal Yard to serve Bedford Industries
    Acknowledgement – ‘Extra Eclectic’ train heads to Selkirk thru Bedford with mixed freight cars
    Acknowledgement – Train TE-16 from Selkirk heads to Terminal Yard thru Empire City and Bedford
    Acknowledgement – Train TE-16 arrives at Terminal Yard
    Acknowledgement – Train BT-28 departs Bedford for Terminal Yard
    Acknowledgement – Big Mike & Kar Knocker work trains BT-28 & TE-16
    Acknowledgement – Train WSJ-1 departs Terminal Yard for PC Richard Appliances on Water Street
    Acknowledgement – Train WSJ-2 returns to Terminal Yard

    Rock Ridge Yard out!

    It’s nice to see the inbound trains and local train moves completed. What’s really nice to see are all of the private road names all of us have to enhance our car movement. I liked the special ‘eclectic’ train move to Selkirk that did indeed have quite an interesting set of engines.

    Great work Sir John!

    1. Thank you very much Sir Neal!!!!

    2. To: Terminal Yard/ Rock Ridge Yard
      From: West Mill

      Acknowledge dispatch of BT-27
      Acknowledge BT-27 power holding for Terminal Yard to Selkirk train and train TE-16 from Selkirk.
      Acknowledge BT-28 arriving Terminal Yard
      Acknowledge dispatch of WSJ-1 from Terminal Yard
      Acknowledge WSJ-2 holding at Empire City Station for passenger train
      Acknowledge WSJ-2 returning to Terminal Yard

      West Mill out.

      Neat to see the two SW8s on the point of BT-27/28! The units put in a good day's work also running the Water Street Job, an enjoyable newer op to railfan. Fortunately tunnel portals in Empire City are tall enough to accommodate Hi Cubes! The "eclectic consist' on the train that met BT-27's locomotives is classic Penn Central. Big Mike would huff! A nice combination of trains and rail action!
