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Sunday, October 8, 2023

Penn Central Car Movements #101 Part 3 / Dispatch of Outbound Trains

 Greetings All,

Welcome Back to Penn Central Car Movements #101!!!

Our three layout virtual op with my NYCTL interchanging freight traffic with Sir Neal's Atlantic Pacific RR and PC Ralph's Kings Port Division continues today with the Penn Central making its final moves and the dispatch of our outbound trains.
The action starts at a thoroughly clogged Terminal Yard after Train EB-2 from North Side Yard delivered fifty freight cars. Luckily there are experienced 1:87 railroaders working the yard. Big Mike who is running the yard job takes charge of the situation.

Start calling the crews!!! I'll get this sorted out and we'll send out  these cars in short order says Big Mike.
True to his word several hours later Big Mike has the yard in order and the non PCCM trains are dispatched.
With the non PCCM trains out of the way it's time to get back to PCCM business. Alco Joe and conductor Murray have been called for local Train BT-27, the Bedford Turn, with SD9 #6908 making its PCCM debut. 
The BT-27 departs Terminal Yard.
The Bedford Turn begins its work pulling a string of freight cars from the Hostess / Wonder Bread Plant that includes empty PC boxcar 360158 for movement to its next PCCM loading.
Empty TPFX boxcar 5510 (the first PCCM car) gets pulled from University Millwork for return to BCOL at N Vancouver and its next PCCM loading.
Alco Joe is cleared on the main at Bedford Tower as the Bedford Park Yard crew is on the BPY lead working the Ford Plant.
Alco Joe has the Bedford Turn, now Train BT-28, back together and waits for outbound traffic from Terminal Yard to clear the main before he can return.
The BT28 arrives back in Terminal Yard.
With the BT-28 now back in the yard once again we turn to Big Mike to get the yard in order.
With the yard in order Big Mike heads home for a well deserved rest. That is a lot of PCCM traffic!!
Later that evening over in Yard A the 16A Job is ready to begin its work.
Three PC RBLs loaded with electric parts for IDEAL Auto Parts in Rock Ridge, NJ get pulled out of the Bruce Electric Equipment siding. The RBLs will be setout on the track to the right for pickup and return to Yard A.
The 16A takes a block of cars from Yard 'A' to Terminal Yard.
The 16A picks up a block of cars from Terminal Yard track #7 that include empty GM&O boxcar being moved for its next PCCM load. 
The 16A couples up to the three PC RBLs loaded with electric supplies for IDEAL Auto Parts in Rock Ridge, NJ.
The GM&O 21129 is spotted for movement into the Bruce Electric Equipment siding for its next PCCM load. Empty non PCCM CB&Q 47017 is also going to BEE for loading.
The 16A pulls four TOFC flatcars from the TOFC Ramp. Today's PCCM TOFC traffic from Terminal Yard going to the B&M via Mechanicville consists of a single KP&W trailer.
The 16A is now working the Terminal Warehouse and Cold Storage complex and pulling out a cut of cars that include three APRR 57' Reefers loaded with frozen foods from Birdseye.
With the switching work done at the 16A shoves its cars back to Yard 'A'.
The 16A shoves the block of  cars to Yard 'A' for inspection and blocking.
The APRR reefers are spotted in Yard 'A' for Perishable Protection Service inspection that ensures the cooling equipment is running properly and the fuel tanks are topped.
The 16A continues its work spotting the GM&O and CB&Q boxcars at Bruce Electric Equipment.
There is no rest for the weary!!! The 16A is now pulling a block of covered hoppers from the Pier 16 Grain Silos that include the three PC cars on the head end loaded with wheat for the large Cargill complex in Rock Ridge NJ.
The 16A returns to Yard 'A' to pickup and block the outbound PCCM cars for movement to the KPD and APRR in Trains SK-5 and SK-7.
The 16A delivers the PCCM freight cars to Terminal Yard.
With their nights work complete the 16A heads back to Yard 'A' where the crew will tie up their locomotives and go off duty.
The Terminal Yard yard job makes its final moves to cut in the cars from Yard 'A' into their proper trains.
The yard job shoves Train SK-5 onto the track #8 departure track.
The SK-5 power is coupled on and building up the air as the Terminal Yard crew prepares to give it a roll by inspection when it departs.
Train SK-5 is on the move.
Next stop Selkirk!!!
Thirty minutes later Train SK-7 is ready to depart.
Train SK-7 is on the move.
Next stop Selkirk!!!
This wraps up the NYCTL's outbound portion of PCCM 101. We'll start the inbound portion on Friday October 13th.

Compilation of todays trains on the move.
Be sure to catch all of the PCCM 101 action on Sir Neal's Atlantic Pacific RR and PC Ralph's Kings Port Division.

Thanks for reading and watching!!!
See you Friday!!!


  1. To: Terminal Yard/ Bedford Park Yard/ North Side, Water St. Yard/ Rock Ridge
    From: West Mill

    Acknowledge dispatch of WSJ-1 to Water St. Yard, EC-3 to North Side, APR-25 to Selkirk, CH-1 to Harlem River/Cedar Hill, Empty auto rack transfer to Bedford Park.
    Acknowledge dispatch of BT-27 (Bedford Turn)
    Acknowledge work of Bedford Turn picking up cars to be forwarded to the Kings Port Division.
    Acknowledge EB-4 returning caboose lite
    Acknowledge BT-28 meeting Leaf Peeper Special
    Acknowledge BT-28 arriving Terminal Yard
    Acknowledge the work of the 16A Job.
    Acknowledge dispatch of SK-5 with cars for the Kings Port Division
    'Acknowledge dispatch of SK-7 with cars for the APRR.

    West Mill out (we need more forms after that!)

    A tremendous amount of train building and dispatching at Terminal Yard in this installment!!! Big Mike and his crew deserve a case of Mallo cups! Nice job clearing out Terminal Yard after the huge number of cars EB-2 brought in! It seems that there is a theme nthis series about SD9s going out on the road! Welcome new unit #6908! The Leaf Peeper Special was a neat idea for this time of year. Folks on the KPD can only dream about such seasonal passenger service! Every train was a railfan treat but i have to say that I was especially impressed by the number of loaded auto rack you have! This post may have set a record for most trains dispatched! I enjoyed every one of them!

    1. 10-4 West Mill...
      Thank you very much Ralph!!! The traffic was heavy and the old pro 1:87 Big Mike really did take care of keeping things moving. i was a bit worried that I bit off too much with that fifty car EB-2. The "Leaf Peeper" Special just came back to me from living in NY and the leaf peeper trips offered to new England. New autos on the new racks did look pretty cool!!!

  2. To: Terminal Yard / North Side Yard
    To: West Mill / Kings Port

    From: Rock Ridge Yard

    Acknowledgement – Big Mike in charge of Terminal Yard to get freight moving
    Acknowledgement – Train WSJ-1 heads to Water Street Yard
    Acknowledgement – Train EC-1 heads to North Side Yard with freight for the LIRR
    Acknowledgement – Hotshot Train APR-25 departs Terminal Yard to Selkirk
    Acknowledgement – Train EB-4 returns to Terminal Yard Caboose lite
    Acknowledgement – Empty Auto Racks return to Bedford Park Yard
    Acknowledgement – Train CH-1 from Terminal Yard heads to Harlem River Yard and Cedar hill
    Acknowledgement – Train BT-27 with SD9 #6908 making its debut on the NYCTL
    Acknowledgement – Train BT-28 returns to Terminal Yard and holds for prior to departure
    Acknowledgement – Leaf Peeper passenger train rolls out from East Bedford Station
    Acknowledgement – Yard Job 16A readies to work Yard ‘A’
    Acknowledgement – Train 16A takes freight from Pier 16 silos & Terminal Warehouse and Storage
    Acknowledgement – Train 16A returns to Terminal Yard with freight inspected and blocked for trains SK-5 & SK-7
    Acknowledgement – Terminal Yard job makes final moves for outbound freight
    Acknowledgement – Train SK-5 departs Terminal Yard for the Kings Port Division
    Acknowledgement – Train SK-7 departs Terminal Yard for the Atlantic Pacific Railroad

    Rock Ridge Yard Out!

    The NYCTL makes it happen! That’s a lot of freight moving from Empire City to both the KPS and APRR. Clearing out Terminal Yard to make room for the outbound was a huge task Big Mike handled with ease! I think he needs to have dinner from Pizza Land delivered to him and his crew! An interesting name for your passenger train. Is there history on this train? I see the new Bi-Level auto racks looked great on the train. Nice acquisition! Watching any of your trains rolling by is a rail fans delight!

    Great outbound wrap up!!

    1. 10-4 Rock Ridge...
      Thank you very much Sir Neal!!! The old pro Big Mike took care of business in fine fashion and should be rewarded with pizza or his favorite, Mallo cups!!! Or both!!! The seasonal "Leaf Peeper" special travels from Empire City to New England so the passengers can view the colors of Autumn up close and personal and the railroad can earn some passenger revenue.
