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Friday, April 14, 2023

Penn Central Car Movements #99 Part 1 / The Gathering Begins

 Greetings All,

Welcome to Penn Central Car Movements #99!!!

PCCM 99 will be a three layout virtual op with my NYCTL interchanging freight traffic with PC Ralph's Kings Port Division and Sir Neal's Atlantic Pacific RR.

The action starts at Bedford Park Yard with Robert R picking up his drill list at the tiny yard office. The NYC Alco S4 was purchased specifically for the Bedford Park Yard Job to keep the Bedford Park Ford Plant management happy that no rival General Motors EMDs are serving their plant.

The 8598 gets to work pulling LV boxcar #66392 from American Hardware Supply. The car is loaded with paint and painting supplies for Amalgamated Container Corp. (ACCO) located in Mayfield, NY

The Bedford Park Yard Job is now working the Ford Plant and starts pulling out empty 60' boxcars, NYC #53051, KP&W  #50335 and

TOC #350562. The three empties will be forwarded back to ACME Auto Parts in Mayfield, NY for their next PCCM loads. 

Robert R has brought the freight consist to Bedford Tower and awaits clearance to head to Terminal Yard as Train BP-12. 

Train BP-12 heads to Terminal Yard

Train BP-12 arrives in Terminal Yard.

It's another fast turnaround as the S4 #8598 is coupled up to a block of cars for the Ford Plant and other Bedford Park industries.

Train BP-41 heads to Bedford Park Yard with non PCCM freight cars.

Back in Terminal Yard Alco Joe gets the call for Train #WSJ-97, the Water Street Job. Engine hostler Wet Willie has provided a pair of Alco RS-2s for today's power. 

The WSJ -97 will be picking up this trio of empty APRR and EBRR Hi Cubes waiting at the PC Richard siding.

Train WSJ-97 departs Terminal Yard and heads to Empire City.

The Water Street Job works PC Richard and returns to Terminal Yard as Train WSJ-98.

The Water Street Job returns to Terminal Yard.

The next train out of Terminal Yard is a combined MR-1 and BT-27 designated as Extra 9909 West.  

Extra 9909 West is hard at work pulling loaded PCCM hoppers from T&R Gravel to exchange for non PCCM empties.

Extra 9909 West switches T&R Gravel and heads into Bedford.

Extra 9909 West starts working the Hostess / Wonder Bread Plant  and is pulling one empty Hostess and three empty APRR covered hoppers. The Hostess car will head back to Cargill in Rock Ridge, NJ for its next PCCM load. The APRR cars will be forwarded to the Pier 16 Grain Silos for their next PCCM loads. 

Extra 9909 West has coupled up to BAR boxcar #5226 at Neubaum's Coffee & Tea Importers loaded with imported teas for Cavendish Food & Spirits in Mayfield, NY.

The BAR #5226 is shoved back into the Schaefer Brewery siding to couple onto APRR boxcars #4182, #4035 and a non PCCM GN boxcar. The APRR cars are loaded with beer for C&P Restaurant Supply in Rock Ridge, NJ. 

Alco Joe shows what an experienced engineer knows and shoves the caboose and cars for Schaefer into the Schaefer siding. BTW that good looking Schaefer car was a 2022 gift from 1:1 Alco Joe himself.

Aha! Alco Joe now shoves the covered hoppers going to Port Owen Brick and the ballast hoppers for the APRR MOW toward the remainder of his freight consist.

The caboose is now coupled behind the APRR hoppers. Smooth, very smooth...

After spotting the three non PCCM boxcars at the Schaefer Brewery Alco Joe waits at Bedford Tower for clearance to enter the mainline and make his runaround move. 

Extra 9909 West makes it's runaround move and heads back to Terminal Yard as Extra 9921 East.

We'll cut it here for today with Extra 9921 East arriving in Terminal Yard.

Tomorrow we'll turn the op over to the Empire Belt RR and catch the PCCM action in and around Empire City.

Be sure to catch all the action on PC Ralph's Kings Port Division and Sir Neal's Atlantic Pacific RR.

Thanks for reading and watching!!!
See you tomorrow!!!


  1. To: Terminal Yard
    To: West Mill / Kings Port

    From: Rock Ridge Yard

    Acknowledgement – Bedford Park Yard Job with Alco S4 working local industries
    Acknowledgement – Train BP-12 departs Bedford Park yard for Terminal Yard
    Acknowledgement – Super Van Train heads to Selkirk
    Acknowledgement – Train BP-41 returns to Bedford Park with non-PCCM freight cars
    Acknowledgement – Train VN-4 heads to Terminal Yard with non-PCCM freight cars
    Acknowledgement – Train WSJ-97 with RS-2 engines departs Terminal Yard for Empire City
    Acknowledgement – Train WSJ-98 returns to Terminal Yard
    Acknowledgement – Extra 9909 West with trains MR-1 & BT-27 working T&R Gravel & other industries
    Acknowledgement – Extra 9921 East returns to Terminal Yard

    Rock Ridge Yard Out!

    Lots of action to start off #99! Glad that you have the right motive power at the Ford Plant. Wouldn’t want to lose a large customer like the Ford Motor Co.! I enjoyed seeing all of the non-PCCM trains in action, especially the Super Can Train.

    The APRR eagerly awaits the inbound freight for the railroad, especially the loads of ballast for the upcoming track work that is planned for railroad.

    Very enjoyable Sir John!

    1. 10-4 Rock Ridge...

      Thank you for the compliments 1:1 Sir Neal!!! It's good to be able to forward PCCM freight cars to the APRR once more!!!

  2. To Terminal Yard/ Bedford Park Yard/ Rock Ridge Yard
    From: West Mill

    Acknowledge the work of the Bedford Park Yard Job
    Acknowledge dispatch of BP-12 to Terminal Yard
    Acknowledge BP-12 meeting Supervan Train
    Acknowledge BP-12 arriving Terminal Yard and turning around as BP-41
    Acknowledge BP-41 meeting VN-4
    Acknowledge dispatch of WSJ-97
    Acknowledge WSJ-97 turnaround as WSJ-98
    Acknowledge WSJ-98 meeting HN-2 and Empire Service Train.
    Acknowledge MR-1 and BT-27 runs combined as dispatched Extra 9909 West
    Acknowledge turnaround of WSJ-97 West as WSJ-98 East
    Acknowledge WSJ-98 meeting SK-3 and NH-2.

    West Mill out.

    A great action packed opening to the series with three dispatched trains that complete turnaround moves under new destinations, several meets with trains headed by interesting consists and carrying eye catching open loads or showcasing your fine TOFC/COFC roster!. Nice to see that former New Haven power too!

    1. 10-4 West Mill... Thank you very much Ralph!! I had a lot of fun with the meets and choosing the open car loads!

  3. I just can hear the sounds of the various Alco prime movers working in this busy and very interesting ops session John! On a far off by line, I have recently been watching videos from Pentrex about Mexican railroads. The way they operated up until KCS de Mexico came along is somewhat like taking a trip back in time on U.S. railroads in regard to using such locomotives as Alco C628's, RSD-12's, and RS-32/36's, (the narrator referred to the latter as RS-11's) Also, their operations were less complex then and are much easier to follow. If a model railroader wondered if the prototype operated like they do as well as other aspects such as track design, then they may see it on these or similar videos. Great job on all of your sessions. They are all very interesting and enjoyable.

    1. Hi Robert, Thank you for the compliments! An interesting tidbit about the Mexican railroads and one I plan on checking out! Thanks for that info, John
