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Thursday, December 22, 2022

Holiday Trackage Rights Part 6


Greetings All,

Welcome back to Holiday Trackage Rights 2022!!

It's that time of the year!! Holiday trackage rights have been granted!!!

The H.T.R. 2022 series will focus on some of the trains in the fleet that get their time on the layout during the Holidays as I enjoy some simple and pleasurable railfanning. Come along end enjoy the ride!!

See what's on the layout today!!

Thanks for watching!!! 
Season's Greetings, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to All!!!
More Holiday Traffic Rights coming tomorrow!!!


  1. Another great video! Love the opening freight train, and of course the LIRR train; a nice looking passenger consist with those RS units. The best part? Having snow for the Alaska passenger train! Terrific! I do have questions on the potential fire hazard from the NH train entering Empire City. Did the NH train catch something at the top? Do we need to bring in the NTSB? Inquiring minds want to know!

    1. Thank you very much Sir Neal!!! I think the NH E33's pantograph snagged some low hanging imaginary catenary! It made me laugh so I added it and left it in!

  2. Thanks for more looks at seldom seen equipment on the N.Y.C.T.L.! You have a great collection of locomotives! The NH E33 sparked up the holiday with a little Christmas magic!

    1. Thank you very much PC Ralph!!! The NH E33 was the highlight of this video!!!
