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Saturday, July 2, 2022

Freight Car Spotlight #5 -2022 / Empire Belt RR Express Boxcar #9582

 Greetings All,

Freight Car Spotlight #5 -2022
Empire Belt RR Express Boxcar #9582

Looking to add an Express Car to my fleet that would be a track cleaning car and look at home in a passenger train Empire Belt RR #9582 is now in service. 

The Model 
A purgatory box Bachmann 50' Milwaukee Road boxcar was the starting point.

The car has been painted rattle can gloss gray.

The decal mock up process begins. I'm using black EBRR decals made for me by our late friend Engineer Ed, Microscale NYC diesel decals for the white stripe, NYC headend car decals for the Express Car decal and a set of freight car data decals.

The steel weight has been removed and one and a half ounces of weight has been added. Body mounted knuckle couplers have been installed along with Intermountain 33" metal wheelsets.

A track cleaning pad of a Masonite type of hardboard is added.

The track cleaning surface. I used wooden dowels to attach it to the car so if I sand it for cleaning the dowel will sand down as well. 

The all important Height Gauge check!

The EBRR express car on the headend of a passenger train looking pretty good.

The EBRR express car is coupled to an ATSF express car.

The EBRR 9582 and ATSF both have freight car data necessary for freight car interchange. Without the data the cars would be confined to passenger or online service only.

The EBRR express car is part of a four express car consist. Note the NYC cars have only reporting marks confining them to passenger service and online service.

As passenger service spirals downward the EBRR 9582 can also be used in freight service. Its eye catching paint and lettering will make it an easy car to spot!

Thanks for reading!!!
See you soon!!!


  1. Nice work on the new box car! I'm sure this car will generate plenty of revenue for the EBRR. Show us how it came to fruition, including the use of the NMRA specs is always good to see and know. Another superb job by the Patti-O paint shop!

  2. That is a stylish looking car that looks good in passenger and freight trains! The white stripe really makes this car stand out. Nice that you are using decals provided by Ed to preserve his memory on the N.Y.C.T.L. All of these features and it cleans track as well! Nicely done!
