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Saturday, June 25, 2022

Penn Central Car Movements #93 Part 5 / The Inbound Cycle Continues.

  Greetings All,

Welcome back to Penn Central Car Movements #93!!!

Our three layout virtual op with my NYCTL interchanging freight traffic with 1:1 Sir Neal's Atlantic Pacific RR and PC Ralph's Kings Port Division continues today with deliveries of our inbound trains.

We open up at Terminal Yard with Wet Willie letting Alco Joe know that the other RS-2 in the engine terminal is out of service and this is the only Alco left to power today's Bedford Turn, train BT-27.

The Bedford Turn departs Terminal Yard.

Conductor Murray guides the BT-27 into the Bedford industrial siding to make the long pull.

With the siding cleared, empty AP boxcar #58260 is spotted at University Millwork for its next PCCM load.

Two EBRR covered hoppers loaded with flour from the Rock Ridge Cargill Facility are spotted at the Hostess Plant.

Across from Bedford Station the BT-27 pulls non PCCM cars from the Schaefer/ Neubaum's siding.

Now being spotted at the Schaefer Brewery is an empty non PCCM Schaefer reefer and two EBRR boxcars for their next PCCM loads.

Today's PC Train SP-10 (Selkirk to Terminal Yard ) passes the BT-27 RS-2 at Bedford Station and proceeds to Terminal Yard.

With Train SP-10 now in the yard Alco Joe has the Bedford Turn back together and prepares to return to Terminal Yard.

The Bedford Turns returns to Terminal Yard.

It's a busy time in Terminal Yard with both the BT-27 and SP-10 in the yard and ready to be worked. Big Mike has coupled up to the SP-10 caboose, Kar Knocker is ready to inspect the train and conductor Murray gives the guys a friendly wave. 

Alco Joe returns the RS-2 to the engine terminal and confers with engine hostler Wet Willie.

Over in Bedford Park Yard Robert R is working the Bedford Park Yard Job and is busy pulling empty boxcars from the Ford  Plant.

Both the empty APRR and EBRR 86'ers will be forwarded back to IDEAL Auto Parts in Rock Ridge NJ for their next PCCM loads in a future PCCM.

A non PCCM loaded auto rack gets pulled from the Ford Plant.

Robert R holds at Bedford Tower and awaits clearance to proceed to Terminal Yard as Train BP-12.

Train BP-12 heads to Terminal Yard.

It's another fast turnaround as Robert R couples up to the next hot cars needed at the Bedford Park Ford Plant.

Train BP-41A heads to Bedford Park Yard.

The BP-41A arrives in the cozy confines of Bedford Park Yard.

After a runaround move Robert R prepares to work the Ford Plant.

The first PCCM rush car of auto parts shoved into the Ford Plant siding is this PRR 86'er.

The next PCCM rush car of auto parts shoved into the Ford Plant is  APRR 86'er #86027.

With the Ford Plant assembly line humming along we'll cut it here for today as Robert R ties down the 8598 in Bedford Park Yard.

We'll pick it tomorrow at Terminal Yard where Alco Joe is called for Train EC-1, a transfer run to Empire City with freight traffic for the Empire Belt and Long Island RRs.

Be sure to catch all the action on Sir Neal's Atlantic Pacific RR and PC Ralph's Kings Port Division!

Thanks for reading and watching!!!
See you tomorrow!!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. To: Terminal Yard/ Bedford Park Yard/ Rock Ridge Yard
    From: West Mill

    Acknowledge dispatch of BT-27 from Terminal Yard
    Acknowledge BT-27 meeting SP-10
    Acknowledge return of BT-27 to Terminal Yard
    Acknowledge Bedford Park Job
    Acknowledge dispatch of BP-12 and meet with NYC Doodlebug
    Acknowledge arrival of SP-10 at Terminal Yard
    Acknowledge arrival of BP-12 at Terminal Yard and turnaround dispatch of BP-41A

    West Mil out

    RS2 #8369 was enough power for today's Turn but we hope its sister unit is back on the rails soon! Murry gets the nod as the Friendly Conductor on the N.Y.C.T.L.! Maybe he'd be a positive influence on the cantankerous Fingers O' Malley at West Mill! SP-10 was an impressively long train bringing in a lot of work for Terminal Yard's crews. The Kings Port Railfan Society is getting around in this series. Terminal Yard is a favorite hot spot! TC and the guys appreciated the horn salute from BP-12!

    1. 10-4 West Mill...

      Thanks Ralph!!! The KPRS guys have become well known in these parts and are always respectful of the train operations and personnel around them. I think they get a big kick out of conductor Murray waving to them and listening to Big Mike and Kar Knocker on the radio.
