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Friday, June 3, 2022

Freight Car Spotlight #4-2022 / Bev-Bel Southern Pacific 50' Boxcar #653003

 Greetings All,

Freight Car Spotlight #4-2022

Today's Freight Car Spotlight will focus on Southern Pacific RR 50' boxcar #653003. 

Model Information

The 50' single door boxcar is an Athearn Blue Box model painted by the Bev-Bel Corp. I purchased the car as seen below at an area train show in January 2022.   

A close up of the SP 653003 shows the well done paint and lettering advertising the car as equipped with a Car-Pac Loader and Fixed Side Filler and a AAR code XL meaning it is car loader equipped for securing loads. 

The underside of the car is typical of Athearn model builds. The clean metal weight was a pleasant surprise.

After disassembly the car parts were painted as noted below. 

The shell has received a shot of dullcote. The frame has received additional weight and Kadee Couplers.

The car was rebuilt using standard tools.

Proto 2000 metal wheelsets replaced the original wheels. The trucks were drilled out slightly where they attach to the bolster. Some Athearn car bolsters are too wide for the trucks. If you have an Athearn car where the truck does not rock easily from side to side or leans in one direction this can be easy fix. 

The car is checked against the Kadee Height Gauge and is now ready for service.

The job is not complete until the paperwork is done! A car card has been prepared and the SP 653003 will get its first load fulfilling an Empty Car Request from Terminal Warehouse for a shipment of mixed foods going to Ralph's Grocery Warehouse in Empire City NY.

Model to Prototype Comparison

Searching various internet data bases like Fallen Flags, RR Picture Archives and others I was unable to locate an SP car in the 653003 number range. A couple of SP cars did come close. 

I posted an inquiry about the car on the Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine forums and received the following photos.

SP boxcar 653462 from Canadian Freight Car Gallery.
SP boxcar 653187 from RR Picture Archives.
SP boxcar 651679 from Railcar Photos.

I was a bit surprised that I could not find a prototypical match for this car painted by Bev-Bel. Going forward I'll follow the advice of MRH forum poster Dave B as the car looks like an SP car to me and not look back.

Thanks for reading!!!
See you soon!!!


  1. Great work on upgrading the model. Sometimes, despite what we may not find online, there can be a prototype out there. In this case, you're right. Don't look back!

    1. Thank you Sir Neal!!! Don't look back is good advice!!!

  2. "Don't look back!" as 70s-80s group Boston sang. Seriously, very nice work on this great looking car!

    1. Thank you Ralph!! That is a good song and good advice!!
