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Saturday, April 23, 2022

Penn Central Car Movements #92 / Weekend Coal Op Part 2

 Greetings All,

Welcome back to Penn Central Car Movements #92

PCCM 92 , our one weekend virtual coal op with empty coal trains coming to the NYCTL from 1:1 Sir Neal's Atlantic Pacific RR and PC Ralph's Kings Port Division continues today with loaded coal trains heading back to the APRR and KPD layouts.

Extra 4348 prepares to depart Terminal Yard for Selkirk with loaded coal hoppers consigned to the Bow, NH Power Plant.

Extra 4348 heads for Selkirk.

Extra 4348 gets a highball at Bedford Tower. Next stop Selkirk!!!

Back at Terminal Yard Kar Knocker inspects Extra 6533 arriving with empty hoppers from the Kings Port Division's West Mill Yard 

The 6533 has cut from the train and rolls into the engine terminal.

Kar Knocker is ready to inspect the train and the yard engines are ready to pull the caboose.

After the empty hoppers pass their inspection they get a local coal service caboose and are readied to depart for Hudson Coal. 

Once again the ex PRR SD9s get the call for a mine run. The engines are enjoying a carbon cleaning and are showcasing their six axle pulling power.

Empty hopper train MR-3 departs Terminal Yard.

The first stop is to pull four loaded PC PS2 covered hoppers from T&R Gravel. They are loaded with locomotive sand for the APRR's Richmond Hill Engine Terminal.

The PS2 hoppers are shoved into Hudson Coal.

The loaded hoppers get pulled from Hudson Coal.

The SD9s show their strength pulling a long cut from Hudson Coal.

The empties are spotted and the coal cycle continues.

Loaded hopper train MR-4 builds up the air and prepares to head back to Terminal Yard.

The MR-4 heads back to Terminal Yard.

Train MR-4 brings the loaded hoppers into Terminal Yard and over the weigh in motion scale.

The Terminal Yard yardmaster is out to talk things over with Kar Knocker and Big Mike. Upon completion of the car inspection he wants the entire consist of MR-4 coupled up to the ballast hoppers on track #4 in the background and readied for departure.

With the car inspection complete Big Mike couples up to the PC PS hopper as Kar Knocker looks on.

The coal hoppers are coupled onto the ballast hoppers in track #4.

Two GP40s get the call to power the train.

The engines couple up with GP40 3175 leading.

Extra 3175 departs Terminal Yard.

Extra 3175 gets a highball at Bedford Tower. Next stop Selkirk!!!

This wraps up the NYCTL's PCCM 92 participation and the op is turned back over to the Kings Port Division and Atlantic Pacific RR.

Be sure to catch the action on 1:1 Sir Neal's Atlantic Pacific RR and PC Ralph's Kings Port Division!!

Thanks for reading and watching!!!
See you tomorrow!!!


  1. To: Terminal Yard/Rock Ridge Yard
    From: West Mill

    Acknowledge dispatch of Extra 4348 to Selkirk
    Acknowledge Extra 4348 meeting Extra 6533.
    Acknowledge arrival of Extra 6533 at Terminal Yard
    Acknowledge dispatch of mine run MR-3
    Acknowledge turnaround MR-4 for Terminal Yard
    Acknowledge MR-4 meeting APR-25
    Acknowledge dispatch of Extra 3175 to Selkirk-Rock ridge Yard.
    Acknowledge Extra 3175 meeting RDC.

    West Mill out.

    Coal is king on the N.Y.C.T.L. this weekend as another big loads and empties exchange is made at Hudson Coal! I am liking the pair of SD9s on MR-3/4 again using their six axle power to move the hoppers. I enjoy the ops details like Kar Knocker's train inspections that add to the realism of the car movements. The black and orange ballast hoppers are a nice addition to the coal ops as well! Great job managing all of those cola hoppers as the "middle man" and coal supplier in this series!

    1. 10-4 West Mill...

      Thanks for the compliments Ralph!!! Kar Knocker has been worked hard this series and I'm happy to read that his efforts to enhance the ops is paying off. He'll probably demand a new truck or a raise now! This was a good op that I was happy to participate in. Juggling the empties and loads in and out to you and Sir Neal was a bit tricky but once we talked it over it came together nicely I think.

  2. To: Terminal Yard
    To: West Mill

    From: Rock Ridge Yard
    Acknowledgement – Penn Central Extra 4348 departing Terminal Yard for Selkirk and on to Bow, NH
    Acknowledgement – Penn Central Extra 6322 West Mill to Terminal Yard with empty hoppers from the KPD
    Acknowledgement – Train MR-3 departs Terminal Yard to Hudson Coal
    Acknowledgement – Train MR-4 departs Hudson Coal for Terminal Yard
    Acknowledgement – Train APR-25 from Terminal Yard passing train MR-4
    Acknowledgement – Penn Central Extra 3175 departs Terminal Yard for Rock Ridge Yard with 19 cars plus caboose
    Acknowledgement – Beeliner RDC making its appearance on the NYCTL!

    Rock Ridge Yard Out!

    It’s a wrap! That’s quite a train coming back to Rock Ridge Yard. There are a multitude of train crews that will be ready for the inbound freight train to Rock Ridge Yard. The Terminal Yard crew did an outstanding job getting the train checked out for departure. 1:87 Norman will be very happy to hear that more sand is on the way, as he is the caretaker at the Richmond Hill Engine Terminal! Great job Sir John!

    1. 10-4 Rock Ridge...

      Thank you very much 1:1 Sir Neal!!! Extra 3175 was indeed a good looking train and I'm happy we remembered the NYC mineral service caboose this time.
