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Saturday, March 19, 2022

New Scene for a Troublesome Layout Spot

 Greetings All,

I finally addressed the bare area under the High Line that lays between Empire City Station and RA Rower. The area features a reverse loop tunnel entrance and uneven lighting due to the overhead High Line.

I cut out some black foam core board to fit between the tracks and placed some yellow heavy equipment on top of it. The colorful shrubbery at right is going to be removed as part of the project. 

The bright colors of the machinery are easily spotted in the uneven lighting. The bridges cross the Empire City canal a favorite body dumping spot for the local mobsters.

I've added a fence made from small dowels and nylon screen to protect the people and vehicles from falling or being pushed into the canal. Tan cardstock has been cut and pasted over the black foam core to simulate concrete and lighten the area. 

Scrap tires, light color vehicles and scribed expansion joints show  potential.

Gravel and ballast replace the colorful shrubbery for a more railroad looking scene. A black top roadway has also been added.

Growing up in a big city my urban scenes need fences which were a big part of city life. The area in front of the tunnel is now totally protected. 

Empire City Bridge & Highway District 57 has taken possession of the newly created lot. I think this is a good fit for this site. Highway signs are stored to the left and easily seen in the darker area.

The entrance with sliding gates has been set back to allow safe ingress and egress. Can't have the work truck get hit by an express train while the driver fumbles with his keys to unlock and open the gate!

Scrap tires picked up from various illegal dump sites and roadways are stored here awaiting pickup from a city garbage truck. A signal and the switch tender shanty have been glued in place to complement the scene.

A  municipal road crew works on some drainage issues in the foreground. A couple of the District 57 guys stroll thru their lot which now includes orange highway barrels and road closure barricades. 

A billboard has been placed on the other side of the reverse curve tracks. Various crates are stacked inside the fence on the right. 

A head on view from the edge of the layout. 

While this project is certainly no award winner in the scenery department it does provide a decent backdrop to photograph the trains that will be rolling by.

Thanks for reading!!!
See you soon!!!


  1. I think you did a superb job in creating very realistic scene and made use of empty space. The NYCTL Maintenance Dept. should be pleased on the outcome. The fencing, tires and equipment add that final touch to your work. Great work Sir John!

    1. Thank you very much Sir Neal! Believe it or not this project was ten years in the making as I could never decide what to do with the space.

  2. Nice job turning that shadowed space into a neat scene! Lots of details and vehicles make it interesting and, as you noted, a good backdrop for photos of the area!

    1. Thank you Ralph! After ten years and multiple half hearted attempts to do something with the space it finally has something placed that can be seen in the darkened corners. Those old Matchbox trucks came in handy!
