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Friday, February 11, 2022

Penn Central Car Movements #90 / Part 5

 Greetings All,

Welcome Back to Penn Central Car Movements #90

The PCCM 90 virtual op with my NYCTL layout interchanging freight cars with PC Ralph's Kings Port Division continues today with part two of my inbound portion.

We open up inbound day 2 at Bedford Park Yard with engineer Robert R getting ready to board ex PRR Baldwin S12 #8195. 

Robert R and his crew have collected the outbound traffic from Bedford Park. They get clearance at Bedford Tower and head to Terminal Yard as Train BP-12.

Train BP-12 heads to Terminal Yard.

The BP-12 rolls into Terminal Yard as Kar Knocker inspects the incoming train.

Robert R once again does the quick BP-12/BP-41 turnaround as he couples up to cars for Bedford Park. This local train is "hot" as the coil cars are going to Ford Plant and woe to the person who interrupts the assembly line process.

The tail end rolls out of the yard with a pair of PC boxcars protecting the crew from the tank car with Freon, a flammable gas.

Train BP-14 heads to Bedford Park.

Robert R brings the BP-41 into the cozy confines of Bedford Park.

The tank car is spotted at the tank car track using the coil coaches as a buffer or handle to keep the tank car away from the locomotive.

The two coil coaches loaded with steel coils from Kings Port Steel in Kings Port NY are shoved into the Ford Steel Track.

Robert R ties down his locomotive and train in Bedford Park Yard. The empty PC boxcars will be used to fulfill empty car requests in Bedford Park or head back to Terminal Yard in the next train out.

Over at Terminal Yard engine hostler Wet Willie is two for two in twenty-two with Alco Joe putting a pair of Alco RS2s on Train BT-27, the Bedford Turn.

Next we catch the BT-27 on "the slide" shoving empty EL boxcar #73510 up the grade towards T&R Gravel.

EL boxcar #73510 is spotted at T&R Gravel for its next PCCM load, bagged iron ore for Port Owen Brick. This car will be outbound in PCCM 91.

Alco Joe brings the BT-27 into Bedford.

The BT-27 makes the long pull out of the Bedford industry siding.

PC boxcar #229036 loaded with bulk cardboard from International Paper gets spotted at Berk Industries

PC boxcar #360158 loaded with bagged flour from Blue Ribbon Flour in Kings Port NY is spotted at the Hostess/ Wonder Bread Plant.

Alco Joe brings the RS2s onto the main without having to wait. That's a rare occurrence!!

Alco Joe runs down the main to get to the head end of the train.

The RS-2s are coupled on and Train BT-27 gets ready to head back to Terminal Yard.

Train BT-27 heads back to Terminal Yard.

We'll close it out here today with Alco Joe bringing the BT-27 into Terminal Yard as the ever diligent Kar Knocker is out to inspect the train. 

We'll pick it up tomorrow with the dispatch of Train EC-1 to the Empire Belt RRs North Side Yard and turn it over to the EBRR crew.

Be sure to follow the action on PC Ralph's Kings Port Division!!!
Thanks for reading and watching!!!
See you tomorrow!!!


  1. To: Bedford Park Yard, Terminal Yard
    From: West Mill

    Acknowledge dispatch of BP-12 and arrival at Terminal Yard
    Acknowledge dispatch of BP-41, meeting VN-4
    Acknowledge dispatch of BT-27
    Acknowledge meet with BT-27, HN-2 an Beeliner
    Acknowledge arrival of BT-27 at Terminal Yard

    West Mill out.

    I always like following your auto industry rail action with the quick car forwarding on hot trains. BP-12 was hustling! I admired the rapid BP-12/ BP-41 turnaround. Great continued use of safety procedures protecting crews from the potentially hazardous Freon tanker. The meet with BT-27 and HN-2 was a thing of beauty as the attractive NH/PC consist hauled the train upgrade. The passing Beeliner capped off the action at this location!

    1. 10-4 West Mill... Thank you Ralph!!! Ford is a demanding online customer that ships and receives valuable freight traffic throughout the system and the Terminal Yard guys know to get their cars out in a hurry!

      Glad you liked the HN-2!!! It instantly became one of my favorite lash ups!

  2. Oh! I also meant to comment about Train VN-4 with the inclusion of the very cool LIRR power cars! I'm looking forward to seeing them on the rails again!

    1. I'm not sure how the LIRR power cars got to the LIRR from GE but VN-4 was plausible enough for me. It was nice to see them in action after a long hiatus.

  3. To: Terminal Yard
    To: West Mill

    From: Rock Ridge Yard

    Acknowledgement – Train BP-12 departs Bedford Park to Terminal Yard
    Acknowledgement – Train BP-12 arrives Terminal Yard – Inspection by Kar Knocker
    Acknowledgement – Train BP-41 departs Terminal Yard for Bedford Park
    Acknowledgement – Train BT-27 Terminal Yard to Bedford Park w/RS-2 engines working the job
    Acknowledgement – Train HN-2 from Cedar Hill thru Bedford to Terminal Yard holds up BT-27
    Acknowledgement – Train BT-27 arrives Terminal Yard – Inspection by Kar Knocker

    Rock Ridge Yard Out!

    Robert did a great job working BT-27 today and making that quick move to the main shows his experience working the job. Kar Knocker wasted no time in getting the trains inspected and out of the way. Nice inbound HN-2 and of course, the Beeliner must make a showing!

    1. 10-4 Rock Ridge...

      The NYCTL guys were clicking on all cylinders today! Thanks for the compliments!!
