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Thursday, February 3, 2022

Penn Central Car Movements #90 / Part 1 / Year Seven and the Outbound Cycle Begins

Greetings All,

Welcome to Penn Central Car Movements #90

Welcome to the first virtual op of 2022 as we begin the seventh year of PCCM virtual operations which started on February 3rd 2016. The very first virtual freight car interchange between my NYCTL and PC Ralph's Kings Port Division can be traced back to my blogpost from August 06, 2014! 

The original PCCM freight car interchanges were by email until we switched the the blog format. We've certainly come a long way since those humble beginnings!

PCCM 90 will feature my NYCTL layout interchanging freight cars with PC Ralph's Kings Port Division. Sir Neal's Atlantic Pacific RR is on a winter hiatus and should be back for PCCM 91.

We begin year seven with the return of the 1:87 scale Penn Central management and trainmen who have diligently been working both Terminal Yard and Bedford Park Yard.

The Empire Belt RR team led by 1:87 Senior Engineer Sir Neal and PC Ralph are also returning along with LIRR engineer Jimmy Alco.

Jimmy Alco gets the honor of opening the PCCM 90 action bringing LIRR Freight Train MA-3 from Fresh Pond Yard thru Bedford NY towards Empire City and the Empire Belt RRs North Side Yard.

LIRR Train MA-3 rumbles thru Bedford

Jimmy Alco gets clearance at Bedford Tower to enter the High Line and Empire City

Train MA-3 arrives at the Empire Belt RRs North Side Yard with PC Ralph inspecting the incoming train.

Jimmy Alco has dropped the MA-3 consist on track 2 and rolls out of the yard shoving his outbound pickups past the ever watchful Sir Neal and conductor John.

Jimmy Alco makes a quick run to Pizza Land for calzones to go! 

Jimmy Alco is back on board his Alcos and brings the outbound train west to collect the caboose.

LIRR Caboose #12 is coupled on and LIRR Train MA-4 prepares to head back to Fresh Pond Yard.

LIRR Train MA-4 passes Bedford Tower as the tower operator gets a whiff of hot calzones from the engine compartment of the lead unit.

Train MA-4 heads back thru Bedford to Fresh Pond Yard.

Next we turn out attention to the Penn Central's Bedford Park Yard where engineer Robert R is ready to board ex PRR Baldwin S12 #8195 and get to work.

The first pick up is Lehigh Valley boxcar #66392 loaded at American Hardware Supply with paint and paint supplies for Amalgamated Container Corp (ACCO) located in Mayfield NY.

A non PCCM EL boxcar gets spotted at American Hardware Supply.

Robert R's next stop is the Bedford Park Ford Plant to pull out a trio of empty 60' boxcars. 

The NYC, KP&W and PC/TOC cars are going back to ACME Auto Products also located in Mayfield NY for reloading. 

Train BP-12 (Bedford Park to Terminal Yard) heads to Terminal Yard.

Robert R brings the BP-12 into Terminal Yard as both Kar Knocker and Big Mike inspect the inbound train.

Big Mike, running the Yard Job, sets the BP-12 cars onto track #2.

Robert R has coupled the Baldwin S12 to three 86' boxcars that came in earlier on the FAST 50. Kar Knocker has cleared the train for departure which is now identified as Train BP-41 (Terminal Yard to Bedford Park). 

Train BP-41 heads back to Bedford Park Yard.

We'll close it out for today at the Empire Belt RRs North Side Yard with the EBRR trainmen preparing to get their yard and trains in order. Note "borrowed" ex PRR U25C #6500 in the EBRR consist.

We'll pick it up tomorrow with the Morning Industrial Job being powered with an EBRR GP18-"borrowed" PC GP9- EBRR GP18 consist.   

The EBRR-PC consists above were the idea of 1:87 scale Senior Engineer Sir Neal to balance power and fuel consumption on both EBRR trains moving the tonnage in a two layout virtual op. 

The U23Cs (2250 HP) and U25C (2500 HP) give that consist 7,000 HP which should be fine for transfer service in this two layout PCCM. The GP18s (1800 HP) and GP9 (1750 HP) provide 5,350 HP which should be more than sufficient for the switching service in a two or three layout virtual op.

Be sure to follow the action on PC Ralph's Kings Port Division!!!

Thanks for reading and watching!!!
See you tomorrow!!!


  1. To: Terminal Yard
    To: West Mill

    From: Rock Ridge Yard

    Acknowledgement – LIRR Train MA-3 Fresh Pond to Empire belt North Side Yard
    Acknowledgement – Fast 50 Train thru Bedford Station
    Acknowledgement – LIRR Train MA-4 returns to Fresh Pond from North Side Yard
    Acknowledgement – Engineer Robert R working Bedford Park with EX-PRR S12 8195
    Acknowledgement – Train BP-12 from Bedford Park Yard heads to Terminal Yard
    Acknowledgement – Train BP-41 from Terminal Yard returns to Bedford Park Yard

    Rock Ridge Yard Out!

    A great start to the 2022 P.C.C.M. virtual operating sessions! I’ve never seen such a happy crew waiting to work!! The LIRR train is always a favorite of this LI raised guy. I see the 3 Gulf tanks cars are in the mix as well. The Ford plant is always busy and Robert has things well in hand. I thought that we would not see the RDC make an appearance, and I was wrong! Nice touch at the end!!

    1. 10-4 Rock Ridge...

      Thanks for the compliments Sir Neal!!! The RDC snuck in at the end!!

  2. To: Terminal Yard, North Side Yard, Bedford Park Yard
    From: West Mill

    Acknowledge arrival of LIRR MA-3 at North Side Yard, meeting Fast 50 at Bedford Station.
    Acknowledge Departure of LIRR MA-4 to Fresh Pond Yard, meeting ML-11 at Bedford.
    Acknowledge work at Bedford Park Yard and local industries by S12 #8195.
    Acknowledge arrival of BP-12 at Terminal Yard.

    Acknowledge Departure of BP-41 with meet with RDC at Bedford.

    West Mill out.

    Welcome back to the Terminal Yard and North Side Yard teams for a new year of "virtual ops"!! Starting off withe LIRR Transfer is OK by me as I really enjoy railfanning those units! Hey! Make sure to grab enough calzones for everyone! Nice collection of train meets at the Bedford Needle! The Fast 50 was looking good as it raced by as did the well decaled RDC! What was the blue domed tanker on MA-4? It caught my eye as the train rolled by. Coincidentally it seems that "borrowed power has become a theme on both of our layouts in the first installment of this series!

    1. 10-4 West Mill...

      Thanks for the compliments Ralph!!!The tanker on MA-4 was a CAT Gasoline car from Model Power. Not sure about it being a prototype but it is one of the only tank cars to have come with a HAZMAT 1203 placard. Borrowed power does seem to be the theme for the opening of this op!!!
