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Sunday, September 5, 2021

Penn Central Car Movements #86 / NYCTL Part 3 / Dispatch of Outbound Trains

 Greeting All,

Welcome back to Penn Central Car Movements #86!!!

The outbound portion of our two layout virtual op with my NYCTL interchanging freight cars with Ralph's Kings Port Division  concludes today.

We open up with a pair of SW8s working Terminal Yard to build our outbound trains and service any industries within the yard limits.

The yard job pulls two PC gondolas from the engine terminal loaded with scrap steel for the Kings Port Steel furnaces.

Two empty Gulf tank cars heading back to Gulf in West Mill NY get pulled from the tank car track.

The yard job pulls four TOFC flats from the TOFC track for delivery to the Williams Yard ramp.

The yard job pulls cars from yesterdays EB-2 train that are going to industries within the Terminal Yard yard limits.

Now working Terminal Warehouse and Cold Storage an EL Reefer and HRC boxcar get pulled for their next PCCM loads. 

Also being pulled is PC boxcar #360063 loaded with bulk cardboard for Canton Box in West Mill NY. 

The yard job heads towards the Pier 16 yard and we see four of six EBRR/APRR 57' reefers now spotted for their next PCCM loads.

Three empty APRR covered hoppers are spotted at the Pier 16 Grain Silos for their next PCCM loads.

Empty 40' GM&O boxcar #21129 is left for the Pier 16 Switcher to spot at Bruce Electric Equipment in the background.

The yard job returns their caboose to the caboose track.

Meanwhile the Pier 16 switcher is making the Bruce Electric switch moves pulling PC hi cube boxcar #272742 loaded with electrical parts for Peerless Appliance in Mayfield NY.

The empty GM&O boxcar is spotted for its next PCCM load.

PC boxcar #272742 is delivered to Terminal Yard for inclusion in an outbound train. The non PCCM NYSW will return to Bruce Electric for loading.

The yard job gets to work building our two outbound trains.

Train TW-67 (Terminal Yard - West Mill) is ready to go on Track #3 as the yard job finishes putting Train TK-99 ( Terminal Yard - Kings Port & Western) together.

Penn Central GP38s #7692 & #8038 get the call for TW-67.

Train TW-67 departs for West Mill.
Next stop West Mill Yard!!!

Penn Central GP30 #2228 with an F7B and F7A #1802 get the call to power Train TK-99 (Terminal Yard -Kings Port & Western RR).

Train TK-99 departs for Kings Port NY.

Next stop the Kings Port & Western RRs Williams Yard.

This concludes my outbound portion of P.C.C.M. #86. We'll reconvene for the inbound portion of our virtual op on Friday, September 10th, 2021. 
Be sure to catch the action on Ralph's Kings Port Division!!!!
Thanks for reading and watching!!!
See ya soon!!!


  1. To Terminal Yard, Rock Ridge Yard
    From: West Mill

    Acknowledge Yard Job at Terminal Yard.
    Acknowledge Pier 16 job.
    Acknowledge dispatch of PC Trains TW-67 and TK-99

    West Mill out.

    I like the back to back pair of SW8 NYC switchers that had a lot to do gathering cars from various large industries close to the yard. Those businesses certainly add a lot to local operations as do the Pier 16 connections. Nice roll-by videos of both trains coming to the Kings Port Division! We'll be ready to receive all of those cars for next weekend's installments!

    1. 10-4 West Mill...

      Thank you Ralph!!! The NYC SW8s are workhorses just like the 8951 at West Mill!

  2. To: Terminal Yard
    To: West Mill

    From: Rock Ridge Yard

    Acknowledgement – Terminal Yard Job & SW8’s working industries and EB-2 freight
    Acknowledgement – Train TW-67 Terminal Yard to West Mill
    Acknowledgement – Train TK-99 Terminal yard to Kings Port & Western Williams Yard

    Rock Ridge Yard Out!

    Those SW8 engines move a lot of freight. Nice to see your moves setting up future PCCM’s. Train TW-67 is the favorite today with the pair of Geeps. Both outbound trains look good and I like the new train number assignments, as they’re very specific to the KPD. Well done!

    1. 10-4 Rock Ridge...

      Thank you Sir Neal!!! The SW8s certainly earned their keep in this series!
