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Friday, July 2, 2021

Penn Central Car Movements #84 / N.Y.C.T.L. Part 1 / Coal Trains Get Dispatched

 Greetings All,

Welcome to Penn Central Car Movements #84!!!

The Coal Rush is on this weekend as Hudson Coal works to quench the thirst for black diamonds needed at industries and utilities on Sir Neal's Atlantic Pacific RR and PC Ralph's Kings Port Division

We open up this one weekend virtual op at Terminal Yard with Alco Joe called for the first Coal Job of the day, Train CJ-1, that will work Hudson Coal. The GP20 consist is one of Alco Joe's favorites and today he is more than happy to be GP20 Joe!

Train CJ-1 exits Terminal Yard

The CJ-1 starts pulling loaded hoppers from Hudson Coal. This block that includes the NYC and PRR hoppers will be going to Corning Glass Works in Corning NY.

Conductor Murray rides the last loaded hopper out of Hudson Coal.

After dropping it's caboose and loaded hoppers on the Bedford Secondary the CJ-1 crosses onto the main.

Empty hoppers get shoved down the main towards Hudson Coal.

The empties are spotted for loading.

CJ-1 is back together and heads back to Terminal Yard as an RDC heads down Main #1 for Empire City Station.

Alco Joe brings the CJ-1 into Terminal Yard and over the weigh in motion scales as Kar Knocker inspects the train.

Over at the Empire Belt RRs North Side Yard in Empire City, N.Y. PC Ralph prepares to deliver ten empty EBRR coal hoppers to Terminal Yard. The hoppers, stored here in serviceable condition, were requested by the Penn Central. PC Ralph and senior engineer Sir Neal are happy to see them go and earn revenue.

EBRR Extra 6719 heads thru Bedford for Terminal Yard

PC Ralph brings the empties into Terminal Yard across the weigh in motion scale.

PC Ralph departs Terminal Yard caboose lite as Kar Knocker heads over to blue flag the train for inspection.

Kar Knocker has cleared the EBRR hoppers and Big Mike running the Yard Job couples up to them to build our second coal train of the day, Train CJ-2.

A surprise guest engineer from the NYCTL Extra Board is none other than senior engineer Sir Neal. Big Mike and Kar Knocker ask the obvious question. "What's a high stepper like Sir Neal doing on a local coal job with first generation power?" 

Sir Neal shows he hasn't lost the touch no matter what kind of train or power he is working with. Watch Train CJ-2 make its moves to exchange empties for loads at Hudson Coal.

CJ-2 is back together and ready to head back to Terminal Yard.

Sir Neal brings the CJ-2 into Terminal Yard and across the weigh in motion scales as Kar Knocker inspects the train.

With the Yard Job's usual U23Cs at Selkirk for their monthly inspection Big Mike and his Baldwin S12s start building our outbound coal trains. Both the PRR (87) and NYC (21) contributed S12s to the PC roster

Engine hostler Wet Willie has the power coupled on and Kar Knocker gets Coal Extra 6533 ready to depart.

Coal Extra 6533 heads thru Bedford NY with 12 loads of coal for the APRR's Rock Ridge Yard. 

Extra 6533 passes Bedford Tower as it heads for Selkirk, the River Line and Weehawken Yard.

Following Extra 6533 thru Bedford NY is Coal Extra 4348 bringing twenty four loads of coal to the Kings Port Division.

Coal Extra 4348 passes Bedford Tower on it's way to Selkirk and the River Line to the Kings Port Division.

This wraps up the NYCTL Outbound portion of P.C.C.M. 84. The loaded coal trains should arrive at their destinations by tomorrow. The A.P.R.R. and K.P.D. crews will handle interchanges and deliveries to their coal customers. The empties will be forwarded back to Terminal Yard on Sunday and we'll pick up the inbound portion there.
Be sure to catch the action on PC Ralph's Kings Port Division and Sir Neal's Atlantic Pacific RR.

Thanks for reading and watching!!!
See ya Sunday!!!!


  1. To: Terminal Yard
    To: West Mill

    From: Rock Ridge Yard

    Acknowledgement – Train CJ-1 Terminal Yard to Hudson Coal and back to Terminal Yard
    Acknowledgement – Extra 6179 Bedford Yard to Terminal Yard with empty hoppers
    Acknowledgement – Train SK-5 Outbound thru Bedford
    Acknowledgement – Train CJ-2 Terminal Yard to Hudson Coal and back to Terminal Yard
    Acknowledgement – Extra 6533 Terminal Yard to Rock Ridge Yard on the A.P.R.R.
    Acknowledgement – Extra 4348 Terminal Yard to the Kings Port Division

    Rock Ridge Yard Out!

    Hudson Coal and the N.Y.C.T.L. come thru during this peak period for black diamonds and electricity! The crew at Terminal Yard did an outstanding job. Kar Knocker and Conductor Murray, as usual, have it well in hand. I do like how that RDC seems to appear in all of your posts. Nice to see another manifest train not being held up to the high demand for coal. Great work Sir John!

    1. 10-4 Rock Ridge!!!

      That RDC just waits around to photobomb my virtual ops posts!

      Thanks for the compliments!!!

  2. To Terminal Yard, Rock Ridge Yard
    From: West Mill

    Acknowledge dispatch of Trains CJ-1, Extra 6179 and meet with SK-5, CJ-2, Extra 6533 to Rock Ridge Yard, and Extra 4348 to the Kings Port Division.

    West Mill out

    What a great kick off for this 84th series! Two runs to Hudson Coal with local favorite GP20s on the head end of one and the surprise railfan treat of an F7A/GP7 consist on the other! I enjoyed the video depicting the loads-out/ empties-in move! I liked all of the videos but my favorite is Extra 6719's big EBRR locmotives gliding by with their string of hoppers and meeting SK-5 with its NH units in the consist! Terrific stuff!

    1. 10-4 West Mill!!!

      Thanks Ralph!!! I think the EBRR 6719 - SK-5 meet was my favorite as well. I really liked hearing the SK-5 engine horn setting off the car alarms at the end of the video.
