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Saturday, June 5, 2021

Penn Central Car Movements #83/ N.Y.C.T.L. Part 6 / Switching at Bedford Park and Empire City

 Greetings All,

Welcome back to Penn Central Car Movements #83!!!

The Inbound cycle of our three layout virtual op with my N.Y.C.T.L. interchanging freight cars with PC Ralph's Kings Port Division and Sir Neal's Atlantic Pacific RR continues today.

We start the day at the Bedford Park Ford Plant with Robert R pulling out this trio of empty auto parts boxcars that will go back to IDEAL Auto Parts in a future virtual op.

Robert R has rolled into Terminal Yard and coupled up to three loaded auto parts boxcars from IDEAL Auto Parts in Rock Ridge NJ.

Big Mike once again working the yard job pulls off the caboose and empties.

Here is the BP-12 - BP-41 sequence showing a fast turnaround at Terminal Yard.

After a runaround move in Bedford Park Robert R shoves the auto parts cars into the Ford Siding.

Next we catch Robert R heading back to Terminal Yard for another pair of shutdown cars for the Ford Plant. Ford expects these rolling warehouses to be ready for spotting when called for.

Robert R heads thru Bedford to Terminal Yard and returns thru Bedford with the hot cars for Ford and an empty PC boxcar for American Hardware Supply.

Robert R is back in Bedford Park. Empty PC boxcar #160502 is spotted at American Hardware Supply. Once the engine is cut from the PC boxcar it will perform another runaround move.

After the runaround move the hot cars for the Ford Plant are shoved into the yard and ready for quick delivery when called for. 

Next we turn our attention to the Empire Belt RR getting ready to run it's daily Morning Industrial Job train that serves customers within the Empire City limits. PC Ralph will handle this with two U23Cs and deliver cars from yesterday's EC-1 from Terminal Yard.

PC Ralph brings the MIJ onto the secondary track and we see P&E boxcar #3638 loaded with kitchen gadgets from REVCO has been constructively placed in the yard for Ralph's Grocery Warehouse. 

The MIJ is working the eastside industrial complex pulling out various loads and empties.

Now spotted at Ralph's Grocery Warehouse and filling the siding are:
Swift reefer #4244 loaded with frozen meat products from Swift in Lawrence Mass.
PC boxcar #360063 loaded with packaged meals from Cavendish Fine Foods in Mayfield NY
PC boxcar #229046 loaded with cake mix from Blue Ribbon Flour in Kings Port NY.
P&E boxcar #3638 loaded with kitchen gadgets from REVCO is constructively placed at North Side Yard will be delivered as soon as there is a clear spot on the siding.

Next move is at Gervais Pipe spotting this pair of Evans coil coaches with steel coils from Kings Port Steel in... Kings Port NY! 

The MIJ is now pulling a loaded boxcar from Neal's Lumber and Hardware as the big man himself, senior engineer Sir Neal lends a hand.

Being spotted at Neal's is PC boxcar #77047 loaded with bagged landscape rock from Hedberg Aggregates in Marion NY and a NYC Early Bird boxcar loaded with bagged cement from Boom's Ready Mix in West Mill NY.

Catch PC Ralph bringing the MIJ west.

PC Ralph brings the MIJ across the Empire City viaduct to access the west side industries.

Two SRR bulkhead flats of lumber from Half Moon Lumber in South West Mill get spotted at City Pallet.

A pair of empty EBRR 40' boxcars get spotted at Walsh Steel Wool Products for their next PCCM loads.

The switch work done PC Ralph heads back to North Side Yard over the High Line.

We'll cut it here for today with the MIJ rolling back into North Side Yard.

We'll pick it up tomorrow back at Bedford Park Yard and deliver the last of the PCCM auto parts cars to the Ford Plant. We'll then close it out with train LI-2 bringing a solid block of freight cars from Selkirk for the LIRR onto the layout to be interchanged with the LIRR in Empire City.

Be sure to catch the action on PC Ralph's Kings Port Division and Sir Neal's Atlantic Pacific RR.

Thanks for reading and watching!!!
See ya tomorrow!!!


  1. To: Terminal Yard
    To: West Mill

    From: Rock Ridge Yard

    Acknowledgement – Train BP-12 to Bedford Park
    Acknowledgement – Train BP-41 to Terminal Yard
    Acknowledgement – Robert R working cars from Terminal Yard and the Ford Plant
    Acknowledgement – EBRR Morning Industrial Job within Empire City

    Rock Ridge Yard Out!

    Robert R did an outstanding job getting those cars delivered to the Ford Plant! That switcher handled the moves with style and grace! The EBRR MIJ with PC Ralph and his U boats made that train look like he was running lite! Crossing the Empire City Viaduct was an impressive photo showing Empire City! Great work!

  2. To: Terminal Yard, North Side Yard, Bedford Park Yard, Rock Ridge
    From: West Mill

    Acknowledge dispatch of BP-12, BP-41, and the Morning Industrial Job

    West Mill out.

    Hot car ops for the auto industry keep things moving and interesting on the N.Y.C.T.L.! Priority car forwarding requires the quick turn around of BP-12/BP-41 and competent switching at Ford. The EBRR's U23C's are always a railfan favorite on the MIJ. The train had a lot of work to do this time around and did it well! Terrific roll-by video of the MIJ rolling through Empire City. The number of cars going to Ralph's Grocery Warehouse necessitates the constructive placement of P&E #3638. Hopefully North Side Yard has good security to keep thieves from stealing the turnip twaddlers inside! :)
