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Sunday, April 4, 2021

Penn Central Car Movements #82 / N.Y.C.T.L. Part 4 / Dispatch of Outbound Trains

 Greetings All,

Welcome back to Penn Central Car Movements #82!!!

The outbound portion of our three layout virtual op with my N.Y.C.T.L. interchanging freight cars with PC Ralph's Kings Port Division and Sir Neal's Atlantic Pacific RR concludes today with the dispatch of our outbound trains. 

We open up at Terminal Yard with Big Mike working the yard job. Kar Knocker has cleared the consist from yesterday's EB-4 and the yard job begins its work.

Four gondolas of pipe, a Cargill covered hopper and empty coil coaches get shoved into track #3. They will be part of today's Advance SK-7 which will handle KP&W traffic to Williams Yard and Binghamton NY.

AP and PC covered hoppers are shoved into track #4 for later movement to the Pier 16 Silos for their next PCCM loads. NYC and PRR auto parts cars and the PC hi cube are heading to industries in Mayfield NY and will be part of today's Train SK-7 that will handle traffic for the Penn Central West Mill Yard.

AP RBLs going to the APRR's Rock Ridge Yard are shoved into track #1 and will be part of today's Train SK-5 that will handle the Rock Ridge Yard traffic.

An ACF covered hopper joins four PC PS2 covered hoppers for the trip to Rock Ridge Yard in Train SK-5. The hoppers of ballast and bulkhead flats of saw logs will be going to West Mill in Train SK-7

Big Mike is now hard at work sorting the freight cars that came in on BT-27. He'll gain some yard room soon as the non PCCM outbound train on Track #2 will be leaving very shortly.

Big Mike has shoved part of the Advance SK-7 into the TOFC track to pull out four TOFC gondolas going to the KP&W Williams Yard. The gondolas of pipe are also going to Williams Yard and need to be blocked in front of the TOFC flats so this move saves additional moves later on.

Train SK-7 is moved to the now vacant track #2. The six boxcars on the head end are going to West Mill NY industries.

With Train Advance SK-7 sitting in the foreground Big Mike makes a long pull of cars from Terminal Warehouse and Cold Storage. All cars are loaded for industries in Rock Ridge NJ and will be placed in Train SK-5. 

After placing the reefers and boxcar in the SK-5 consist in track #1 Big Mike has grabbed the empty AP and PC covered hoppers and they are getting shoved towards Pier 16.

Three empty AP and three empty PC covered hoppers are spotted at the Pier 16 Grain Silos for their next PCCM loads.

A short time later the Pier 16 switcher brings a cut of empty gondolas back from the pier towards Terminal Yard. In the background the material handlers at Bruce Electric have finished loading two NYC boxcars going to IBM and are moving fast to load that PC Hi cube going to IDEAL Auto Parts. 

The Pier 16 switcher shoves four empty APRR gondolas into track #1 for return to Rock Ridge Yard.

Three empty EBRR gondolas will return to North Side Yard for their next PCCM loads.

Over at the engine terminal the 9999 pulls out GM&O boxcar #21129 loaded with empty 55 gal drums for the Gulf River Facility in West Mill NY and PC flatcar #766053 loaded with an EMD prime mover for the Kings Port Engine Shop.

The PC depressed flat is dropped near the end of Advance SK-7 and the 9999 will take the GM&O boxcar to Terminal Yard. In the background the Pier 16 crew is pulling the loaded boxcars from the BEE siding.

The Pier 16 crew has added the PC flat with prime mover and two loaded NYC boxcars for IBM in Binghamton NY to the hind end of  Advance SK-7. The PC hi cube will be shoved to Terminal Yard.

Big Mike makes his final moves. The PC hi cube going to IDEAL auto parts will be on the head end of Train SK-5 that is handling the Rock Ridge Yard traffic. The GM&O boxcar will be blocked into Train SK-7 with the West Mill Yard traffic. Both trains are in the background.

It's that time! Engine hostler Wet Willie heads to the ready track for  today's motive power

A U28C-GP40 consist pulls Train SK-5 out of the yard.

SK-5 heads thru Bedford NY

Next stop Selkirk.

Back at Terminal Yard PC FP7 #4369 makes it's virtual ops debut working with FP7 #4348 to power Train Advance SK-7. In the background is Train SK-7 that will follow the ADV SK-7. The TPFX boxcar on the rear of SK7 will be pulled off at Selkirk.

Advance SK-7 heads thru Bedford

Next stop Selkirk!!!

A short time later at Terminal Yard two ex PRR F7s and a PC GP30  pull Train SK-7 out of the yard.

SK-7 rolls thru Bedford 

Next stop Selkirk!!!

That wraps up the NYCTL's PCCM 82 outbound portions. For those scoring at home the NYCTL handled seventy five PCCM cars in the outbound portion of this series. Sixty one of those cars headed off layout in the aforementioned trains.  

Be sure to catch the action on PC Ralph's Kings Port Division and Sir Neal's Atlantic Pacific RR.

Thanks for reading and watching!!!
See ya next weekend for the Inbound Portion!!!


  1. To: Terminal Yard, Rock Ridge
    From: West Mill

    Acknowledge dispatch of SK-5, Advance SK-7, and SK-7.

    West Mill out.

    Great job moving all 75 cars, a virtual ops record! Everyone on the N.Y.C.T.L. deserves a nice cold Schaefer! Nice consist assignments on all three trains! The U28C/Orange C GP40 with its combination of traction and speed get the job done on SK-5. The FP7s on the head end of Advance SK-7 will be seen arriving at Kings Port next weekend as will the transition lashup of PRR F units and PC GP30. 75 cars, long trains,cool power consists...big time railroading on the N.Y.C.T.L.!

    1. 10-4 West Mill...

      Thanks for the compliments Ralph!!! It was a challenge and a lot of fun to get that amount of cars moving to their proper destinations! Glad you enjoyed the action. I'm looking forward to seeing the ADV SK-7 and SK-7 arriving on your layout.

  2. To: Terminal Yard
    To: West Mill
    To: Williams Yard

    From: Rock Ridge Yard

    Acknowledgement – Train Advance SK-7 to Williams Yard
    Acknowledgement – Train SK-7 to West Mill Yard
    Acknowledgement – Train SK-5 to Rock Ridge Yard

    Rock Ridge Yard Out!

    Move em’ out! 75 cars! That has to be a record of sorts for the N.Y.C.T.L. Kudos to Wet Willie, Alco Job, Kar Knocker and the rest of the crew for getting those cars blocked and ready to go. The A.P.R.R. is ready for the inbound freight!

    1. 10-4 Rock Ridge...

      Thanks Sir Neal!!! The only reason I counted them was it took three plus loose leaf pages to list the PCCM cars and document their current locations and next movements. 61 cars left the building leaving 14 for their next intralayout moves which will be accomplished in the inbound portion.
