Blog Roll

Monday, September 28, 2020

Original Boxcar Repaints Revisited

 Greetings All,

One of my original boxcar repaint projects was recently revisited after I noted they were not getting any layout time despite the repainting and upgrades. The reason: They were too clean!

Back in August 2013 I started a paint project on six AHM 40' boxcars and recorded the beginning of the project here.

Here is a photo of a project car and the first repaint PC #167872.

I followed this up with a second blog post on August 6th, 2013 that highlighted the completion of the repaint project. Here are the six repainted cars.
Seven years later the cars were still pristine! So I broke out my Doc O'Brien's weathering powders and got to work. 
Here are the cars showing they have run some revenue miles.
The powders are sealed with Microscale Dullcote.  
The original six showing their years of revenue service arrive in Empire City.
The cars now look more realistic and more like a seven years old boxcar should. 
The paint used for the original project was Jade Green for a company called American Slings. Decals were from Microscale Penn Central boxcar esoterica set #87-1098.
In addition to the paint and decals these AHM boxcars also received body mounted Kadee couplers, extra weight and metal wheelsets.

Thanks for reading!!!
See ya soon!!!


  1. Nice work on the box cars! It's never too late to go back and get them ready for revenue service. The railroad keeps getting more freight deliveries, so it's only natural to call back freight cars that are stored elsewhere until needed.

  2. Its a dirty job but someone's gotta do it! Those cars are too nice to sit in a box! A little dirt and road miles and they look terrific on the rails! Nice work!

    1. It certainly is Ralph!! Thanks for the compliments!

  3. All of those boxcars look really sharp. It's good to see them in
    service. Super job!
