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Saturday, June 6, 2020

Penn Central Car Movements #74 / NYCTL / Pre-op #1

Greetings All,

In the three layout Penn Central Car Movements #73 with PC Ralph's Kings Port Division and Sir Neal's Atlantic Pacific RR a large number of freight cars came onto my NYCTL layout. 

With P.C.C.M. 74 scheduled to begin on June 19th some intra-layout freight car movements were necessary to keep the virtual ops rail traffic moving from layout to layout and make P.C.C.M. 74 weekend manageable.

First move is to get a large number of freight cars back from the Long Island RR. 1/87th scale Jimmy Alco brings the Long Island RR transfer run from Bliss Yard to North Side Yard thru Bedford.

The L.I.R.R. train comes thru the west side reverse curve due to yard congestion.
The L.I.R.R. conductor protects the shove from the caboose. 
Making their P.C.C.M. debut are this pair of TYCO Southern RR pulpwood cars carrying saw logs for Half Moon Wholesale Lumber, a new industry opening up on PC Ralph's layout.
The caboose is dropped on the main as the shove move continues towards the east side on the industrial running track.
1/87th scale Jimmy Alco ties down the inbound L.I.R.R. train as 1/87th scale senior engineer Sir Neal in the Empire Belt U-Boats gets the outbound train together.
Waybills get exchanged between the L.I.R.R. and E.B.R.R. crews.
With the engines coupled on and building air pressure 1/87th scale Jimmy Alco grabs a Meatball Parm hero for the ride back.
The L.I.R.R. heads out of town coming around the west side.
1/87th scale Jimmy Alco brings his sandwich and the outbound freight cars from North Side Yard back towards Bliss Yard.
A short time later 1/87th scale senior engineer Sir Neal couples his U23Cs onto the inbound L.I.R.R. consist to sort cars going to Empire City industries and those going to the Penn Central's Terminal Yard in Train EB-2.
A couple of hours later Train EB-2 departs for Terminal Yard with the L.I.R.R. interchange traffic and Empire City freight traffic.

Empire Belt Train EB-2 rolls past Bedford Station with a very healthy consist.

Train EB-2 arrives at Terminal Yard.
We'll cut it here for today as 1/87th scale Sir Neal brings his diesel fuel sipping U23Cs past the engine terminal as he heads to the yard office and to reclaim his caboose.
We'll pick it up next time back at North Side Yard with 1/87th scale PC Ralph ready to make a good number of set outs and pickups to keep the virtual ops freight traffic flowing.

Here's a short compilation of the L.I.R.R. and E.B.R.R. trains with Benny Goodman's King  Porter Stomp as the soundtrack.

Thanks for reading and watching!!!
See ya soon!!!


  1. Nice work Sir John! The A.P.R.R. will be ready for those inbound freight cars!

  2. To: North Side Yard/ Terminal Yard
    From: West Mill

    Acknowledge the Bliss/North Side LIRR transfer and dispatch of EB-2 from North Side Yd. to Terminal Yd.

    West Mill out.

    There are a lot of car moves that need to be made in anticipation of the next P.C.C.M. series! Nice to get a behind the scenes look at how they are being handled on the N.Y.C.T.L.!

    1. 10-4 West Mill...

      Thanks for the compliments Ralph!!

  3. Excellent photos. Great work John. How did you know a Meatball Parm is my favorite Hero in New York? It really is. Looks like Im going to be busy Railroading. Thanks for the Shout out. Jimmy P

    1. Thank you Jimmy!!!! I think every true New Yorker loves a meatball parm hero! While 1/87th scale Jimmy Alco holds this job be sure of two things. He'll work hard and eat well!
