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Saturday, May 16, 2020

Managing Layout Operations Part 4

Greetings All,

Welcome to Managing Layout Operations Part 4

Today we'll focus on the Long Island Railroad interchange at the Empire Belt RR's North Side Yard and the Penn Central Coal Job out of Terminal Yard.

Long Island Railroad Interchange 

1:40 PM: On duty at North Side Yard in Empire City. The E.B.R.R. engines organize the yard for the impending arrival of the Long Island Railroad. The freight cars to be interchanged with the L.I.R.R. are placed on track #3. 
 2:13 PM: The LIRR transfer run is at Bedford Tower. 
 2:15 PM: The L.I.R.R. passes the Hohman Ave Tower and enters North Side Yard.
 The L.I.R.R crew brings their train down track #3.
2:19 PM: The L.I.R.R. engine is coupled up to the outbound cars for their railroad and shoving them out of the east side entrance. 
2:21 PM: The L.I.R.R. train holds at the Hohman signal bridge.
2:24 PM: The L.I.R.R. caboose is tacked on by the E.B.R.R. crew.
 2:25 PM: The L.I.R.R. train comes around the west side as it leaves North Side Yard.
2:27 PM: The L.I.R.R. passes Bedford Tower.
2:29 PM: The L.I.R.R. heads "Off Layout". 
The "Off Layout" LI cars are placed in their LI slot.
The L.I.R.R. inbound cars  remain on track 3 at North Side Yard ready for the next op session. This concludes the L.I.R.R. Interchange operations. Total Time: 49 minutes.

Penn Central Train CJ-1 / The Coal Job

2:43 PM: On duty at Terminal Yard assigned to Train CJ-1, the Coal Job. This train will bring empty Coal hoppers to Hudson coal.
 2:45 PM: Train CJ-1 clears the Hudson Coal switch.
 2:47 PM: Train CJ-1 starts pulling the loaded hoppers.
 The last of the loaded hoppers are pulled out.
2:50 PM: Train CJ-1 is on the Bedford Secondary awaiting clearance from Bedford Tower to access the mainline to shove the empty hoppers back to Hudson Coal.
2:53 PM: The empties get shoved into Hudson Coal.
 2:56 PM: The last of the empties are spotted.
The car card for the train is left in the Hudson Coal waybill box. 
2:56 PM: CJ-1 is back together on the Bedford Secondary.
2:59 PM: CJ-1 arrives back in Terminal Yard and heads down track 9, a weigh in motion scale track.
3:01 PM: Car cards and waybills left in slot for track 9.
3:03 PM: CJ-1 engines arrive in engine terminal for sand and fuel.
 3:10 PM: Loaded coal hoppers are placed on track 6 for further movements to their respective consignees. This concludes today's CJ-1 operations. Total time: 27 minutes. Total time both ops: 1:16.

This wraps up four ops sessions that took the better part of the week. We started with a small inbound train of thirteen cars. Moving those cars around the layout to their respective consignees or interchange took several local trains. The three op sessions sessions were all in the two hour range. All four ops took over seven hours. 

Layout Status

Terminal Yard: Ready for next inbound train. One train to Selkirk with actual ops cars to be cycled off layout ready to go. One train of virtual ops cars on track 2. Can be stored until next virtual op or sent back to Empire Belt RR from where they came and spotted back at their respective industry locations. Two ops for the price of one!

North Side Yard: Ready to go with inbound L.I.R.R. cars needing to be worked and a transfer run to Terminal Yard.

Bedford Park Yard: Ready to go for next op.

Thanks for reading!!!!
See Ya Soon!!


  1. Looks like you're getting the hang of using the car cards in your op sessions. As time goes on, I'm sure that you'll be able to get more moves in with more cars. The Interchange Job at 49 minutes seemed like it was less time than you stated, yet I'm sure it was just as enjoyable.
    Looks like your ready for the next op session!

    1. Thanks Sir Neal!!! An astute observation. There was a 33 minute window between the first and second photo. during that time I was rummaging around finding suitable freight cars for the LIRR train.

  2. The inclusion of appearances by the LIRR and the Coal Jobs are favorite features for me on the N.Y.C.T.L. Its neat that you've used the car cards to keep those trains organized! Seven hours of very cool ops fun in a week of posts!
