Blog Roll

Monday, February 24, 2020

P.C.C.M. 70C Part 2

Greetings All,

Welcome back to P.C.C.M. 70!!

Today this three layout virtual op featuring 
1:1 Sir Neal's Atlantic Pacific RR and 
1:1 PC Ralph's Kings Port Division 
enters its second day of virtual operation.  

We open up today's NYCTL action at Bedford Park Yard with 1/87th scale Robert R fresh out of engineer's school protecting the Bedford Park yard job. Congratulations Robert R.!!!
The tight confines of this area have humbled many an engineer. Lets see how the new guy handles things on his first day on the job. He's looking good here pulling the three inbound cars left on the lead yesterday into Bedford Park.
The Alco S-4 has been disconnected from the inbound cars and is pulling an empty NYC boxcar from All City Storage. The three empty NYC cars need to head out for their next PCCM load.
1/87th scale Robert R gets the tiny yard in order blocking the three empty NYC cars together. I'm thinking he'll grab the caboose next. 
The caboose is on the hind end of the NYC cars to the left. The S-4 has run around the inbound cars and is spotting APRR 50' RBL #58260 at All City Storage. The car is loaded with forwarder merchandise from Three Amigos Warehouse in Rock Ridge NJ
After another runaround move 1/87th scale Robert R heads over to work the Ford Plant.
The empties are pulled.
And coupled up to the empty NYC 50' boxcars. Hmm. The 86' boxcars can be troublesome on that tight curve. Nice work!
EBRR 86' boxcar #67358 and EBRR 60' boxcar #608279 loaded with auto parts from IDEAL Auto Parts in Rock Ridge NJ are spotted at the Ford Plant.
1/87th scale Robert R has brought his train out onto the Bedford Park Yard lead. Towerman John B congratulates him on joining the engineer ranks and hands him his first set or train orders.

Catch new 1/87th scale engineer Robert R's first run here;  

The run completed Robert R brings his Alco S-4 to the fuel pad and gets to say his first "fill'er up Willie" to engine hostler Wet Willie.
We'll cut here for today and pick up the action tomorrow in Empire City as the Empire Belt RR trainmen prepare to get to work
Be sure to follow the action on 
1:1 PC Ralph's Kings Port Division.

If you're just checking in you can catch the opening P.C.C.M. 70A on 1:1 Sir Neal's Atlantic Pacific RR blog

Thanks for reading and watching!!!
See ya tomorrow!!!


  1. To: Terminal Yard/ Rock Ridge Yard
    From: West Mill

    Acknowledge dispatch of Extra 8598. West Mill extends congrats to newbie engineer Robert R. on his first run!

    West Mill out.

    The Alco S-4 at Bedford Park is a popular favorite of mine and I'm sure many N.Y.C.T.L. railfans. Classic Alco smoke show going on as newly christened engineer Rober R. makes his debut successfully meeting the challenges of tight curves, oversized cars, and a stiff grade toward Terminal Yard. Nicely done all around! I'm especially pleased to see the beautiful blue EBRR double door car #608279 on N.Y.C.T.L. rails again. Such a nice looking car. That an the big 86 footers are a sight to see. A great day to watch trains around Bedford Park!

    1. 110-4 West Mill...

      Thanks for the compliments Ralph!!! The Alco S4 was filmed with only a 50-50 chance of making that grade. I was happy that it did!

  2. To: Terminal Yard
    To: West Mill

    From: Rock Ridge

    Acknowledgement - Bedford Yard Job with Robert R. on maiden run.

    Rock Ridge Yard Out!

    Congratulations to Robert R. and his first run! He made it thru on those tight curves with no issues. Talk about qualifying!

    As always, a photo of your engine terminal is a great sight to see! It's truly a nice area that you'be modeled.

    1. Thanks 1;1 Sir Neal!!!

      Robert R came thru with flying colors on his first day!

  3. Hello all! Thanks to John, Sir Neal, and PC Ralph for congratulating me. I really appreciate it guys! John, thank you for the promotion, and my first engineer job was with an Alco! Couldn't ask for more than that! As always I've been enjoying your series. Great work John!

    1. Hi Robert, Glad you enjoyed your "1/87th scale "promotion"! It was well deserved and you did a great job in Bedford Park Yard and on the transfer run. Be sure to check out the final installment! Thanks for reading and following along.
