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Saturday, December 14, 2019

P.C.C.M. 67C / Coal Operations / NYCTL Part 1

Greetings All,

Welcome to Penn Central Car Movements series #67!!

Dubbed as the "Call for Coal" by 1:1 Sir Neal this P.C.C.M. is a three layout virtual op focusing on coal traffic on and between 
Sir Neal's Atlantic Pacific RR
PC Ralph's Kings Port Division
and my NYCTL.

The action starts on Sir Neal's Atlantic Pacific RR with empty coal hoppers being pulled from R.M.O. Electric in Rock Ridge NJ. 
The empties were forwarded to West Mill via Weehawken in AP Train Extra 302.
At Weehawken after a change of crew and power PC Train Extra 1805 arrived at West Mill with the empty hoppers on PC Ralph's Kings Port Division.

With more empties added Extra 1805 departed for Selkirk where the empties were put into PC Train Extra 6303 heading for Terminal Yard and loading at Hudson Coal.

We pick up the action on the NYCTL with Extra 6303 going from Selkirk to Terminal Yard rolling thru Empire City with a long train of empty coal hoppers from the APRR, KPD and points west.
Extra 6303 leads the five unit Alco consist past Bedford Tower as 1/87th scale towerman John B gives a roll by inspection.

Extra 6303 rolls thru Bedford NY and arrives at Terminal Yard

Extra 6303's five engines wind their way thru Terminal Yard after cutting off from the empty hoppers. The practice of adding extra engines to ensure a hot mainline stays open is on full display today. 
With engine 6309 now leading, the Mingo Five* head into the engine terminal.
1/87th scale Kar Knocker has blue flagged the train for inspection after the yard job pulled off the Extra 6303 caboose.
While the inbound empties get inspected the Yard Job sets up a pair of focal orange cabooses on the two track temporary hopper yard. 
The empty hoppers from Extra 6303 have passed inspection and are being blocked into two trains for delivery to nearby Hudson Coal. The Pier 16 switchers are spotting a cut of loaded coal hoppers for the Empire Power Authority as coal hopper traffic here is constant.
A short time later a Coal Job train, CJ-1, pulls out the first empty hopper train of the day.  
 CJ-1 heads out of the Terminal Yard tunnel.
 CJ-1 passing Hudson Coal.
 CJ-1 starts pulling the loads from Hudson Coal.
Six loaded hoppers for Kings Port Steel in Kingsport NY are the last of the loaded hoppers pulled.
CJ-1s three GP7s are pulling hard thru Bedford with both empties and loads.
CJ-1 has left the loads on the Bedford secondary track and is now shoving the empties back towards Hudson Coal on the mainline.
Fifteen empties are spotted for loading.
 CJ-1 is back together and heading back to Terminal Yard. 
 CJ-1 climbs the grade towards Terminal Yard.
The CJ-1 engines have been cut off and idle on the engine terminal lead. After the loads have been weighed and the train inspected the Yard Job shoves the loaded hoppers back to the two track coal yard.
The Coal Job engines couple onto the next set of empty hoppers making up train CJ-2. To the left the E.P.A. switcher is shoving a block of six empty hoppers that will be exchanged for loads.
We'll cut it here for today with train CJ-2 starting its run.
We'll pick it back up early tomorrow with train CJ-2, the E.P.A. switcher and the dispatch of an outbound coal extra for Selkirk with loads for both the Kings Port Division and the Atlantic Pacific RR

*Mingo Five: Nickname given this engine consist by the Terminal Yard engine terminal personnel (me). The PC maintenance based these five Alcos along with other Alcos at Conway Yard for Mingo Junction ore service. Special thanks to 1:1 Sir Neal and John Bruce for their contributions in making the Mingo Five consist possible. Thanks guys!!

Thanks for reading & watching!!!
See ya bright & early tomorrow!!! 


  1. To: Terminal Yard
    To: West Mill

    From: Rock Ridge Yard

    Acknowledgement - Extra 6303 Arriving at Terminal Yard with empty coal cars.
    Acknowledgement - Train CJ-1 heading to Bedford with loads and empties and the return to Terminal Yard.

    Rock Ridge Yard Out!

    Coal is coming! The coal is coming! The Mingo Five consist looks great! Hudson Coal should be very profitable due to the end of the year demand. It's the Penn Central on parade! Gotta love it!

    1. 10-4 Rock Ridge...

      Thanks 1:1 Sir NealI! Tell the Rock Ridge inhabitants to turn up their thermostats the coal will be shipping shortly. Thanks again for three of the Mingo Five engines!

  2. To: Terminal Yard, Rock Ridge
    From: West Mill

    Acknowledge arrival of PC Extra 6303 at Terminal Yard and dispatch of coal train CJ-1 for Hudson Coal.

    West Mil out.

    The "Mingo Five" did themselves proud smoothly rolling the long string of hoppers into Empire City and Terminal Yard. I'm impressed by the multi unit lashup's perfect run! Cool wavy transition effects in the video! I enjoyed following the train through the video scenes. Your realistic weathering efforts inside the hoppers really stand out in the photos featuring large collections of hoppers together! Lots of coal to move between Hudson Coal an Terminal Yard prior to sending a loaded train back toward West Mill! The trio of GP7s that you recently completed are put to the test and look great hauling their train! This has been a great op already. Thanks for the review featuring pics from Neal's installment and mine to put it all in context!

    1. 10-4 West Mill

      Thank you very much PC Ralph! I agree this has been a great op so far! I'll get that coal train dispatched first thing in the morning so let the fine folks in Kings Port and the workers at KP Steel know the coal is on the way!

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