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Friday, November 15, 2019

P.C.C.M. 66 / NYCTL Part 3 / The Inbound Cycle Begins.

Greetings All,

Welcome back to P.C.C.M. 66!!!
Today begins our inbound portions as freight cars from 
Sir Neal's Atlantic Pacific RR and 
arrive at Terminal Yard

Train VN-4 from Selkirk heads thru Empire City towards Terminal Yard with freight cars from Rock Ridge and West Mill Yards.

VN-4 passing Bedford Tower

VN-4 arrives at Terminal Yard shortly after 7:00 PM.
The power has been cut off and heads into the engine terminal
The GE-EMD-Alco lash up is spotted at the fuel rack.
1/87th scale Alco Joe & conductor Murray are again called for the second trick Yard Job. 1/87th scale Kar Knocker has released the train and the yardmaster provides VN-4s car destinations. 
1/87th scale Alco Joe and Murray head over to the caboose track to pick up a pair of cabooses.
With the cabooses set the Yard Job starts its work on the VN-4. 
A four car block from West Mill for Empire City industries are shoved into track #5.
The yard job works a cut of cars out of Rock Ridge Yard.
B&M #105 from West Mill is cut in behind four empty PC PS-2 covered hoppers from the APRR engine terminal as the sun comes up over Terminal Yard.
Three 86' boxcars and one 50' boxcar from IDEAL Auto Parts in Rock Ridge NJ are shoved into track#6. 
Track #6 gets all the VN-4 cars for Bedford and Bedford Park. 
Three 50' boxcars from Rock Ridge Yard get shoved into track #5 for delivery to the Empire Belt's North Side Yard in Empire City. Note that starting today in order to increase efficiency and decrease dwell time the Penn Central has stopped blocking cars at Terminal Yard for the Empire City industries ending a years long unspoken agreement between the two railroads.  
With the two outbound trains built 1/87th scale Alco Joe and conductor Murray work a trio of TOFC cars from the Kings Port & Western's Williams Yard.
The yard job has shoved over to the Terminal Yard TOFC track and is pulling out several Flexi Van cars.
The TOFC cars from Williams Yard are spotted. The flexi van cars will be added to TV train 15A leaving later tonight.
We'll cut it here for today with our favorite 1/87th scale engine hostler Wet Willie setting up the power consists for our two local outbound trains.
We'll pick it up tomorrow at Bedford Park Yard as the crew starts getting the inbound cars delivered to their respective consignees.

Be sure to follow the inbound action on 
Sir Neal's Atlantic Pacific RR,  
PC Ralph's Kings Port Division and
Brian's Ralston Creek RR!

Thanks for reading & watching!!!
See ya tomorrow!!!


  1. To: Terminal Yard, Rock Ridge
    From: West Mill

    Acknowledge the arrival of VN-4 with cars from West Mill. Acknowledge the work of he Yard Job in setting up two outbound trains.

    West Mill out.

    A great evening and morning for locomotive fans as the mighty five engine consist rolls into Terminal Yard with VN-4 and what looks like four Alcos handle the Yard Job. More locomotive treats as we enjoy a scene from your impressive engine terminal with its line up of black locos! It DOES look like the sun is rising over Terminal Yard while the Yard Job works on B&M #105! Nice work all around in this opening "inbound" installment! It will be interesting to see how the PC's decision to stop blocking cars for the EBRR works out!

    1. 10-4 West Mill...

      Thank you for the compliments!!! The 'sunrise' occurred when I left my spotlight lamp on and pointed towards the buildings. It started as an oops!

  2. To: Terminal Yard
    To: West Mill

    From: Rock Ridge

    Acknowledgement - Arrival Train VN-4 from West Mill to Terminal Yard.
    Acknowledgement - Yard Job building two outbound trains.

    Rock Ridge Yard Out!

    That's a lot of motive power being used for trains today! Alco engines rule on the N.Y.C.T.L.! Sorry to hear about the agreement ending with the Penn Central. That will add more time (and money) to get freight cars routed in Empire City. I'm confident the EBRR will be able to handle whatever may come down the road.

    1. 10-4 Rock Ridge...

      Thanks Sir Neal! A lot of motive power? Fifteen engines used to service four trains. Sixteen engines watching. Maybe that is a lot of motive power!😉
