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Sunday, September 15, 2019

P.C.C.M. 64 / NYCTL Part 2

Greetings All,

Welcome back to the 64th Penn Central Car Movements series! 

We continue our four layout virtual op today with the NYCTL dispatching freight cars to
 Sir Neal's APRR
PC Ralph's  KPD 
and Brian's (ATJOE1972) RCR layouts.

We pick up the action with 1/87th scale PC Ralph slowly notching up the throttle on this three Alco consist smoothly pulling out the slack on EBRR Train EB-2 leaving North Side Yard for the Penn Central's Terminal Yard.
EB-2 crossing the Empire City viaduct. 
EB-2 rolls over the High Line towards Bedford Tower with 1/87th scale PC Ralph playing shave and a haircut on the horns for the many rail fans who have gathered at the Empire City rail fan pavilion to catch the Alco units in action. 
EB-2 passing Bedford Tower and Station meeting the BP-12 with hot cars for the Ford Plant as another crowd of Alco fans look on getting a shave and haircut serenade.
1/87th scale PC Ralph brings EB-2 into Terminal Yard as the PC guys gather to check out the trio of Alcos.
The rock star treatment temporarily comes to an end for the Alcos and 1/87th scale PC Ralph after the Alcos were cut from the train and headed into the Engine Terminal with nary a glance.
The big show over, the Yard Job gets to work on switching the cars from EB-2 with another Alco, an ex NYC RS-1. Three APRR 57' reefers going to C&P Restaurant Supply via the APRR Rock Ridge Yard are shoved into the APRR block of outbound PC Train NG-3. 
These four empty newly painted and clean 40' boxcars from the APRR and EBRR get pulled for local PC Train BT-27. They'll be loaded at Heilemann Brewery in Bedford NY in a future PCCM. Penn Central Tidbit#1*: Despite the fact that freight traffic was growing in the area served by the PC the railroad actually reduced the number of freight cars it owned by 35,000 prior to the collapse. 
Four KP&W Evans coil coaches for Kings Port Steel are shoved into the KPD Block of Train NG-3.
Empty 40' boxcar BAR #5226 is shoved into the local BT-27 block for a future PCCM load. Penn Central Tidbit #2*: Because of the chronic shortage of freight cars the PC borrowed more cars from other RRs than other railroad and had a per diem debit balance in excess of $160 million dollars in 1968 and $168 million in 1969. 
Now back to our regularly scheduled virtual op; Three NYC 50' double door boxcars loaded with toys from the Ideal Toy Co for Battaglia Brothers Whse in Kings Port NY are shoved into the KPD block of train NG-3. 
The PRR boxcar loaded with bulk hardware from American Hardware Supply for Barton Mfg in Denver CO via the RCR is coupled to the NG-3 caboose and will be pulled off the train at Selkirk for forwarding to Elkhart and beyond. 
The NYC Pacemaker boxcar loaded with burlap bags for Agway and NYC Early Bird boxcar loaded gears for Laroche Cycle get shoved into the KPD Block.  
The Yard Job puts the finishing touches on the KPD block by blocking the cars that will go on to Williams Yard towards the rear and those that will run out of West Mill to their consignees at the front trying to keep West Mill yardmaster Cappy Foster happy.
The Yard Job makes the final preparations for Train NG-3 setting the Rock Ridge Yard block as Block #1.
The power is called for NG-3. Penn Central Tidbit #3: Often power short for a variety of reasons the PC often had to lease, borrow or 'steal' locomotives to power it's trains. APRR GP38-2 is on a power by the hour short term lease to the PC.
The four EMDs have coupled on to block #1, completed their terminal air test and are pulling block #1 out of Track 6.
Block#1 ending at AP 86027 is shoved back to couple up to block #2, the West Mill block, that starts with KP&W 50335 .
NG-3 is underway and heading thru Bedford NY.
NG-3 rolls thru Bedford NY

NG-3 gets the highball from 1/87th scale John B as it passes Bedford Tower.
NG-3 rolls across the High Line. Next stop Selkirk!
That wraps up the NYCTL's outbound portion of PCCM 64. We'll crank up the PCCM 64 Inbound portions starting next weekend.

Be sure to follow the action on 
Sir Neal's APRR
PC Ralph's KPD
and Brian's RCR layouts!!

Penn Central Tidbits 1 and 2 from the Joseph R. Daughen & Peter Binzen book ''Wreck of the Penn Central'' page 214.

Thanks for reading!!
See ya soon!!!


  1. To: Terminal Yard, Rock Ridge, Elkart
    From: West Mill
    Acknowledge arrival of EB-2 at Terminal Yard and dispatch of NG-3 with cars for the KPD.
    West Mill out.

    I enjoyed the Alco show as did all the railfans along the line on the N.Y.C.T.L.! The new A.P.R.R. and E.B.R.R. cars are looking mighty fine! Looking forward to seeing them in service at Heilemann Brewery! The early scheme leased A.P.R.R. unit adds a nice bit of color to its PC lashup on NG-3. The tidbit about the Penn Central begging, borrowing, or stealing locomotive power is nice background info for this consist. Cappy Foster appreciates the efforts taken by Terminal Yard to block the train for West Mill's convenience!

    1. 10-4 West Mill...

      Thanks for the compliments Ralph!!

      The guys at Terminal Yard always try to repay Cappy Foster who does same considerate blocking for them.

  2. To: Terminal Yard
    To: West Mill
    To: Elkhart

    Acknowledgement - Train NG-3 with 6 freight cars for consignees on the A.P.R.R.

    Rock Ridge Yard Out!

    Talk about a show of force! Railfans had to be rejoicing seeing the Alco units move those cars. It's amazing how poorly run the PC was back in the day. Nice touch adding all of the tidbits about the PC. Early A.P.R.R. engine paint scheme looks great, we commend the N.Y.C.T.L. and the engine terminal crew for keeping the engine in pristine condition!

    1. 10-4 Rock Ridge...

      Thanks for the compliments 1:1 Sir Neal!!!

      Make sure the 1/87th scale check for the leased engine doesn't bounce!
