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Friday, August 9, 2019

P.C.C.M. 63 / NYCTL Part 4 / Train BP-41 Gets Called

Greetings All,

Welcome back to the 63rd Penn Central Car Movement series!! 
This is the NYCTL's part 4 of 6

Today the NYCTL will start delivering the freight cars from PC Ralph's Kings Port Division and Sir Neal's Atlantic Pacific Railroad that came into Terminal Yard yesterday with Train LI-2.

We pick up the action at the Terminal Yard Engine Facility with 1/87th scale Big Mike and Robert R called for Train BP-41 and Big Mike grumbling about the assigned engines. BP-41 serves the Bedford Park Ford Plant and NYCTL management goes out of their way to assign non EMD engines to this train.
PC U Boats, 2875 and 2822 have coupled onto the BP-41. 1:1 Big Mike fans know how he feels about these GE products.
BP-41 leaves Terminal Yard with a shiny PC transfer caboose.
1/87th scale Big Mike has the throttle wide open as he waits to rumble thru Bedford. 
1/87th scale John B is on duty at Bedford Tower and has lined the switches for BP-41 to head into Empire City.
BP-41 comes thru the Empire City reverse curve with the flanges on the 86' boxcars squealing in protest. 
BP-41 comes back into Bedford and will cross over to Main 3 to access the Bedford Park lead and Ford Plant.
1/87th scale Big Mike shoves BP-41 back onto the Bedford Park lead with the transfer caboose still attached. Hmm. The BP-41 caboose is usually left on the main. A mistake by new conductor 1/87th scale Robert R? Let's see.
1/87th scale John B has come down from the tower to see what's going on with this move. Conductor Robert  R explains that by employing the Bedford Park Yard switcher BP-1 can work Bedford Park without clogging the mainline like we used to. We never did it like that before, but it sounds good to me replies John B. 
The Bedford Park Yard crew happy to be running their engine pulls this pair of empty APRR 40' boxcars from American Hardware Supply for their next PCCM assignment.
The BPY Switcher shoves into the Ford steel track to pick up a pair of empty Evans coil cars that will go back to Kings Port Steel in a future PCCM.
The BPY switcher pulls into BP Yard to get out of the way of BP-41 working the Ford Plant on the other side of Bedford Park.
BP-41 pulls three empty 60' boxcars from the Ford Plant. The trio will head back to ACME Auto Parts on the KPD in a future PCCM.
A PRR 86' boxcar from ACME Auto Parts and two APRR 86' boxcars from Ideal Auto Parts are shoved into the Ford Plant.
BP-41 pulls out of the Ford Plant with three empty 60' boxcars and two loaded auto racks.
The BPY crew shoves the other empties and caboose onto the rear of BP-41 and gives conductor Robert R a hearty thanks for getting them into the PCCM 63 action.
1/87th scale Big Mike once again has the throttles wide open and waits for the GEs to load and pick up speed as BP-41 heads back to Terminal Yard.
BP-41 includes seven virtual ops cars that will be going to their next destinations in a future PCCM. 1/87th scale conductor Robert R is inside his shiny PC caboose filling out his paperwork happy his idea for a new more efficient move for BP-41 was accepted by the old heads.*  
BP-41 arrives at Terminal Yard.
1/87th scale Big Mike has parked the engines in the engine terminal hoping never to run them again. Can't guarantee that as these two BB U Boats actually run very well and I like the looks of them.
We'll cut it here today with more engine terminal shenanigans from 1/87th scale Wet Willie. Alco Joe has been called for EC-1 and there isn't an Alco in sight. We'll see how this works out tomorrow.
Be sure to follow the action on 
PC Ralph's Kings Port Division and
Sir Neal's Atlantic Pacific Railroad

*The switching and caboose move for BP-41 actually came to me 
when posting PCCM 62. Better late than never considering Ralph and I started the first PCCM on 02/03/2016!*   

Thanks for reading!!
See ya tomorrow!!


  1. To: Terminal Yard, Rock Ridge
    From: West Mill
    Acknowledge dispatch and work of BP-41
    West Mill Out

    Congratulations on the successful run of the new innovative approach to switching Bedford Park! Seems like it was an efficient way to get the work done and the "Old Heads" approve. As an added bonus we get to see the Bedford Park Yard's switcher play a more active role. Big Mike will just need to reconcile the idea that GE power selections might be assigned to his trains. Always impressive to see the variety of motive power gathered at the engine yard.

    1. 10-4 West Mill...

      Thanks for the compliments Ralph!
      The new switching move introduced by the new guy looks a winner for all concerned! Big Mike's finicky about his engines but he's doing a good job breaking in the new man.

  2. To: Terminal Yard
    To: West Mill

    From: Rock Ridge Yard

    Acknowledgement - Dispatch Train BP-41 and delivering freight to Empire City.

    Rock Ridge Yard Out!

    Some heavy motive power being used on today's run. Looks like Big Mike and Alco Joe really love their locos! I must say you may need a load restriction on that reverse curve with that 86' Box Car. I cringed looking at the photo! Still in awe of your engine terminal!!

    1. 10-4 Rock Ridge...

      Thanks for the compliments Sir Neal!!!

      Much to my surprise those 86' boxcars roll quite easily thru that reverse curve. The engine terminal has morphed into a cool spot on the layout. Thanks for the compliment.

  3. Really like the head end power on BP-41. I like the looks of BB GE power on it. Looks like your new conductor has a sharp eye for traffic management. The Bedford Needle needs all of the help it can get. It will be interesting to see what fun and games Alco Joe and Wet Willie get into for the next segment!!!

    1. Thanks Brian!!! I really like the BB U Boats as well and Big Mike's just gonna have to tough it out if he gets called for BP-41 or any other train with GE units assigned. Wet Willie's gonna earn some points with Alco Joe in part 5!
