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Saturday, July 13, 2019

P.C.C.M. 62 / NYCTL Part 1

Greetings All,

Welcome to the Penn Central Car Movement #62 Series!!

The NYCTL is shaking off the rust and it's time to get back into the virtual ops groove. P.C.C.M. 62 will be a three layout virtual op as the NYCTL exchanges freight cars with 1:1 Sir Neal's APRR and PC Ralph's KPD. Let's get right to it;

A pair of Penn Central GP7s have been called to power today's Bedford Turn, Train BT-27, which is ready to depart from Terminal Yard.
 BT-27 heads into Bedford NY.
 Bringing up the rear on BT-27 is new PC transfer caboose #18227.
BT-27 shoves this trio of empty AP covered hoppers and a PRR boxcar from Hostess towards Berk Enterprises.
PC 160502 is picked up from Berk Enterprises loaded with printed packaging for Freihofer's Bakery in Rock Ridge NJ. 
Empty B&M RBL #105 is spotted at Berk Enterprises for it's next PCCM load.
Next stop is Heilemann Brewery to pick up a trio of loaded 40' boxcars including HRC #954367 loaded with beer for Reynolds Beverage Distributors in Kings Port NY.
The switch work complete the GP7s make a runaround move.
BT-27 heads back to Terminal Yard.
Ex PRR H16-44s and an S12 are today's yard power and the Yard Job gets to work on the newly arrived BT-27.
Outbound cars for PCCM 62 are getting blocked on yard track #7. PC 360158 is a "Hot" car in every sense of the word. The car is consigned to the Battaglia Bros Warehouse in Kings Port NY but missed the train out in PCCM 61. There has been a lot of strange calls and visits looking to expedite this car.
A shady looking character has taken up station at the stop sign keeping watch on the PC 360158 while pretending to read the paper. Most likely another Battaglia Brothers operative.
Over at the Terminal Yard office a group representing the Battaglia Brothers have arrived in several Cadillacs and are making it clear that PC 360158 must go out in PCCM 62. Or else....
Back to more routine operations PC 360508 loaded with bulk paper for Marcal in Rock Ridge NJ makes it's virtual ops debut as the yard job pulls it out of the Terminal Warehouse & Cold Storage Building 3 siding.
 Uh-oh... 1/87th scale Alco Joe has been called for the Bedford Park Turn, Train BP-41, and there are no Alcos assigned! As usual 1/87th scale Kar Knocker brokers the peace between hostler Wet Willie and Alco Joe assuring the latter that the ex NH FMs are kind of like midwestern Alcos. They pull well and smoke a lot!
BP-41 heads towards Bedford Tower and gets the green signal from 1/87th scale John B to head into Empire City. 
BP-41 comes thru the west side reverse curve and passes the Hohman Ave Tower.
The 86' behemoths with flanges squealing come thru the west side of Empire City.
Back at Bedford Tower the caboose has been dropped and Alco Joe shoves BP-41 back thru the Bedford Park lead.
Three empty EBRR auto parts cars in two liveries and three sizes along with PC 272747 are pulled from the Bedford Park Ford Plant. The EBRR cars will head back to IDEAL Auto Parts in Rock Ridge NJ and the PC 272747 will go back to Gates Rubber in Denver, CO for reloading.
An empty PRR 86' boxcar is pulled from Ford track #2. This car will be heading to ACME Auto Parts in Mayfield NY.
BP-41 has exchanged the loads for the empties and pulls out of Bedford Park.
 BP-41 reclaims it's caboose.
1/87th scale Alco Joe brings BP-41 back thru Bedford NY towards Terminal Yard. Alco Joe has enjoyed the trip in the F-M units and there will be no static at all between him and hostler Wet Willie.
We'll cut the action here for today at the newly relocated and mocked up Pier 16 Grain Silos. We'll pick it up tomorrow with car movements to and from the Pier 16 Grain Silos and then check in with the Empire Belt RR working the Empire City industries.

Be sure to follow the action on 
Sir Neal's APRR and PC Ralph's KPD.

Thanks for reading!!
See ya Tomorrow!!


  1. To: Terminal Yard
    To: West Mill

    From: Rock Ridge

    Acknowledgement - Freight from Terminal Yard and Empire City to Rock Ridge and the A.P.R.R.

    Rock Ridge Yard Out!

    Nice start to PCCM 62! I like the NH FM engines. I'm a big fan of the McGinnis paint scheme. Interesting to see how the Pier 16 silos come out and the story to go with it.

    1. 10-4 Rock Ridge...

      Thanks for the compliments Sir Neal!!!

  2. To: Terminal Yard, Rock Ridge
    From: West Mill

    Acknowledge dispatch of BT-27 and BP-41.

    West Mill out

    Nice power selection for BT-27 with the pair of GP7s. Love the transfer caboose at the tail end! NH FM power on BP-41 looks magnificent and should be smoky enough to satisfy Alco Joe...certainly a railfan treat! The N.Y.C.T.L. is almost rid of troublesome car PC 360158 that sees to be attracting a lot of disturbing attention. We'll see what happens once it arrives on the KPD! I really liked the exchange of cars action at Ford! Great start to the series!!

    1. 10-4 West Mill...

      Thanks for the compliments Ralph!! The NYCTL will be glad when the PC 360158 arrives at West Mill!

  3. Great looking action with P.C.C.M. 62!!! Alco Joe is a fan of the FM units as well. A mining company west of town had a full size FM Trainmaster until the late Nineties. 1:1 Alco Joe used to go out and watch it move around the yard. Glad to see Kar Knocker brokering peace with 1/87 Alco Joe and Wet Willie. Agree with Ralph, BP-41 is a fine looking train.

    1. Thanks for the compliments Brian!!! I'm envious that you got to see an FM Trainmaster in action. There's always a little drama at Terminal Yard with Wet Willie but his heart's in the right place. Kar Knocker is up for the 1/87th scale Henry Kissinger award for keeping him alive.
