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Monday, June 3, 2019

P.C.C.M. 61 / NYCTL Part 6

Greetings All,

Welcome back to the PCCM 61 series! We'll wrap up the NYCTL's portion today starting in Empire City at the Empire Belt RR's North Side Yard.

1/87th scale PC Ralph has readied Empire Belt Train EB-2 for departure to the Penn Central's Terminal Yard.
EB-2 is underway and coming around the west side.

EB-2 passing Bedford Station

1/87th scale PC Ralph brings EB-2 into Terminal Yard under the watchful eye of this well fed well dressed individual.
Once again this guy is taking a big interest in PC boxcar #360158 headed out to Battaglia Brothers warehouse in the next PCCM. 
EB-2s engines have been cut from the train and 1/87th scale PC Ralph brings them into the engine terminal.
The Yard Job pulls the caboose from EB-2.
The EBRR caboose is shoved into the caboose servicing track.
Empty Morton Salt covered hopper and loaded AP RBLs and PC boxcar are ready to go for their next off layout PCCM destinations. BM 105 will be making an intralayout move in the next PCCM.
The last local train of the day, the Coal Job is called.
The Coal Job pulls out of track #5
and shoves back into track #6 to pick up late arriving AP hopper #9416 and a focal orange caboose.
The Coal Job passes Hudson Coal.
First stop is T&R Gravel to drop off two empty PC PS-2 hoppers that will be loaded with sand for the APRR engine terminal.
Now at the familiar environs of Hudson Coal the Coal Job is exchanging empties for loads.
The empties are spotted and it's time to go.
The H16-44s couple up to the loaded coal hoppers.
The Coal Job arrives back at terminal yard rolling thru the weigh in motion scale on track#8
And that concludes the NYCTL's portion of PCCM 61.

Check out the Coal Jobs PCCM 61 run here

Be sure to checkout the PCCM action on 

Brian's Ralston Creek RR.

Thanks for reading and watching!!
See Ya Soon!!


  1. To: Terminal Yard
    To: Elkhart
    To: West Mill

    Acknowledgement - Train EB-2 into Terminal Yard and Coal Job at Hudson Coal.

    Rock Ridge Yard Out!

    It's a wrap! Way to end this great series! I wonder who the well fed onlooker could be. Someone eyeing the car for Battaglia Bros. by chance trying to figure out the contents?

    The APRR will need the sand as a few more engines have been acquired by the railroad. More on the acquisitions on a future post.

    1. 10-4 Rock Ridge...

      Thanks for the compliments 1:1 Sir Neal!!!

      The well fed onlooker seems to be an expediter for the Battaglia Bros. The PC boxcar pick up was missed on my outbound portion and the big guy has been sent to let me know the Battaglia Bros want that car delivered ASAP.

  2. To: Terminal Yard, Rock Ridge, Elkhart
    From: West Mill

    Acknowledge Arrival of Train EB-2 into Terminal Yard and Dispatch of the Coal Job.

    West Mill out.

    Great end to the series on the N.Y.C.T.L.! I hope that guy in the long coat is satisfied that PC boxcar #360158 is on the move! I enjoyed the final video especially!

    1. 10-4 West Mill...

      Thanks Ralph!!! The Terminal Yard crew will be very happy to see PC Boxcar 360158 and the Battaglia Bros emissary head off the layout in PCCM 62! Glad you liked the video!
