Blog Roll

Saturday, June 1, 2019

P.C.C.M. 61 / NYCTL Part 4

Greetings All,

The virtual ops continues with P.C.C.M. 61 Part 4 starting today. This weekend we'll focus on the inbound freight traffic to the NYCTL from;
Brian's Ralston Creek RR.

Train VN-4 from Selkirk heads thru Empire City with a long string of virtual ops freight cars from the above three layouts.

VN-4 rolls thru Bedford NY

The Alco cab units bring VN-4 into Terminal Yard. 
The engines are cut off and head into the engine terminal. 
The Alcos take their place at the fuel rack between sets of GEs and EMDs.
The Yard Job gets to work on VN-4s freight consist. 
With the outbound local freights set up the Yard Job shoves this Milwaukee Road boxcar loaded with modeling supplies from Caboose Hobbies in Denver CO towards Terminal Warehouse & Cold Storage.  
The MILW boxcar is spotted at Terminal Warehouse & Cold Storage. This car originated on Brian's RCR layout. 
The first local out of Terminal Yard is combined Bedford / Bedford Park Train BP-41. The trainmaster dug deep to get this train equipped with company preferred Alco power. 
BP-41 makes it way into Bedford and approaches its first stop, the large Hostess / Wonder Bread Plant. 
The BP-41 engines have pulled  the outbound cars from Hostess and are now showing in a trio of AP covered hoppers loaded with bleached wheat flour from the large Cargill Facility at Rock Ridge NJ on Sir Neal's APRR layout.  
Also being spotted at Hostess is a PRR 40' boxcar loaded with snacks from Rockmount Supply Co in Denver CO on Brian's RCR. 
The BP-41 crew has moved to Heilemann Brewery and pulled out four boxcars loaded with beer. They are now spotting this empty HRC boxcar that came out of West Mill on Ralph's KPD for it's next PCCM load.   
The Bedford work done BP-41 gets the highball from 1/87th scale John B at Bedford Tower as they head for Empire City. 
BP-41 heads thru the Empire City reverse curve at gets a wave from Hohman Ave tower operator 1/87th scale Larry D. 
BP-41 returns to Bedford and the train is correctly oriented for working the Bedford Park Ford Plant. 
Loaded hi cube boxcars from IDEAL Auto Parts and Gates Rubber Company are shoved towards the Ford Plant. 
After some switch work the inbound freight cars are now spotted. The EBRR and PRR cars are from ACME Auto Parts in Rock Ridge NJ. Hidden behind the PRR 86'er is the 40' PC boxcar from the Gates Rubber Co in Denver CO.

BP-41 heads back to Terminal Yard

We'll end it here today with 1/87th scale Alco Joe heading to the Alco consist on the head end of Train EC-1 ready to depart to Empire City and for the Empire Belt RR's North Side Yard. 
We'll pick it up tomorrow with EC-1, the EBRR and the LIRR all getting into the mix. Don't forget to follow the action on

Thanks for reading and watching!!!!
See ya tomorrow


  1. To: Terminal Yard
    To: West Mill
    To: Elkhart

    From: Rock Ridge Yard

    Acknowledgement - Train BP-41 delivering cars to industries in Empire City.

    Rock Ridge Yard Out!

    Great to see those 86' auto box cars for the Ford Plant as the demand for parts from Ideal has increased! Profits for all! Hostess plant should be going into high gear making those great loaves of bread and Hostess Twinkees!

    1. 10-4 Rock Ridge...

      Thanks 1:1 Sir Neal!!! IDEAL employees will need a third shift to keep up with the demand!! Hostess Twinkies and Wonder Bread are baking 24/7 now with the new loads of flour from AP Cargill.

  2. To: Terminal Yard, Rock Ridge, Elkhart
    From:West Mill

    Acknowledge the arrival of VN-4 and the dispatch of Train BP-41 with cars fro the Kings Port Division.

    West Mill out.

    VN-4 looking great with the Alco set at the point! Nice roll by of BP-41! The special blue E.B.R.R. cars are real eye catchers! Nice segment as this series' cars are starting to be set out on the N.Y.C.T.L.!
